This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


As We Move from W1 Toward W3, the Level of Mystery Increases

W1 is unknown (or perhaps unknowable in essence), yet we can form impressions and build a W2 model of W1. W1 can be described in W2 according to some assumptions and theories. W2 itself is also described in W2. How odd is this? The observer and the observed are both W2 entities. W2 is more indescribable than W1. W3 is the most mysterious, yet the most real. It is experienced and nothing can really describe it other than the experience itself.


Personal Religion Versus Mass Religion

A personal religion is an attitude toward the unknown universe. It determines your feelings, actions, and expectations about the future. It is a series of arbitrary L1 lenses that shape the meaning of life, death, and afterlife for you. Whereas, an organized religion is a technology to control masses' ways of thinking, feelings, and actions. It is a technology that has brought harmony or violence depending on the interpretations of the masters of this technology (clergies and mullas) throughout history.



X is an automatic process, in which W1 and W2 bodies give rise to your stream of realities. There are times that the window of attention (which is the part of W2 contributing most to hologram lens) is filled with scenarios of pain, meaninglessness, or ugliness. Meditation is a tool to empty the window of attention, in order to clean W2 body of such scenarios. In the metaphor of bubble, meditation acts as if it washes the inner surface of bubble and erases ugly future scenarios.
To temporarily get rid of their intolerable reality, some people use drugs, drink alcohol, or have sex. However, such alternatives cause damage to W1 body.


Man’s Deep Internal Conflicts

Having preference is the essence of existence. Having preference causes movement and change. Having preference is also the essence of life. A person’s preferences may root in W1 compositions or W2 compositions. There was a time that mankind would mainly follow his own instincts, and these instincts ruled his preferences. In Darwinian sense, those preferences that randomly led to survival passed through the genetic make-up of survivors to their offsprings. However, when thinking flourished by the invention of language, W2 realm created its own preferences. The instincts pushed into the subconscious level, and the W2 preference begin to contradict W1 preferences through elaborate W2 justifications. This is the point that man becomes a confused creature with serious internal crises. His instincts (W1 preferences) clashed with his W2 preferences.

The Greater the God, the Greater the Spiritual Experiences

The concept of God challenges the limits of your imagination. You can imagine the greatest, the most complex, the most contradicting, and the most impossible concepts. Since every W2 composition has its own associated W3 feelings, imagining a great concepts of God also creates great spiritual experiences. These experiences are what many religions consider as proofs of their legitimacy. However, such experiences are what X creates out of one's own W2 compositions. The concept of god is a W2 composition that is evaluated by the feeler and gives rise to relative spiritual experience. The more imaginative and creative you are, the greater your God is, and consequently, the greater your spiritual experience will be. It is sad that people no longer imagine a beautiful God. They miss the opportunity to feel transcendental and spiritual experiences.


L1, L2, and L3 Lenses: An Example

Imagine a group of spectators are looking at a team of women volleyball players. Volleyball players are from different races and different religions. These women are standing in a row according to their heights from shortest (on the left) to tallest (on the right). If one asked any of the spectators which woman is the tallest, all would say the one on the right is the tallest. Such an analysis takes place in L2 layer of a spectator. Since L2 registers the mathematics of W1 (which is rather known and universal), the answers of the spectators are the same.
Now imagine, one asks the spectators which volleyball player is the most beautiful. To find the answer to this question, every spectator should go through L3 lenses, and most often each spectator chooses a different woman. Many L3 lenses with different mathematics are in play. These lenses with their unique mathematics mix together, and a vague feeling of attraction is the outcome. In fact the computation on L3 is not as simple as L2 because many factors are involved.
Again, spectators may feel affiliation and affinity with those who have the same creed or religious beliefs. L1 lenses affect how any spectator judges volleyball players. For instance, a Jew spectator may find the Jew woman volleyball player more attractive for marriage. The same way, a catholic spectator may feel more affinity with a catholic volleyball player.
How a spectator feels about a subject is the outcome of many L1, L2, and L3 lenses. These lenses compete to win the outcome of the hologram lens and create preferences.

A Limiting Self-Image

Your self-image should evolve. Become unpredictable, even for yourself. Do not let your past define your future. Your past, even the most successful one, is a heavy ball and chain that does not let you fly, does not let you enjoy the W3 rollercoaster. A rigid and unchanging self-image is the most limiting obstacle toward your future beautiful qualitative experiences and W3 rollercoaster ride.

Will to Power or Will to Preference?

The only war exists between conscious beings’ algorithm of feelers. The unique W1 and W2 bodies of each person gives rise to different preferences. Every person’s algorithm of feeler defines certain mathematics for beauty (as well as certain mathematics defining relationship between entities in three realms). Every one wants to impose his own mathematics of beauty on his own W1 body, his own W2 (castle of thoughts), W1 external (nature), W1 body of others, and W2 (castle of thoughts) of others. If someone is indifferent, still his algorithm of feeler has given rise to such preferences.


We Swim in an Ocean of Our Interpretations

To fully understand something we need to understand everything about it (including everything related to that thing and all of its past and future). However, the three realms are unknown and full of uncertainty. Entities in three realms might be described by science, but they are unknown in core. Moreover, induction and deduction are weak tools (upheld by principle of uniformity of nature). In a world that we cannot be sure of anything, only interpretations and beliefs that lead to our more preferential results are valuable. The goal of X is to explore and find L1, L2, and L3 lenses that create the long-lasting pleasurable experiences and beautiful meanings.


Emotions Are Alarms

Emotions are alarms that indicate changes in one’s castle of thought. Negative emotions reveal something is wrong in W2, and positive emotions imply expectations of future scenarios of pleasure and beautiful meanings. For instance, the image of someone who is relaxing in a beautiful beach in a luxury residence implies scenarios of pleasure and preferred meanings. However, the image of someone in an emergency room (or waiting anxiously behind the doors of a surgery room) suggests future pain or expectation of future suffering. Negative emotions (if they are not caused by W1 body pain) are always imply W2 future scenarios of suffering or ugly meanings. Such future scenarios are also the main culprit in depression, which is the prolonged (ever-present) negative emotions. Constant present physical pain or perceived threat of future pain can cause depression. In many cases, the constant threat is the world itself. For the depressed, the world, as well as the future, does not have enough pleasure and beautiful meanings to unfold. The depressed’s imagination fills the big gap of uncertainty with the future scenarios of pain and ugliness.
Sometimes depression roots in that desires grow much faster than the possibilities of fulfillment. The depressed feels exhausted, incapable, and hopeless to satisfy their endless desires.


Wise Madness

The three realms contradict each other, and madness is inevitable. If one thinks enough, he or she will discover the fundamental contradictions between the three realms. Most people ignor or suppress such contradictions because those contradictions can shatter their castles of thoughts and lead to meaninglessness. Many develop strong L1 or L3 lenses and distort L2 lenses in order to maintain a comfortable reality; however, the intelligent’ active conscious or unconscious mind will eventually unearth those contradictions. Many intelligent individuals fell into depression or choose escapism of addiction in order to numb themselves to evident contradictions of three realms.
Nezman discovers and faces the contradictions knowing that common sense cannot explain the incoherence between the laws and mathematics of three realms. When rationality fails, madness is necessary. Only a mad man can experience real happiness. However, such madness is the wisest kind of existence.
The more contradictions one can tolerate and the more creative one is in embracing contradictions, the more happy and successful one will be. I will highlight many instances of fundamental contradictions in the future.


The Magic of Compositions: The Feeler

The working of consciousness is still a mystery. The inner experience of consciousness is out of the reach of science. It is something that cannot be reduced to anything else. X is a metaphor that tries to provide you with control by introducing components of the machinery that creates your reality. X is an astrolabe that helps you navigate into uncharted territories of consciousness. Metaphors should be understood through abstraction (and not taken as their on the surface meanings). The feeler is the most unexplainable and mysterious component of the machinery of X. The algorithm of the feeler constantly assesses the W1 and W2 bodies in order to create the experience of the stream of realities.
Depending on the hardware (W1 body) and software (W2 body), it gives rise to the feeler's feelings in every moment. Any change in hardware composition creates corresponding change in the feelings, and every change in software brings about new realities and new feelings. This is the magic of compositions. The feeler is just a name for a miraculous entity that baffles common sense. W1 and W2 bodies give rise to the feeler, yet through some algorithms, the feeler feels and evaluate W1 and W2 bodies. The preferences of the feeler root in accumulated W1 and W2 bodies, and preferences evolve as new experiences incorporated. Hologram lens projects the output of the feeler as the reality that one experiences. Why does a vulture enjoy the smell and taste of a rotten carcass, while you find it revolting? Because vulture’s W1 body gives rise to a feeler that has such preferences. In humans, the feeler has a much more complex making. For instance, imagine a person who grew up eating dog meat as delicacies, then he moves to a new country, and keep a dog as a pet. If his preference about eating dog meat has changed (after having dogs as pet), it is because his W2 body has changed and gives rise to new feeler preferences (or mixed feelings about the topic).
The feeler is the soul of X machinery. The feeler is your essence. It is the outcome of your W1 and W2 bodies. The working of the feeler algorithm (and whether it is computational or mathematical) remains a mystery for Nezman. Nezman has a pragmatic approach toward the concept of the feeler. X and it’s components are concepts that Nezman uses in order to master reality.


