This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


Pleasure, