This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


Only One Thing Is More Important Than Reality: The Entity That Constructs Reality

Nez: Only one thing is more important than reality: the entity that constructs reality. The mysterious and unknown mechanism that creates reality is more important than the reality itself. The stream of reality is a forgotten miracle. People take experiences for granted. They do their best to get the most desirable experiences without thinking about ontology of experiences. However, an even bigger mystery is the entity or mechanism that makes such experiences possible. This is the ultimate question mark. This is the most mysterious question in the universe. For a person who consciously or unconsciously does one’s best to get the best experiences, the most important questions are: how the most qualitative experiences are created. Perhaps we never know where it comes from, yet we create our own beautiful version of the unknown.


Anonymous said...

It maybe the most curiousing question, but it maybe also the most meaningless question for our life too. There is a tree, one day, it wondered ,“Why do I need sunshine and water and nutritions from outside for living? Can I live without these things? Where do these things ( sunshine, water and nutritions ) come from? And how do they cooperate with my body? ..”Then maybe one day, it will know some things about the sun and water cycle and the biology or whatever it may know. After knowing the environment around it, then it maybe question about what is itself? “How and why do I come to the earth and live at the very specific position( the ground and shape)? What kind of materials do I consist of? How do these elements work in my body? And where do these elements from? What’s the universe? Where does the universe from? What’s the rules under the living creatures and under the running universe? Why do some animals always eat my leaves or that kind of grass? Do they like the smell or what kind of things they are lack of but existing in my leaves or the grass? And how about the truth of the sunflowers , wolfs, worms, dinosaurs or human beings... and why do I have these kind of thoughts? Why can I think ? Why do I have mind? Why, why , why, why, why?...”Endless questions. It will never know the exact truth in this life, because it is just a tree. There are so many things it does not know and can’t know because of its limitations which itself even doesn’t know, like it can’t know how does a man think and move on the earth. It even maybe don’t know there exist oceans and other things, because its visions are limited to its fixed positions. There are lots of limitations stop us from the truth of ourselves. Let us make an assumption that the tree finally knows what is itself and how does the universe work on everything, what is the rules under the surface of everything that we know about. Then , so what? It can’t change anything about the truth. It still needs the water and sunshine and nutritions to survive. If lack of water, it will die definitely. When the wind goes through the branches, its leaves will be forced to sway. When its body cut by men with a more harder and sharper object, like a saw, it will be cut off quickly. .. The tree can’t change the truth.

Anonymous said...

Its life is still the same as other trees but more dull because it knows too much. Everything looks lack of mysteries and charms in its eyes . It didn’t use a lot of time for enjoyment but for thinking and worrying.And what’s the core issue is that it cannot know the truth by anyway. And if it is very determined and ambitious about figuring out the truth, it will waste all of its life on the boring question. And then die. And it just disappears. And maybe , if it has another life, it becomes a tree again or whatever other things, if it still so curious about the questions, it will waste its life again and again, nonstop and nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I have a guess : there exists another world .And maybe a lot of worlds exist that we don’t know.Below are my wandering thoughts : The first question is “ Do we human beings ( Because I don’t know too much about other creatures.) need to know all the truth of the world and ourselves? “My answer is coming on the road@... Assuming we everybody knows all the truth of the world. We know what kind of elements ( or more smaller substances make up our physical body and how them work in our body . We know where our minds come from. We know where human beings come from, maybe from some planet we never heard of or really from some “ gods” ,made by magic , whatever. And the development of physics or chemistry or biology or something else, finally, we normally use the knowledge for making more military weapons to kill more people , own more power, or wanting to last more longer of our weak life... So in fact , we know too much maybe won’t let us live a more happier life but a more dangerous and uncertain and evil and boring life. Even we know everything, we still live on the earth as a human being like before. Or maybe not. We maybe don’t interest in eating, sleeping, dressing, sexing , parenting retiring or other things that we do them today and in the old times. Because we think we are human beings, we need to do something different from normal. Or other crazy thoughts. So why do we need to know every truth besides the truths that are really influencing our happy and simple life? Why do we want to disgust and bore ourselves with meaningless questions that we only can know but can’t change?

Anonymous said...

The ordinary and natural life looks so simple and cute. All the big problems are made by humans we ourselves especially those people who have a lot of crazy ideas and own big powers.

Anonymous said...