Control Is Needed Inside and Outside of the Bubble

How you feel depends on both your W1 and W2 bodies. Your W1 body depends on W1 for survival. W1 events (internal and external) affect your W1 body. Your W2 body is partly dependent on the arrangement of W1 external compositions, yet W1 body is the most controllable. However, It is best that reality control to begin with W2 body control. Having a well-balanced W2 body requires accurate L2 (and knowledge about keeping your W1 body healthy is part of that). The second step is gaining W1 external control.
Nezman learns to control W2 body, take care of W1 body, and gain control over W1 external compositions in order to create the most beautiful W3 experiences for the self and others.

How to Control Your Reality Today Is the Most Important Piece of Knowledge for You.

No one knows the answers to the mysteries of life. No one knows whether god or gods exist (or who they are). No one knows what happens in the afterlife (and whether heaven or hell exists or not). We live an ocean of mysteries and uncertainties. The only solace is that we can control our reality in the midst of such an unknown territory. How to control your reality today is the most important piece of knowledge for you. No matter where you have been before birth or what happens in the afterlife, one can create one’s own heaven today.

Revenge Is for the Weak, for Nezman Only Damage Control Exists

What is revenge?
Revenge is the easiest way to repair your self-image. Through revenge, you impose some W1 compositions that seem fair. You rely on some W1 compositions to correct your W2 compositions, but in fact W2 compositions are detached from W1 compositions. You could  have corrected your W2 compositions without revenge (if you had control over your W2 compositions). You should stretch the bubble to create new lenses in order to weaken the old powerful and distorting lenses of past memories and indoctrination, instead of trying to correct old lenses. Revenge is caused by your inability to forget.
However, damage control is necessary. If your lack of action (and forgoing revenge) causes more future W1 damage, then you should act to eliminate the cause or threat, but revenge has no place in Nezman’s soul. Creating new beautiful experiences are much more than important that lingering in the past by trying to repair old W2 compositions. Nezam knows that time is much more valuable to be spent on revenge (while many projects of future beauty are waiting).


Contradiction: The Existence of Law and Order Roots in Desire for Lawlessness

The existence of law and order roots in the ruling class’s desire for lawlessness. The only way a group can systematically break the law is to create, maintain, and control the law. Throughout history, law and order was the invention of the strong (and the ruling class) in order to maintain their rule. Aggression and selfishness of the ruling class become organized and legitimate through bodies of laws. Every upheaval, turmoil, or chaos that threaten the status quo (the dominance of the ruling class) is considered illegal. This means that the ultimate goal of the rule of law is to guarantee that the ruling class can break those laws. Sometimes wealth frees the minority from the rule of law, and sometimes political power does such. In other words, the existence of law and order in society for majority (for general public) is a side benefit of ruling class’s desire for lawlessness (and exerting aggression).
Nezman is an optimist that one day the preferences of ruling class will be aligned with the majority, and law serves the majority and not the minority of rich or powerful.


Depression Is a Crisis in Imagination

Depression is the lack of imagination for future, or it is imagination of scenarios that have no hope of fulfillment. Depression is synonymous with hopelessness.
The depressed hates what future will unfold. The depressed is unable to create Le 4 or Le5 scenarios of future pleasure and beautiful meanings, or has created future scenarios that have no hope of fulfillment. The depressed’s potential for achieving the desired future (self-image) falls short of expectations.
Often the strongest wills are motivated by the hope of infinite pleasure and beauty. The depressed can only imagine infinite suffering. The possibility and hope of qualitative experiences of pleasure and beautiful meanings can destroy depression.


Nezman’s Beatiful Soul

Soul is an ambiguous term. It has a variety of definitions in different religions and ideologies. Nez considers hologram lens as closest thing to soul. In the bubble metaphor, your soul is what the feeler experiences at the center of your bubble (the smell and the outcome of the content of your bubble). Your outlook toward inside and outside of the bubble is your soul. Your soul is the accumulation of all W1 and W2 interpretative lenses that look at things inside and outside of the bubble. Your hologram lens is your soul. Your soul reveals how you see the world and people in it. A person’s soul is what a person mirrors from W0.
There are billions of souls, and there are billions of interpretations of W0. A person’s soul could be a window to beauty (Le1-Le5 scenarios of pleasure and beautiful meanings) or a window to hell (Le1-Le5 scenarios of pain and suffering).
Inside of the bubble of an ugly soul is full of Le1-Le5 scenarios of pain and suffering for others and the self. Such a person lives in an ugly solid reality created with misguided interpretative lenses. He or she is incapable of experiencing the ultimate happiness.
Nezman’s bubble is full of Le1-Le5 scenarios of pleasure and beautiful meanings. His self-image is beautiful. He finds beauty in everything. He laughs at everything. His bubble is full of mysteries, but he is not afraid of unknown. His interpretative lenses are so powerful that justify whatever comes out of the fountain of events. He is full of dreams of pleasure and beautiful meaning for the self and others. Nezman enjoys both long-lived pleasure of W2 (beautiful meanings) and direct short-lived sensual pleasure of W1 body (which is limited, addictive, harmful in excess).


Where Does the Value of Life Come From?

The potential for preferred qualitative experiences is the thing that makes life valuable. The value of life lies in the possibility for experiencing pleasure and beautiful meanings.
Loving life means having hope of and being open to new qualitative experiences. Loving life is loving new experiences. They are experiences that promote life and not undermine or destroy it (the experiences that increase the potential for future high quality experiences). Promoting W1 body health is important because it increases such a potential. In other words, W1 body is the gateway of all future experiences; therefore, one should hake care of one’s body.
Nezman knows that only experiences of beauty and pleasure can justify life. Nezman knows that the feeler becomes numb to even the most beautiful or pleasurable experiences; therefore, Nezman strives for creating such beauty through riding a rollercoaster of experiences (going through hell to reach heaven).


Your Universe Is Only Yours

Particles and small components of matter and energy have preferences, but without consciousness, preferences  have no meaning. A landscape without an observer has no meaning. The observer feels the beauty or ugliness of that landscape. The qualities felt by an observer gives value to the landscape. The feeler's preferences (or judgement center's preferences) are the only values in the universe.
Every W1 or W2 composition has a meaning or value relative to the preferences of a conscious observer. In other words, the existence of preference is in relation to those compositions that give them their relative value and meaning. The similarity of observers who are looking at the same composition creates similar values. If observers are not similar, they cannot experience similar meanings and values.
The problem is that we assume everyone else feels the same as we do (when looking at a composition). We are so lost in our own experiences that we forget our viewpoint is just one viewpoint (the one created by our feeler rooting in to our unique W1 and W2 bodies) among many. We think that we understand other people’s inner experiences, and we do not realize how much the way we see the world is influenced by our W1 and W2 bodies. We can imagine and feel a world without ourselves, but such a world does not exists. Our unique universes die as we die. The unique realities that we are experiencing ends with us. Without a feeler, the universe has no value in itself.
Our sensations, our experiences, and our constructed realities hinge on our unique W1 and W2 bodies. Our algorithm of feeler is constantly evaluating our W1 and W2 input to give rise to our stream of realities and our unique preferences. Many of us mistakenly assume that others also have the same preferences as ours. Life does not have the same meaning for no two individuals.

Lion Syndrome: Contradictions of Being a King

Beauty and ugliness are intertwined. This is a hidden truth. They need each other. Being a king is difficult, but remaining a king is even more difficult. A king has many extreme contradictory emotions simultaneously. He loves and hates everyone. He trusts a few and suspicious of everyone including his own family. A king also inspires contradictory emotions in others. Everyone admires him, yet everyone is jealous of him and secretly hates him for what he has.
A king has no regret. No one on earth or even in heavens judges him. The king is a rare species. He sees himself different and superior. All inferior species are just means to an end for him. His superiority justifies his exploitation of others even their suffering or their demise. He can use everything or everyone and sacrifice everything for himself, yet he justifies his doings as fulfillment of his duty toward a greater good.
Though without such attitude, a king cannot remain a king for long.
There are both beauty and ugliness in being a king. Your preferences and needs lie before anyone else. You are the most selfish and the most selfless. You have the power to create beauty (much greater of your ugliness).  It us your strength that allows you to create beautiful meanings. Only a king can give. Only a king can forgive. Only a king can spread the habit of beauty creating to subordinates.
Democracy leads to plutocracy, and plutocracy to dictatorship (or perhaps an assembly of wolves that eventually one of them evolve to become a ferocious lion). Having kings is inevitable. But only the rarest kings can create more beauty than ugliness.


It Is the Celebration of Light That Leaves Many in Darkness

Preferences lead people to do what they do. They pursue preferences that end in pleasure, happiness, or beauty. Preferences are important part of the machinery of X. Such a pursuit may deprive others from their preferences.
Darkness is not a thing in itself. Those who are greedy for light obstruct the path of light toward the below. It is the desire for and celebration of light that leaves many in darkness. The pursuit of light (pleasure, happiness, and beauty) is beautiful. It is the blind pursuit of ones’ preferences that becomes a sin. Obstruction of light is inevitable, yet it can be reduced to minimum.
Nezman finds a balance between fulfillment of his or her preferences and the preferences of others.


Why Does W1 Seems Unintelligible?

In many instances, the W1 models that science provides contradict our evolutionary common sense.
We observe W1 events in time and space from our unique perspectives. We also have limited memory and computational power. We deal with a certain scale of W1 physical phenomena.
The main reason that we need to lower standard of intelligibility is that the laws of W1 are different from the laws of W2. We make a W2 model of what is happening in W1 (with the help of our unique W1 body hardware). W2 models are correlating with W1 events, yet many things in W1 contradict the cohesion of W2 laws and W2 models. Our W2 models or images are different in kind and degree from W1 events. They are, at best, inaccurate and speculative. We need to lower our standards of intelligibility as physics discovers how W1 realm works.
Despite such fundamental unintelligiblity, our biggest problems lie somewhere else. Most people imagine things that cannot exist in W1. They, I nstead of updating L2 accurately according to W1, prefer improbable or impossible L3 and L1 images and laws.

A Currency That Measures W3 Qualitative Experiences Is Needed

In capitalism, W1 events and compositions are introduced  as the ultimate goals for happiness. But in reality, the ultimate goal lies in W3. Possession and control in W1 is needed to some degrees, but there are many other ways to serve the feeler.
Moreover, money is not an efficient currency to achieve maximum W3 experiences for masses. It does not measure and take into account W3 experiences. We need a socioeconomic system that can guage people’s feelings and their beautiful qualitative experiences. The use of new technologies can facilitate such thing.


A Flexible Castle of Thoughts

In W2, you create a model of W1. You build this model by putting blocks of ideas on top of each other. Here, the metaphor of castle of thoughts can help you understand the hierarchy and chronology of ideas that shape your belief system. This metaphor explains how you make a castle out of ideas. Usually, the foundation of this castle is made of ideas that shaped your belief system in childhood. In fact, childhood indoctrination creates some immovable blocks that makes the structure of the castle
Of thoughts inflexible.
You have to be ready to reevaluate your castle of thought brick by brick in order to organize and put ideaes in appropriate W2 layers. However, any repair or temporary deconstruction of your castle will ruin your stream of reality (because the ideas that make your castle of thought also contribute to your hologram lens). When you question your fundamental beliefs, you destroy the foundations of the castle of thoughts, which in turns leads to a flawed hologram lens. Many feel meaninglessness and nihilism after any attempt to repair their castle of thought. All these make overhaul of old ideas very difficult. Very few can become free of the spell of their childhood indoctrination. Nezman becomes the architect of his own castle of thought. He lives in the ruins of his castle for a while (he walks into nihilism and meaninglessness knowing that it is an inevitable path to constructing a castle of thought that leads to a beautiful reality).


Forgotten Instincts: Human as a Sick Animal

Instincts are the default preferences of W1 body. Every W2 construction is built upon the definition of pleasure and pain according to basic instincts. W1 body experiences are the building blocks of any W2 construction through associations and attributions. For instance, seeing a picture of frozen landscape of North Pole also brings to mind coldness because you have already touched ice and remember the feeling. Similarly, a picture suggestive of sexual pleasure can make individuals excited. Sometimes the W2 image and concept of pleasure is more pleasureable or powerful than the W1 body pleasure itself. This can cause a lot of problems. This is the reson that human is a sick animal. Human’s psyche in W2 is full of confused reflections and illusions of W1. The concept of eternal pleasure can seem much stronger than fleeting W1 body pleasure. This may create a lot of contradictions and confusion, and deep discontent in a person’s psyche.
For instance, many religious constructions try to suppress W1 body pleasure in order to create more harmony and gain control over masses. These religions sacrifice the purest and the most pleasurable experiences people can have for their gain. They construct eternal scenarios of pleasure and pain (which are some illusions considering the machinery of X). They set up scenarios, where people sacrifice their W1 body pleasure in order to win the favor of the God (an omni-potent and Omni-present being that can make eternal pleasure or beauty possible). The promise of future pleasure becomes more powerful than the first-hand experience of pleasure.
In modern era, mass media tap into the basic instincts (where the most preferable experiences originate from) and flood people with influx of illusions and scenarios of pain or pleasure. Capitalism also promises and illustrates an exaggerated pleasure of wealth in order to make people run on treadmills to turn its wheels.

3 Realms and 3 Layers Explianed

To make the concept of 3 realms and 3 layers more clear, I provided out with an example.
Imagine a lump of gold. In W1, it is a completely unknown entity. No one knows what matter or energy in core. Physics can only describe it with some mathematical equations. This lump is a changing arrangement of small particles that we observe and measure in order to form a W2 model of  it. In other words, the W1 entity leaves some W2 impressions (L1, L2, and L3) inside our mind. The model we make can have different dimensions. We partly organized these impressions into the science of gold. In L2 gold is a metal in Mendeleev’s table with some properties that experience and experiments made them known. In L3, the conventions, traditions, and the way people regard gold gives meaning to it (we think in a certain way about gold). We regard it as something valuable, lovable, worthless, or disgusting depending on our way of our thinking, and in W3, we feel accordingly.
The way we feel about gold is closely related to its visual beauty, its unique functionality, and its cultural meaning.
A lot of meanings (W2 compositions) through symbolism are integrated and synthesized to create our ultimate mixed feeling about the gold. Meanings such as being unique, rare, valuable, or sought after (as well as having unique physical properties) make god a symbol of superiority and control.
What you (or the feeler) feels about gold is far from what really gold is in W1. This shows the pitiful condition of humans. What you feel about things is a construct far away from their W1 essence. In fact, W1 is completely unknown, and L2 is full of uncertain hypotheses that we can rely on them based on the principals of uniformity, and our pragmatic inductions and deductions. Moreover, our L3 is formed by the quality and quantity of our hardware and software that many things in many different levels affect its lenses, and no two individual have the same lenses in L3. And finally W3 is the ultimate magic where all these composition are felt. Human condition is full of unknown, uncertainty, and mystery. We should find our way backward from W3 toward W1.


The Magic of the Feeler

Your W1 and W2 bodies give rise to your W3 experiences. In every moment, you are feeling the outcome of those 2 bodies. It is as if the feeler tastes or feels those compositions. The feeler is just a name for a magical entity that is probably the most mysterious concept. It is as if a judgement center through its unique algorithms feels W1 and W2 compositions. Strangely the outcome of this process (which is W3 experiences) affects those W1 and W2 compositions (like vicious circle that in long-term the feeler gets desensitized to those compositions). Any composition in long-term becomes boring, mundane, or even intolerable.


Many W2 Lenses Can Form in 3 Layers of W2

W2 is a realm in which ideas, thoughts, and the memories of past sensations and feelings are stored and processed. This realm can be categorized into three layers of L1, L2, and L3. The compositions in different layers of W2 can act as lenses that shape your reality. Many W2 lenses with varying sources (evolutionary or acquired software lenses) can be formed in W2 to shape your reality. Some lenses may root in your belief system, your self-image, or the memory of your past feelings. Other W2 lenses may root in constructions or ideas such as super-ego, conscience, moral judgement, or religious beliefs.
Even desire lenses that root in memories of past experiences can shape the present toward the desired future. Desire lenses give rise to goal lenses (scenarios that leads to al, that is most desired). Even cognitive biases are some W2 lenses. Some lenses may not change the data and instead manipulate the relationships and mathematics of how data is used. These lenses deform W2 mathematics (for instance how much inequality or wealth gap is fair).
No matter what lenses are constructing your reality, all the content of W2 should be arranged and organized in a way that creates the highest qualitative experience in W3.

W2 the Realm of Impressions and Inaccuracies

W2 is the realm of those impressions that we register inside the bubble (the representations of W1 objects inside our mind). Although W1 gives birth to W2 (and representations in W2 correlate with W1 entities), W2 is ruled by laws different from W1 laws. Every one has personal and unique W2 compositions. Every individual forms different W2 representations of one W1 object. In W2, we store, compare, and interpret these images and representations.
Some W2 images can seem perfect or eternal. For instance, we can imagine a perfect circle in W2, despite it doesn’t exist in W1. We can imagine platonic absolute forms in W2.
We also can create Level 1-Level 5 scenarios in W2. A creative mind not only registers and observes but creates and directs these scenarios in the mind. This means that these scenarios inside a person's mind can have a life of their own (detached from the stream of observations of W1). This is the creative power of the mind. It can manipulate images and scenarios that have recorded and replay them as it wants. A semi-conscious director is concocting scenarios in your mind (sometimes beneath the threshold of you conscious awareness). This fact has important and serious implications: one can leave in worlds detached from W1. One can experience W1 in realtime and store them in memory, but when he wants to replay those recorded data, he can distort them or combine them into other compositions (totally different than the original W1 observations).
All in all, W2 is an inaccurate image of W1 constructed by the laws of W2 (imposed by the limitations of W1 body that gives rise to W2). Though these images are inaccurate reductions of W1 entities, they are seemingly eternal, unchanging, absolute, and perfect.
Science, beliefs, and convictions are all W2 compositions that lie in different layers of W2. One thing they have in common is that all are registered by a W1 body, processed by W2 laws, andinterpreted by some W2 lenses. Everything in W2 is in core unreliable and relative to observer (even scientific facts).

The Soul of Your Soul

The feeler is the force behind the force. It is the soul of your soul. It is the essence of the world. The feeler that feels, judges, and evaluates a composition is a mystery. It is either ontologically the one with the compositions that judges or a separate entity but in close correlation with these compositions, or something else.

W3 is Mysterious, Deep, Yet Ephemeral

W3 is the realm of qualitative experiences. This realm is the most neglected despite that it is the most important (because the ultimate goal is to create the most preferable experiences in W3). W3 realm also is the most mysterious. W3 experiences seem deep, infinite, and eternal. W3 experiences are transient, yet they are the most real. A person’s past W3 experiences affect his or her preferences.

Individuals’ Preferences Change as Their W1 and W2 Bodies Change

Individuals have W1 and W2 bodies. The W1 compositions in one layer create their own preferences, and W2 compositions create their own preferences. Moreover, Individuals’ preferences change as their W1 and W2 bodies change.
W1 body defines preference (an example): A vulture find a rotting carcass appetizing, but a man find it revolting. Your W1 hardware defines your taste and your food preferences.
W2 body defines preference (an example): For instance, your belief system affects your preferences. A Jew tries a delicious food, but he later finds out the food was not kosher. Knowing that the food is not kosher may make that food seem less desirable. Another example: A Vietnamese who used to eat dog meat and enjoy it for years moves to US and keeps a dog as a pet for years. If this person decides to eat dog, he or she cannot have the same feeling toward dog cuisine. What you think about what you eat changes your taste of the food.