The next question is “why do U think there exist another world?” There are some questions : (1) Why some people can tell the future in advance? ( except those who are liars and cheaters) Especially the specific future of persons or companies or schools ... And those predictions are proved in the future exactly. For example, somebody told my mother of my future, and my life does work like that. And there are lots of examples around me. So why people’s future can be determined from their born? (2) Why sometimes can people dream about the things that will happen in the future ? And they did happen later! (3) So who tell them all the things? Are they really just coincidences? And people who can tell the future are not all born with this ability. Some of them are forced to do it when they are older. So why? I don’t want to know all the truth when its unnecessary and dangerous. I don’t want to step into troubles which will make me unhappy. But I have a guess of the world: Maybe we are created by some strength ( aliens or livings that we don’t know. Let me call it “He”.) which is very powerful strength for us. He created the earth ( maybe and the sun, the moon,the Mars,the Jupiter...) and all the substance that consist of the whole environment, like chemical elements, gravity,heat,wind,thunder,creatures, plants... especially human beings( before maybe there are dinosaurs, and maybe some creatures before dinosaurs ). Its like a computer game. All the substances above ( sun, earth, heat , wind, gravity...) make up the database of the game. Then , He gave these things functions to let them work in his way. And He maps these resources, decide the specific beginnings and the progress and the endings of every single substance. Let all the substance move in determined routes, or gave it a range. ( We can call it destiny.) He made the rules of the game, like some kind of animals only can eat meat for living, some only can eat vegetarian for living, some can both. Who is eaten by who, and who needs to rely on who. And he gave different creatures different functions (advantages and disadvantages)to make the game more balancing ( every creature will die of some bugs, and no one has too much power to win anyone else easily.) It’s like He put the coding into the computer to decide how does the game work. He also made some reward and punishment system. The extinction of dinosaurs maybe is because the dinosaurs are too powerful in their times, made the game boring. So He use the natural disasters to end them , and restart a new generation of game. He changed the settings. And we humans came out to play the lead role. And maybe one day, the game will be ended similarly when we break the balance of the game too much , because He feels boring again.

Anonymous said...

In my guess, the minds in our every specific person are the individual coding of us. We never can know why. Because it’s His ideas. We can’t know He. And we don’t need to know Him. Because we are too weak for Him, and we cannot change the game and the settings. But we can use the resources He gave us, and know some rules which are useful for us. Take advantage of the rules. Make our life more interesting.

Anonymous said...

He is a very superb game designer designed from the macrocosm to the microscopic emotional changes, even giving people thoughts and feelings. Let different people have a certain and different life. The design of characters, plots, etc. is impossible for the most outstanding designers of mankind.

Anonymous said...

And maybe there’s no He in fact. The world is just a chaotic place. Or other possibilities. Whatever. It’s not so important.

Nezman said...

Thank you very much for sharing your beautiful ideas. I have addressed the point you are making in some other posts.
Distinguishing between L1, L2, and L3 is an important thinking discipline. Answering to those why questions belong to L1. In many instances Nez clarifies that L1 is your personal answer to mystery. L1 is a white curtain that nobody knows what lays behind it. In L1, you become a creator. You find your personal answers, but those answers should not contradict L2.
A tree that knows that it lives in a magnificent universe feels much better that a tree that has never understood the gravity of unknown. Nezman lives in awe, but for fear. He understand the mystery and accept it. He even goes further to become the creator of his unknown god.

Nezman said...

Many hypotheses and every hypothesis you suggested above in order to explain the mystery could be one possible L1 content. Nez does not prescribe any kind of L1 to anyone. No one knows the unknown. You can choose your own metaphysical beliefs, but Nezman chooses a L1 that doesn’t contradict L2. The important thing is after you learn how to master your feelings and experiences through changing W1 and W2 bodies, you feel as you want. Understanding X needs education and a lot of imagination. Meaninglessness disappears after you understand how your reality is constructed. Nez will give you an astrolabe. A pragmatic tool that help you happily navigate in an ocean of mysteries. said...

:) said...

I changed some of my ideas here too.When we have doubts about the world, we may make many mistakes in the process of retrieving the answers, such as extreme thoughts and behaviors, paranoia, greed, and so on. But if we can finally get rid of ignorance and gain the truth of life, we may understand the meaning of life more, know how to cherish our life and create beauty, not just hurt each other. Therefore, it makes sense to understand the truth about ourselves and the environment around us. Ignorance brings more confusion and ugliness. said...

And He created many different worlds in the same game, and the time and space in different worlds are different. It is like different time and space composed of multiple dimensions, and there are different worlds in different time and space. Similar to the nine heavens (or thirty-three heavens) in Buddhism. And the world we live in is just one of the worlds that we can perceive by our human beings. In fact, other worlds are parallel with us, but most of us cannot feel it. It is very likely that characters in some worlds can see us, but we can't see them. Different gameplay characters in different time and space settings. The higher the time and space level, the higher the level of the character and the stronger the ability index. At the same time he also sets the criteria for rising or falling levels from different worlds. In addition, why do some people can predict the future and know the fate of individuals or countries? Perhaps it is because some very smart and sensitive people have deciphered the relevant code of the game's role setting, and even wrote the deciphered password into a book so that later people can learn how to predict the fate of each character. (It may also be a password that He enters into the brains of some human beings, allowing some people to leak some rules of the game, creating more confusion in the human world, guiding people to think about the truth behind them, in order to make the game more interesting. The way to enter different codes creates a number of roles, such as wise men, writers, sportsmen, kings, civilians, etc.)

Nezman said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. All these stories or hypotheses belong to your L1 content of your W2. I have my own L1 stories. Other people have their own. Nezman chooses L1 scenarios that brings him the highest qualitative experiences (beautiful meanings and pleasure) in the long-run. There are levels of pragmatism involved in choosing one’s L1. Although one important condition should be met that these L1 stories and scenarios should not contradict L2.