Life Is a Lump of Crystallized Preferences

Every composition has its own preferences. Every living and non-living thing has preferences (some living beings have conscious preferences). Life is a lump of crystallized preferences.
Humans, as conscious living beings have W1 and advanced W2 bodies. For humans, the W1 compositions in one layer create their own preferences, and W2 compositions create their own preferences. Moreover, Individuals’ preferences change as their W1 and W2 bodies change.

The Ultimate Goal of Everything We Do Lies in W3

The ultimate goal of everything we do (toward quadruple control) lies in W3. Quadruple control comprises areas that one needs control in order to create W1 and W2 compositions that leads to preferable W3 experiences. It includes W1 external control (energy, matter, and external events), W1 internal control (biology and health), W2 control of others, and W2 control of self.

To create the most preferable qualitative experience in W3, we need that all components of the machinery of X work in harmony. We need certain W1 and W2 bodies. However, it is a two-directional interaction. The qualitative experiences in W3 also affect W1 and W2 bodies. For instance, in order to have healthy W1 and W2 bodies, one needs to control one’s emotions in W3. Specifically, negative emotions can be very destructive. They can affect W1 body or distort W2 L2 lenses. Positive emotions have a positive effects on W1 body, yet they can distort L2 lenses (for instance make the person blind to real threats).


3 Realms and Evolution of W1 and W2 Bodies

Throughout evolution, W1 gave rise to W2 and W3. Humans’ W2 bodies have been evolving for millions of years. Greater memory, analytic power, and language ability emerged. W2 compositions give rise to some W3 qualitative experiences. The feeler can feel the meaning of thoughts, future scenarios, and memories. Nevertheless, this evolutionary W2 machinery has limitation in incorporating other JC's (judgement centers’) viewpoints and reconciling the intrinsic contradictions between W1 and W2 laws.
The qualitative experience and feelings belongs to W3 realm. The type of qualia (W3 experiences) seems to be determined by W1 body hardware (for instance, human vision is qualitatively different from bat vision). The complexity of W3 experiences depends on the complexity of evolutionary W1 body, as well as the complexity of evolutionary W2 body.


Nezman’s Motivation Is an Outcome of His Hologram Lens

Nezman is full of dreams of eternal pleasure and beautiful meanings (Le5 scenarios). The magnificence of those dreams coupled with the heroic self-image of Nezman help him to have the greatest motivation and never give up in the face of daunting challenges. Nezman lives as a great hero in a great world with great dreams and great hope. Nezman’s great motivation is an inevitable result of his hologram lens. Having Nezman's hologram lens (being a great hero who lives in a great world with such great hopes) is the greatest reward in itself. Motivation and effort are automatic result of living such a heroic life. Nezman’s hologram lens makes him or her unstoppable.
It is as easy as turning on a lamp. If the necessary components of hologram lens are present, such a great reality is constructed automatically. Achieving the goals are guaranteed, and Nezman begins to enjoy his or her heroic journey as if all goals are achieved. Nothing can stop Nezman because Nezman is already living his or her own dream.
The problems begin when you lack any of the components of the hologram lens that creates your motivation.
1- If you do not believe that a great world exists out there. There are a lot of suffering in the world, yet the world can be a beautiful place for those who know X. Many are suffering (even if you are not one of them). Most people focus on suffering instead of focusing on the potentials for the most beautiful qualitative experiences.
2- If your W2 lacks L1 and L3 eternal scenarios of pleasure and beautiful meanings, then your reality becomes much smaller, as well as your motivation.
3- If you lose your self-confidence and do not believe that you are the capable hero who can make your dreams happen. A flawed self-image can taint your hologram lens.
Items 1 and 2 describe what is out there, and item 3 describe how capable you are to get what you want out there.

Many contradictions will emerge, yet Nezman overcomes the contradictions.
A. Nezman knows Le5 scenarios (eternal scenarios of pleasure and beautiful meanings) are illusions in W1, yet Nezman incorporates self-made Le5 scenarios in L1 and L3 in order to live in the most beautiful world with highest motivation and success.
B. Z-man also knows that the relationship between hologram lens and the three above-mentioned components are two-sided. If hologram lens and the reality become an arbitrary construct, automatically all three beliefs are weakened. This reduces solidity of the reality. Nezman’s two channels are the solution that will be explained later.
C. Running out of time can turn Le1-Le5 scenarios into tragedies. L2 collides with L1 and L3. L1 eternal scenarios of after-life collide with the pursuit of W1 goals (for instance, materialistic goals). Many things such as relativity, time, mortality of the hero, and the mathematics of W1 can negatively affect hologram lens and motivation. Nezman reconciles W1 limitations with W2 desires for infinity.

The 3 Realms’ Integrations

- Most people are unaware of the three realms. Their W3 experiences are the result of their instincts (rooting in their W1 body) and their organic W2.
- W1 gives rise to W2, and W1 and W2 give rise to W3. This does not mean that the three realms are ontologically the same.
- The more complex W1 body is, the more complex W2 body will be. The more complex W1 and W2 bodies are, the more complex W3 will be.
- W1 body, W2 body (thoughts, memories, ...), W3 (stream of reality: experiences, feelings, ...) are interacting with each other (in both ways).


Overlapping Bubbles: Curiosity Killed the Cat

As it was explained in the metaphor of bubble, everyone lives inside a personal bubble interacting with W1 external compositions. When two bubbles get close to one another, they may partly share the content of their bubbles. The same way that viruses are transmitted, the content of one bubble may be transmitted into another bubble. Any communication, conversation, or exchange of ideas or feelings between two individuals will bring their W2 compositions closer to one another. Similar W2 compositions give rise to similar hologram lenses and similar streams of realities. When two individuals with two distinct bubbles get close and interact with one another, their bubbles gradually partly overlap. This partial overlap can create rather mutually understandable realities.
What you find inside another's bubble may change your reality for the better or forcthe worse. It can distort or mend your hologram lens. Usually, any change in hologram lens happens below the threshold of conscious experiences. Depending on his or her hologram lenses, one may live in one’s own hell or heaven. Looking deep into another's bubble for long, often, negatively distorts your hologram lens and your reality.
Curiosity killed the cat: 
You cannot gain anything positive from gazing deep into lost, confused, or ugly souls. You should avoid a fearful soul (whose W2 is full of future scenarios of pain) or a hateful soul (who has intention to inflict pain to self or others) . You cannot even gain much from the loving people who have intention to do good but instead inflict pain and damage due to lack of wisdom. Bubbles with a well-balanced L2, L1, and L3 are rare. Both a faulty W1 body and a faulty W2 body give rise to a faulty hologram lens that creates realities full of confusion and ugliness (for instance a reality with an ugly god).
Everyone is interpreting W1. Everyone's bubble is a mirror that reflects how the person sees W1. What you find inside others’ bubbles is neither real (in terms of distance from L2 image of W1) nor important (in the sense that it does not affect your feeler directly). You find a series of worthless personal interpretations of W1 created by the person's unique W1 and W2 bodies.
Only focus on creating your own hologram lens. Create your own self-image. Beautify your own universe. Do not look inside other people because it reduces your concentration on your own constructs.
Often, you cannot gain anything other than confusion and ugliness by looking deep into others' bubbles. The only thing that justifies looking inside others’ bubble is gaining control over them.


The Most Ubiquitous Reductionism

Most people take their unique experience inside the bubble for granted. They do not think about the machinery that creates their unique realities. They see their realities as an external entities, while they fail to see how much they contribute to creation of their realities.
They experience a solid constructed reality, and they become slaves of their own software and hardware machinery. They fail to distinguish between three layers of W2 and get imprisoned inside a solid reality. The truth is that they may not be able to change the facts about W1 (the content of L2 layer), but they can change their values and their own interpretations (the content of L1 and L3 layers).
A 2-dimensional image of a 3-dimensional object fails to capture the complexity and potentials of the third dimension. The same way, someone who does not understand the machinery of X, reduces the magic of X to a mundane experience. Such a person experiences the outcome of X machinery without knowing how much he or she can control the outcome of this process. Such a person also fails to see the potentials of X.  This is the most ubiquitous reductionism about human condition.

You Become What You Think You Are

As it was mentioned earlier, both the image of the self on the inner surface of the bubble (self-image) and the image of the self that one projects on the outer surface of the bubble (persona) are arbitrary illusions. In fact, you are free to see yourself as you want. You can project any image on the inner mirror and on the outer surface of the bubble. Inside the bubble, you are a creator. You become what you construct in this mirror. For sure, some of the constructs that you create will collide with W1 (or contradict L2), but fulfilling-prophecy effect can justify that you create an exaggerated self-image. You gradually become what you think you are. Your self-image changes your W2 (especially our scenarios of future), others' W2s, and W1 accordingly. You become a hero who discovers oneself, and then others discover you, and finally you change the external world (W1).

Become the Super-Hero of Your Own Reality

A person constructs two images of the self. One image is formed on the inner mirror surface of the bubble. This image is how the person sees himself or herself. Another image is the image that one projects on the outer surface of bubble (persona that others outside the bubble can see). Both of these images are arbitrary constructions. These images are usually created partly by how others see us and partly by our interpretations over time (ever since childhood). Self-image of most people, at best, is an inaccurate, false, flawed, or  illusive construct.
Your image on the outer surface of others’ bubbles is created by others’ values (and not your values), yet it affects your self-image. You should not allow these images affect your self-image because how others judge you has no value for your feeler (others have their own values, their own interpretative lenses, and their own standards of beauty). You should control your own self-image. You should not let others define you. Nobody knows who you are (not even you). Nobody knows what your future potentials are. Any self-image can be true, depending on how the future unfolds. Nezman does not allow others’ values and opinions define him or her. Nezman is the super-hero of his or her own reality.


Three Sources of Self-Image

Self-image is a collections of ideas about the self. It defines the main character of your own story. Your self-image is closely linked to your Le1-Le5 scenarios of future. This means that self-image can positively or negatively affect your hologram lens and your stream of reality. Your self-image inside the bubble comes from three different sources.
1. Your image on the inner surface of your own bubble: This is how you define yourself for yourself. The inner surface of the bubble is like a mirror that you can see your own reflections. These reflections may come from other constructs inside the bubble (or other L1,L2, and L3 lenses). How your constructed god or gods evaluate you or how your conscience judges you affect your opinion about the self.
2. What you project on the external surface of your bubble: This is your persona (what others see on the outer surface of your bubble). This image may differ from your image on the inner surface in order to gain power through pretense, deception, or camouflage. For instance, by pretending adherence to society's moral codes, you may gain certain advantages and benefits. Many individuals hide their weakness and cowardliness under a facade of brave macho appearance.
3. What you see from the reflection off the external surface of others' bubbles: You never know how another person evaluates you because you are not inside his or her bubble. You can only see what others want to show you. No matter whether this image of you (their feedback) is a sincere and honest reflection or not, this feedback has no real value and should not affect your self-image. Even if it is their honest opinion about you, their opinion, mostly likely, is the outcome of their L3 and L1 lenses and has no value for you.
Self-image has a self-fulfilling prophecy effect. You will become what you think you are. Therefore,
you should control all the three sources of your self-image and define a protagonist that makes your scenarios of pleasure and beautiful meaning achievable.

All Contradictions Are Inside the Bubble (W1 Has No Contradiction)

All contradictions that we are experiencing are inside the bubble. Out there (in W1), there are no contradictions. W1 seeming follows some laws (that we call natural laws), but inside the bubble many different laws exist. The surface of the bubble composed of many different interpretative lenses. These lenses create contradictory images of what is out there (W1).
The content of W2 is constantly interacting to give rise to one coherent hologram lens. Such efforts fail when many inherent and acquired contradictions exists inside the bubble. As a result, no coherent hologram lens created. Our failure in solving these fundamental contradictions eventually leads to construction of a dark reality called depression. In unconscious and subconscious level, the whole W2 is in a turmoil. When you are depressed, your mind works hard to resolve these contradictions in order to come up with a coherent hologram lens to no avail.

Damage to Self-Image Causes Fear and Anger

Any thing that damages self-image causes fear and anger. For instance, losing the war of wills causes fear (and consequently anger) because it tarnishes the self-image. Not having a capable protagonist limits the future scenarios of pleasure and meanings. In other words, anything that threatens self-image implies the future scenarios of pain and ugliness. Moreover, the future scenarios of pain and ugliness is the source of fear and consequently anger.

Methods of Mass Control Inside and Outside of the Bubble

1. Traditional method of control inside the bubble: A judgement center inside your bubble (like an eye in the sky) watches your every move and judges your every act (even your every thoughts and intentions). Such a constructed judgment center could be the concept of an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God. It could also be your conscience or other constructs. From childhood, you are indoctrinated by such constructs, and such constructs can judge you and create the feelings of guilt and shame in you. The religious leaders determine what such a god expects of you, and they gain control over you. The traditional method would create a coherent mass reality to control masses. However, after religions failed to create powerful mass realities (as they could do before), other methods were devised.
2. Modern method of control outside the bubble: The judgement center is outside bubble. It could be other people, or it could be new technologies. This method does not care about the things inside your bubble. It aims to control your behavior. CCTVs and surveillance technologies are examples of such control.
3. Modern method of control inside the bubble: If creating coherent and believable mass realities (such as religious realities) seems impossible, then what is the best way to tame a society whose members live in a variety of realities? the answer is that confused, indifferent, or even depressed individuals are much more controllable. Bombarding a person with barrage of profound, contradictory L1, L2, and L3 illusions would make the person confused (for instance, in mass media, there are many instances that profound questions of life are answered by laymen). Confusion leads to meaninglessness. In fact, the modern life style does not leave enough time for relevant education (and thinking) for individuals. In fact, specialization does not make a person wiser. The person needs to learn thinking disciplines (and have well-balanced L1, L2, and L3 layers) in order to digest and process the barrage of confusing information and thoughts. Such confusion can direct an unprepared individual (consciously or unconsciously) toward escapism. Comfort of escapism is better than a dark meaningless reality full of confusion and contradictions.


The Closest Thing to the God Is the Machine That Creates the Image of God Inside the Bubble

Student: I have had a strange relationship with God after certain unfortunate events in my life. I became introvert and focused on inner surface of the bubble. I started asking why questions. I asked God, why did such things happen to me?" I was angry at god. I challenged him. I loved him. I fought him. I feared him. I shouted at him. I experienced so many contradictory feelings and attitudes toward god, but I finally came to realization that I have been shouting at myself in a mirrored sphere. My gods, my guilt, my self-image, and every other thing inside the bubble are just some reflections constructed by me.
Nez: Yes you are the only creator inside the bubble. Everything inside bubble is your construction. You have not been shouting at God. You have been shouting at yourself (your self-made image of God). It is frightening to realize that all along the way, you have been alone and isolated inside a mirrored bubble talking with your own constructions and illusions. However, after your fear subsides, you realize how magical your imagination is. You become a powerful creator of your own constructions. All these show that you are getting close to becoming a Nezman. After you fully understand X (the machine that creates all those images), you will become the creator of the image of your own god.
X is transcendental. In fact, the closest thing to the ultimate reality or god is the machine that creates the image of God inside your bubble. In fact, the content of your bubble cannot represent god as much as the way bubble works (X) does.

The Scenarios of Pain and Suffering Kill Creativity: Lost In Oneself

Strong emotional experiences deform the hologram lens. One can go through such emotional experiences first-hand or vicariously. Even watching mass media or a movie, as well as reading a book or newspaper,  can create emotional experiences that affect L1 and L3 content. Strong emotional experiences strengthen L3 and L1 and weaken L2 layer.
As gradually L2 weakens, a person whose universe constructed by L1 and L3 lenses gets detached from an accurate image of W1. This could even turn extroverts to introverts. The person becomes blind to what really is happening in W1 (and may dive into escapism or denial). He loses his analytical power to understand W1 state of affairs, and he ends up having no influence on W1. In fact such a person gets lost in himself. He or she becomes the prisoner of his own self-made prison. This disorientation and confusion may make masses indifferent, nihilistic, or even depressed.
Going inside the bubble of an ugly soul and seeing an ugly universe (through his eyes) convey Le1-Le5 scenarios of future pain. Any illustration of Le1-Le5 scenarios of bodily and mental pain can create strong L3 lenses that negatively affect hologram lens. For instance, horror movies strengthen the scenarios of pain. Fear, sexual attraction, and violence have roots in W1 body (and our instincts) and linger in our L3.
One may ask if scenarios of pain and suffering have such negative effects, why is mass media full of such scenarios?
The answer is that the ruling class wants conformity and not creativity. The ruling class spreads these L3 illusions because people who are lost in themselves are much more controllable. Le1-Le5 scenarios of pain and ugliness depict a hell that kills individuals' creativity. After people lost their creativity, they lose their ability to imagine an alternative to the existing social order. A creative individual can imagine a better W1 state of affairs. He or she may question the status quo. When creativity dies and Le5 scenarios of pain are engraved in people's W2,  people's  hologram lens can only constructs hell realities. Obviously, people prefer to live in status quo reality than to live in a hell. The status quo remain the only option for those who lack creativity (and fail to construct a beautiful alternative).


2 Types of Focus to Find Meaning and Purpose Inside the Bubble

There are 2 types of focus to find meaning and purpose inside the bubble:
1. Outside-in: It is a focus on what exists outside bubble. The person looks at the existing states of affairs in W1 and tries to find meaning and purpose there. The person forms a whole picture by looking at what is out there. He is like a driver who discovers the existing roads out there, and his future path is the continuation of one of the roads that he finds. Such an approach will destroy creativity and leads to being indoctrinated by existing meanings and values out there.
2. Inside-out: The main focus is inside the bubble. One looks for a compass to find or create the greatest beaty. The longest and most beautiful qualitative experience of the feeler is the goal. The person tries to find meaning organically inside.
This is Nezman’s approach. Nezman carefully observes what is out there (and create an accurate map of existing roads out there), but Nezman eventually is free from what is out there. Nezman is a driver who creates his own new roads. He is the creator of meaning, values, purpose, and even the definition of what exists.

Extreme Selfishness Leads to Self-Hate

A narcissist loves himself above all others. A narcissist considers his or her own preferences and desires much more important than those of others. Many societies have narcissistic attitudes and established such organized priority of class preferences over those of another class. For instance, a royal family’s preferences have priority as their birth right.
To the narcissist or the selfish, others are considered means to an end. W1 has some limitations (and scarcity exists), usually success in fulfilling one’s preferences would deny others from their preferences.
Achieving pleasure and meanings for one, may cause suffering for others. The feeler become numb to such pleasure and meanings. No longer blinded by euphoria of such achievements, the person sees his own reflection off others' bubbles. The person understands the consequences of one’s actions. Seeing himself as an agent that inflicts pain to others will make him hate himself.
Nevertheless, this process does not happen to every one. There are individuals who have such deep-seated complexes (or indoctrination) that create such strong lenses that always see others as enemy and do not feel no empathy toward others. They see themselves as the chosen race, the chosen tribe, or the chosen species.

Bubble: The Worst Punishment Is Ignoring Someone

Humans are social beings whose self-images partly defined by the reflection from other bubbles. From the minute, a baby is born, one’s self-image is affected by how others define him or her. People get used to seeing the reflection of self on the outer surface of other bubbles.
Ignoring a person whose definition comes from the feedback of others is the worst punishment. That’s why long solitary confinement is so destructive. The person forgets who he or she is. It robs the person from his own self-image and identity. The lack of self-image makes everything meaningless inside the bubble. Without a protagonist or an antagonist, there is no story. Without no story, there will be no future scenarios of pleasure or beautiful meanings.


3 Layers of Reality

3 Layers of Reality (3 Parts of W2):
Understanding of 3 layers is the most important part of the journey to become a Nezman. This thinking discipline will help you to understand the making of your current reality. If you are able to pinpoint what part of your W2 body is making your reality unbearable, you can easily change it. W2 contributes greatly to the making of hologram lens that constructs your reality. The content of W2 can be divided into 3 categories (L1, L2, and L3). The content of each category gives rise to a certain type of reality.
L2: This layer captures the state of affairs in W1 (the physical world). In this layer, a rather faithful and accurate reflection of the W1 realm is stored. The more accurate your L2 layer is, the more predictive power you would have.  An accurate L2 provides an accurate model of W1 events that help you achieve your preferences related to W1 external compositions and your W1 internal body.
L2 layer is comparable to science. All branches of science are attempts to create an accurate image of W1 reality.
L1: This layer, addresses the metaphysical aspects of the world. It fills the empty portions of the reality. It is a faith with no way to prove it in W1 (or in L2). Many questions about L1 topics are irrelevant in L2. Focusing too much on L1 theses is waste of time and energy because none of these theses can find meaningful answers in L2. The goal of L1 is to fill the empty portion of the unknown (or unknowable) with personal answers that serve the feeler toward the goal of creating the highest beauty.
3 Layers of Reality
An ordinary person often has serious contradictions and incoherency between the three layers that eventually leads to destruction of castle of thoughts. Many times,  a person's L1 content contradicts those of L2 and L3. However, Nezman, through rigorous thinking disciple, has a coherent W2, whose 3 layers are in total harmony.
L3: The borders between L3 and L1 is blurry. L3 content is associated with past evaluations of the feeler. L3 content is the source of value judgement. For instance, it determines who is handsome or pretty. This layer is the most complex. Intuition, the memory of past emotions in unconscious level, suppressed past desires, and goals (desired scenarios for future) all are affecting the reality construction through this layer. L3, like L1, is a double-edged sword. It could create the most beautiful and the ugliest realities. L3 content can give rise to realities with utter happiness or realities with eternal darkness. It can create strong motivations toward success or indifference leading to utter failure. L3 content can incorporate Le1-Le5 scenarios that are creative, exciting, and ingenious, as well as those that are outlandish, fantastic, or insane.  W1 internal compositions (your physical body) also affects L3. For instance, one's attraction toward the same sex individuals may partly root in biology, but it manifest itself as a value judgement lens in your L3. All L3 content is normative. Present emotions, as well as the memories of past emotions, will affect L3. In many cases, the content of L3 becomes so distant from L2 that it becomes destructive.


Addictive Love Distorts Reality

Nez: Love is an attitude. Love is the intention to materialize the scenarios of pleasure and beautiful meanings for the the loved one (that could also be the self). Love brings the ultimate pleasure and beauty, and one's failure to materialize the goals of love causes a lot of pain.
Sometimes L1 and L3 lenses create such a pleasurable and beautiful realities that the the person distorts L2 lenses and steps into fantasy. The more a person experiences pleasure and beautiful meanings from the reality constructed by such L1 and L3 lenses, the more addictive such reality becomes. The person denies W1 and L2 (the accurate image of W1) in order to stay as long as possible in such beautiful reality. However, if the person lives long enough, eventually W1 collides with one's constructed reality.
Student: I can relate to this. there was a time when my powerful imagination created illusions of love in order to construct the most beautiful universe for me. Those illusions became so addictive and strong that I denied any other possible realities. However, when those constructs collided with W1, my castle of thoughts destroyed, and that beautiful reality shattered.
When I look back, I see that I wanted a piece of heaven. I wanted nothing less than the extreme pleasure and ultimate beauty. I tricked myself to believe that I am there because living a moment in such a heaven seemed to be worth a lifetime. I constructed my fantastic version of heaven, and I fell in love with it (and became addicted to it). My small heaven gave me strongest motivations, unstoppable will, and the most beautiful self-image.
Nez: Living in such a concrete reality far from L2 could be very dangerous. You may experience extreme pleasure and beautiful meanings, but later you will suffer much more. Such an intense experience of pleasure and beauty is so addictive that distorts L2 lenses and causes more suffering in the long-run. Collision with W1 may damage your hologram lens for years.
Student: I wanted a piece of that heaven even if it was a costly illusion. Although it was an illusion, it was the most beautiful experience of my life.
Nez: After you become a Nezman, you gain control over the three layers of L1, L2, and L3. You can experience more pleasure and beauty without W1 collision.
Your experience was short-lived, and you were fearful that you may lose it all. As a Nezman, you can decide to stay there as long as you want, and you will have no fear.

Judging Others Is Meaningless

Every individual has a unique W1 body, unique W2 body, and unique interaction with the fountain of events. You can never judge anyone because you can never know how it feels being inside another's bubble. Different W1 and W2 bodies give rise to different streams of realities that are alien to you.
You can only be compared to other versions of yourself. No two individuals can be compared with one another.
Nevertheless, for most people, comparison is an automatical, unconscious, and inevitable process. Such comparison works like a double-edged sword. When you are the winner in the comparison, it boosts your self-image, but as soon as you become the loser in this comparison, comparison destroys your self-image.
Nezman has control over his or her own L1 and L3 lenses and their interpretations. For Nezman, defeats are temporary and stepping stones towards much bigger success. Nothing in outside world can affect Nezman’s self-image. Nezman knows and defines himself or herself despite all external events and comparisons.


X Is My Astrolabe

Nez: Sailors we using astrolabe as a navigation tool to reach to their destination centuries ago, when science and technology were not advanced enough to make navigation effortless. My navigation tool to explore uncharted territories of consciousness is X.
Consciousness is the most familiar yet the most unknown entity in the universe. Consciousness is a place that the three realms meet. The construction of reality, as well as the conscious experience of reality, cannot be conveyed by the tools of language. Nevertheless, I do my best to shed light on the working of the machine that gives rise to your unique reality. X is my astrolabe to navigate in the unchartered territories of consciousness, and I use some metaphors to help you understand the magic of X. Becoming a Nezman enables you to enjoyably navigate through the ocean of unknown. Your fear is replaced with excitement and awe, your hate with love , and your despair and  hope.

First Extrovert, Then Introvert, and Lastly Extrovert Again

Your self-image, thoughts, interpretations, and memories of past events and past emotions are stored in W2. W2 bodies of most people are like junkyards of outdated thoughts, useless emotions, and suppressed desires. Such content works like a broken lens that contribute nothing valuable to hologram lens. For many, W2 is a collection of comforting and tranquilizing lenses that lead to numbness, laziness, inaction, complacency, and conformity. A period of introversion helps one to correct those lenses. One can pinpoint all lenses that create biases and negative emotional reactions due to past experiences or belief systems. Moreover, one should become introvert in order to understand how the machinery of X works.
One purpose of introversion is correct categorization of thoughts to 3 layers of L1, L2, and L3. While L2 portion of W2 is subject to the least amount of change,  L1 and L3 portion of W2 need serious overhaul in different stages of life. L2 should remain objective and without any judgement or bias. L1 and L3 are there to be filled with your creativity. Mending self-image needs contributions from all three layers though.
Nevertheless, one should become extrovert again after all these corrections. Success in W1 needs a balance between the two modes of introversion and extroversion. Becoming Nezman (and fully understanding of X) requires a long period of introversion (months or even years).
Some of the most successful people switch mode every day. After a day of extroversion (and dealing with W1 reality) would think one or two hours in order to update L2 and plan to influence W1 toward their preferences. They update L2 and plan while avoiding fantasies and comforting escapism.

Matter Is Sacred and Valuable, yet Magical and Mysterious.

Matter can create life, consciousness, pleasure, the experience of meanings, and the experience of beauty; therefore, matter is, sacred and valuable, yet magical and mysterious.
Consciousness is the product of matter plus evolution. The experience of meanings inside the bubble is also such a product. Moreover, consciousness correlates with the form and composition of matter. A new composition creates new consciousness. For instance, using drugs and alcohol changes the composition of the brain by introducing new chemicals to the existing compositions. The new composition creates altered consciousness.
Consciousness may be one potential among many potentials of matter. We are a composition of atoms, but this does not mean that we are just that.  We have found some equations to describe the state of affairs in W1, We do not even know what really matter and energy are. Our effort is aimed at prediction and utilization of this understanding toward our our preferences.
We know atoms in our body come from far away galaxies where they were made billions of years ago, but we are much more than what makes up our bodies. In fact, the whole is different that the parts. We are the matter looking at itself. Maybe still confused, but we have taken our first steps in the path of self-discovery.

W2 Makes an Imperfect Model of Unknown W1: Lowering the Standard of Intelligibility

The standard of intelligibility in an ocean of mysteries:
When Newton explained that gravity is an invisible force that affects matter from distanceit was considered absurd by common sense. Later it seemed natural. What Newton proposed was unintelligible by man's evolutionary mind. Nevertheless, it became a  part of the science. Newton lowered the standard of intelligibility for understanding of W1. Einstein's relativity, quantum physics, and neurological correlations with qualia did the same. They give us a picture of W1 that defies our common sense (which developed through encounter with mid-size realities of W1 in the path of evolution). The laws and capacities of W2 cannot accurately describe the unknown W1. In other words, the model-making capabilities of W2 have serious limitations in describing W1. This shows how our common sense (our basic understanding of W1) is illusory. We are experiencing W1 without knowing its essence, its rules, its laws, its meaning, its potential, and its relation to W2 and the feeler. We are swimming in an ocean of mysteries, and we are pretending (or falsely believe) that we understand W1, W2, and W3.


Free like an Ancient King, a Modern King, or Nezman

Free like an ancient king, a modern king, or Nezman:
Many ancient kings did whatever they wanted to without shame, guilt, regret, or second thoughts. They did not suppress their desires and lived close to their instincts. Unlike modern kings, they would show their power and kingship to the world. Some even defied gods or introduced themselves as gods or agents of gods. Such kings and their subjects lived in a more harmonious reality.
However, kings today cannot show off their wealth and power to the world. They live double lives. They create mass illusions and charades, and hide behind the walls of their castles and play chess by moving their pawns. It is more mind labor than pure instincts; therefore they hypocrites with a lot of suppression. Kings of our time have much more power, yet they have a much uglier self-image. They may do whatever they want, yet they carry the contradictions of having double lives. A king in hiding is never as free as an ancient king.
Nezman’s freedom is different though. Nezman does not suppress his desires. Nezman gets what he wants because he has control over his own desires. There is a harmony between what he desires and what he gets. He has insatiable appetite, yet he is not the slave of his appetite (his appetite is his slave). Nezman’s insatiable appetite fuels his odyssey. He enjoys the rollercoaster of reality. Both being a king and a subject are part of his journey. No king in history has ever been so free as Nezman because even the most powerful king lives in a rigid reality. Nezman as the master of reality shapes the reality and remains free no matter whether he is a king or a subject. Nezman’s self-image is independent of anything out there.

Metaphor of a Boiling Pot of W2

W2 is like a gigantic boiling pot, whose ingredients constantly interact with each other. As new ideas are poured into this boiling pot, new compositions are created. One has access only to the surface of this pot. Deep inside the pot, the remnants of one’s past ideas, interpretations, and memories have been deposited. Many of those past thoughts, interpretations, and feelings are biased, outdated, inaccurate, or false (do not reflect W1 accurately). In fact, a large portion of the content of this pot is indoctrinated ideas of childhood that corresponds to certain intolerable realities. The realities that rarely are in harmony with W1 and addresse the inherent absurdity or contradictory aspects of W1.
Any disturbance can bring unexpected compositions to the surface. The only way that one can alter the taste of this boiling pot it to add a lot of delicious new ingredients that mask or eliminate the bitter taste of the pot. The pot is like a living body composed of interacting cells. The new ingredients react with the existing ingredients and create new compositions.


Evolution of Mass Realities Throughout History

Nez: The history of ideas is the history of change and confusion. As dominant ideologies of an era change, the mass realities of that era also change. History exhibits a rollercoaster of evolving mass realities. Throughout history, thinkers have changed their focus many times. In ancient times, thinkers were looking for answer to questions such as Where are we? Who are we? or What is life? But later thinkers’ focus changed to questions such as What should we do? What are right and wrong actions? Depending on how they answered these questions (and filled up the unknown or unknowable), they constructed their own version of reality. Imagine that you were a slave building the pyramids, what reality would you have experienced? For sure, you would have experienced a different reality than that of someone who was witnessing witch-hunt in 17th Century Europe.
Nevertheless, many thinkers claimed that they have found certain and reliable answers for those questions, and by doing so, they created solid heavenly or hellish mass realities. However, all have focused on W1 and W2 (the inner image of W1), instead of focusing on X (the mechanism that gives rise to those realities).
Nezman focuses on X, as well as W2. Nezman explores the world of ideas and dives deep into the history of ideas because every idea corresponds to its peculiar reality. History is a kitchen full of different recipes to construct a variety of realities. Nezman meticulously screen and categorize ideas into three categories (L1, L2, and L3) in order to come up with his or her own answers for those fundamental questions. Nez carefully separates the fuzzy border between the knowable for unknowable. Nezman has the most organized W2. Nezman’s Castle of thoughts (the whole W2 composition) is a masterpiece that gives rise to the most beautiful qualitative experiences.

The Ugliest Thing in the World Is Intention to Harm and Inflict Pain to Others

Nez: For the feeler, intention to harm or inflict pain is the darkest and ugliest composition in the universe. The inner surface of the bubble of such a person is covered with scenarios of past and future suffering. The person is so lost in himself that cannot see other judgement centers. Thick distorted lenses (archetypes and complexes) construct a hell for such a person. This person lives in an inescapable hell and regards the universe and everything in it as one’s own enemies. He is burning inside his own hellish bubble and wants others to burn with him (which he gains satisfaction out of it). There is nothing uglier than receiving pleasure from inflicting pain or destroying beauty in others' bubbles. Nezman tries to eradicate such intention by any means. That’s why having power and control is a must for Nezman.


Pleasure, a Means That Became an End: 3 Kinds of Pleasure Alignments

Three kinds of pleasure alignments:

1. Alignment of pleasure with survival (Life's alignment with pleasure): Through the course of evolution, only life forms survived whose pleasure was aligned with survival. For instance, the offsprings who did not find sexual activity pleasurable did not pass their genes and became extinct. This means many W1 preferences are the product of natural selection through eons. What you find pleasurable today is what allowed your ancestors survive through millions of years. However, as gradually higher levels of consciousness emerged, meaning gave a new direction to pleasure.

2. Alignment of pleasure with meaning: The developement of memory and imagination in W2 created new forms of pleasure. Memory of pleasurable experiences and preferable composition could construct complex future scenarios, as well as the concept of eternal pleasure (I will address complex future scenarios when I introduce Le1 to Le5 scenarios). As the image of pleasure (or memory of pleasure) became more powerful than the first-hand experience of pleasure, all the problems began. Man became the most confused animal. In other words, as meanings became a major source of pleasure, the mankind's confusion began.

Meanings are the feeler’s evaluation of W2 compositions. The Constructs that incorporate the memory of past pleasurable states seem preferable. W2 compositions can incorporate contradictory scenarios of pain and pleasure (for instance, the past scenarios of pain and future scenarios of pleasure). There is no limit to imagination in this regard. The meaning could be so preferable that a person sacrifice present or short-term pleasure for a beautiful meaning whose future scenarios are preferable. Some of these meanings could become so perverted that they deny and contradict W1 pleasure completely. For instance, some religions create meaningful W2 compositions (that have some preferable future scenarios) and prohibit many carnal pleasures. It may seem ironic because as one breaks down any complex preferable W2 composition, one will find simple carnal pleasures as their building blocks. Pleasure can become a currency in the hand of the creators of meaning (and they can use it as they want). Different religions budget pleasure as it best suits them.

3. Alignment of pleasure with the maximum of preference fulfillment: There is no doubt that meanings can create great pleasures, but an optimum balance between W1 and W2 pleasure is needed to achieve the maximum preferences. W1 pleasure is what our evolutionary W1 body finds aligned with survival, and W2 pleasure is beautiful meanings (the evaluation of feeler of certain W2 composition). Nezman has a healthy balance between W1 body pleasure and W2 body pleasure (beautiful meanings).

In some sense, pleasure and beautiful meaning have close affinity. Pleasure is a preferable experience. Beautiful meanings also provide preferable experiences. In everyday language, beauty is the feeler’s evaluation of a W2 composition (what we feel after seeing a beautiful artwork), but pleasure is what W1 body finds preferable (what we feel when we eat a delicious meal). However, in essence they are very similar because both words describe preferable states.


The Depression and a Faulty Hologram Lens: the Depressed Gets Lost in Oneself

There are things out there in W1. Our evolutionary body works as an interpretative lens that registers and creates a personal W2 model of those external W1 things and events. Our W1 and W2 bodies give rise to a stream of reality. Different W1 and W2 bodies give rise to different realities. An intolerable, ugly, hopeless, or meaningless reality can also be an outcome. In such cases, one or both of these components (W1 and W2 bodies) may be the cause or causes. We call such experiences depression. Sometimes, one unfortunate event is enough to destroy the castle of thoughts. Other times, the person gradually grasps his or her mortality, which makes many scenarios of future meaningless or irrelevant. Even W1 body can be the culprit (such as an illness or chronic pain). A depressed person thinks that the world out there is intolerable (and the source of the problem), but the problem or problems lie inside the self (W1 body or W2 body).

Depression is a lingering and resonating scenarios of pain, ugliness, and meaninglessness in W2 (especially in L1 and L3). Since anything in W2 is just an inaccurate interpretation (or an internal model of W1), depression is one persistent illusion.The depressed person’s mind cannot imagine anything other than inescapable scenarios of past, present, and future pain and suffering (sometimes eternal suffering). A depressed person reviews the past memories with new flawed pessimistic lenses. The person forgets once he or she was living in a happier and more beautiful reality. All happy experiences fade away. A faulty hologram lens can make all past, present, and future events ugly. The depressed feels imprisoned in a concrete and inescapable ugly reality but, in fact, is stuck in the self.

Nezman is immune to depression. Nezman does not punish oneself for improbable and unknown scenarios of future pain because Nezman knows that the scenarios of future pain and suffering construct an illusive reality full of suffering that ruins this moment. For Nezman, only present pain exists (pain felt at this moment through the physical body). Nezman gets prepared for L1 future scenarios, but never lets L1 or L3 future scenarios hijack his or her reality. For Nezman, depression is one interpretation among infinite number of possible interpretations. Nezman’s W2 is open to new interpretations as Nezman is creative like a child.


The Most Important Piece of Knowledge for a Conscious Being Is Knowing That Its Conscious Experience Can Be Controlled by the Conscious Being

Consciousness is a gift. We are thrown into consciousness. We suddenly find ourselves conscious. The most important piece of knowledge for a conscious being is knowing that the conscious being can control its conscious experience.
Things exist, but we don't know why. We just register how things exist, but the meaning of things are defined by how we feel about them and how our past experiences and feelings are associated to those things. W1 exists, and we are also part of that W1 (our W1 body is part of W1 as a whole). W1, in core, is unkown or even unknowable. Our W2 registers W1, and our W3 experiences are the closest to us. For many, the machinery of X (in which quantitative content of W1 and W2 bodies give rise to our conscious experience) is an automatic and uncontrollable process. Knowing that one can control one’s qualitative experiences is the first step toward becoming a Nezman. The deep knowledge of X enables Nezman to gain mastery over his or her own body, own W2 interpretations, and own conscious experiences of stream of reality.

Our Hardware and Software Can Give Rise to a Small Portion of the Spectrum of Realities

The reality that we are experiencing is just one interpretation among infinite number of possible interpretations, yet our W1 body (our hardware) and our W2 body (our software) can give rise to a small portion of the spectrum of possible realities. To understand the limitation of our W1 component, just take a look at the way your eyes give rise to the experience of colors. We are almost blind since only 4 percent of light spectrum is visible to us. Sensitive cells inside our eyes are blind to 96 percent of light’s wavelengths. In fact, we create a partial construct of what is out there, yet it seems like a perfect reality to us. Many other realities with different qualitative experiences could be constructed with different W1 body components (hardware).

The persistent illusion that we perceive is limited by the ability of our W1 body component. We experience the world through the lens of W1 body (our hardware), yet many of us cannot imagine that different experiences are even possible. Many people look at the sky, yet there is no way to know whether they see the same blue color. Contribution of W1 body to construction of reality is mysterious and miraculous.

Most people assume that their experiences are universal and concrete. They fail to understand that their realities are arbitrary and dependent to their W1 bodies. The same is true about W2 body components. Your belief systems and your culture create one lens that contributes to your reality. Culture is a mass indoctrination. Many different belief systems can give rise to many different realities.

Nezman knows the reality he or she is experiencing is only one arbitrary interpretation among many. Nezman takes control of W1 body and W2 components as much as it is possible. Eventually, Nezman looks at W1 and W2 as a ladder to reach the highest W3 experiences.

You Fall in Love with Your Own Self-Made Constructs: What Makes Your Object of Affection Desirable Is Inside You

Love at the first sight? Infatuation? You meet someone, and immediately you feel strong attraction toward that person. How much of what you see and love is out there, and how much of it is inside you? How much of what you feel toward the object of your affection is really coming from that object? What increases your heart rate when you see the object of your affection?
You receive very little information from the person, yet huge constructions are made. Negligible bottom-up flow of information gives rise to sizable desirable constructions, but a lot comes from you (and not the person). Your past memories and interpretive L3 lenses transform small input into glamorous constructions. These lenses are so powerful that small input can create an idol. In fact, you fall in love with your own self-made constructs.
Many times, L3 lenses create false associations by overgeneralization. L3 lenses store your own golden ratios (proportions that you find beautiful because of your W1 body or because of acquired taste through past associations).
Every memory associated with pleasure and beauty creates a lens that affects your future interpretations. These small lenses melt together and form a bigger lens.
Every single thing that you want and find attractive is a package of attributes that in your memory (and your lenses) are associated with pleasure. Every new memory of pleasure is a chain that creates a new goal lens (desire lens).
In fact, the more powerful your memory, the more your future is taken hostage by the pleasurable and painful memories of past experiences. Every generalization or glamorization is an automatic outcome of such organic lenses. Nezman digs deep into making of W2 lenses (L2, L1, and L3 lenses) in order to take control of autopilot mechanism that gives rise to tastes and exaggerated constructs.


Meanings Change as Points of View Change

Depending on your point of view, the meanings change. A preferable state for one person can be an undesirable state for another person. This is a cause of never-ending contradiction and confusion for an imaginative perceiver.
For instance, being rich (or being a king) has different meanings from different viewpoints. For the rich, having wealth means security, power, and ability to fulfill their preferences. For the poor, it is hoarding of valuable resources that could have been used to serve many (instead of one). It can be construed as indifference to the suffering of the poor.
An unimaginative, narrow-minded, or selfish observer is blind to the third-party's viewpoint and cannot feel such contradiction and confusion; therefore, he or she remains more focused on selfishly pursuing his or her own preferences (ignoring others' preferences and well-being). That's why psychopaths are very successful in pursuit of their own self-interest.

Laws, Social Norms, and Morality Are Designed to Hide the War of Preferences

Societies deny and cover the hidden war of preferences and hide the conflicts of wills. Mass denial engenders more harmony and empathy in the society. Such denial used to create more harmony in the past (for instance when Christianity was more dominant), but as capitalism and materialism prevailed, it became harder to encourage empathy among competitors in a so-called free market. Denying the war of preferences gives advantage to those who are free from morality and conscience. They can gain advantages by cheating and secretly violating the laws, norms, and moral codes. That's why most successful politicians are psychopaths who have no sense of guilt or conscience. They gain their preferences of power and wealth by unethical means. If every member of society was as free as they are from social norms and morality, chaos and fierce competition would have ensued. Morality and social norms are chains that bring harmony and provide systematic advantages for the group that establish those rules. Throughout history, different groups established and controlled those rules. For instance, religious leaders such as Popes had this role when the church ruled the Europe in the Middle Ages. After industrialization, those who controlled mass media and those who controlled legislative system (the lobbyists and frontman of capitalists) controlled laws, social norms, and morality.

Metaphor Therapy

Every person lives in a constructed reality (the mechanism that constructs personal reality will be explained in depth in this blog). A person experiences a self-made reality; however, the person who is immersed in this experience fails to see the mechanism that constructs the realty (like a fish that can’t see water). It is difficult to understand the machine that gives rise to understanding itself. Metaphors are tools that can help a person to comprehend the unexplainable. Though, understanding a concept through metaphors needs powerful imagination. Once the concept of X was understood, one can detach oneself from the experience and gain control over the experience of the reality. In fact, whenever one experiences the abyss, one can shatter the solidity of that reality by remembering that all are constructions, and whenever one experiences bliss, one can intensify the experience of that reality by forgetting about the mechanism.
Depression is imprisonment in a extremely solid reality. For the depressed, the outcome of X is ugly and meaningless (full of scenarios of future pain and suffering). The cause of depression is either in W1 body (hardware malfunction rooted in your physiology) or in W2 body (software malfunction rooted in your psychology and your belief system).
Metaphor therapy, which provides a deep understanding about the machinery of X, can enable an individual to shatter the solidity of that horrible reality. Treating depression by metaphor therapy takes a long-time and intense intellectual labor. Metaphor therapy is an ideal treatment for intelligent individuals. Nevertheless, it is a bumpy road because, at first, it makes every reality an illusion. This creates a serious crisis (accompanied by pessimism or nihilism). Later, when the person gained a deeper understanding of X, he or she becomes equipped with tools and criteria to separate different realities from one another. Finally, the person learns how to evaluate any experienced reality. The person learns to analyze the components of W1 and W2 bodies, and eventually gains power over the outcome of that constructed reality. For Nezman, depression is one persistent illusion (where the stream of reality gets stuck on one reality).


Religions and Mass Depression

Nobody knows what lies beyond death (and what happens to consciousness after death). Nobody has the needed capacity and tools to fully understand what God and the whole universe are. We live in an ocean of uncertainty. Science provides minuscule certainty through the use of experiments and our experiences. Science is a small candle in the dark, and a great portion of unknown is left to be filled up with our imagination. Most religions have tried to fill up the unknown and uncertainty with some comforting scenarios. Religions have been perfecting their stories for thousands of years. Many brilliant religious thinkers have hidden contradictions and flaws of those stories (and scenarios of future). However, the changes in our lifestyle in the recent centuries have been so quick and so dramatic that most religions fell behind in updating their justifications.
One root of mass depression is that the scenarios of future proposed by existing religions are not beautiful, comfortable, and believable as they were once. The modern society needs more believable and more exciting scenarios of future. People’s imagination is expanding so quickly that soon, nothing short of becoming a god would satisfy them. The everyday reality has become so mundane, repugnant, and intolerable that people prefer to escape to virtual realities and fantasy. Capitalism has become a religion. An inefficient religion that creates beautiful, but short-lived, reality. A religion that denies death, and when its contradictions emerge, it turns into nihilism.


Depression Is Persistent Scenarios of Future Pain and Suffering

Depression is a persistent illusion. A depressed person lives in a universe (or hell) full of fear of future scenarios of pain. Bad experiences of the past construct an illusory scenarios of future pain, ugliness, or meaninglessness. A depressed person forgets the fact that future is unknowable and changeable. A depressed person does not know that mastery of X can turn hells to heavens.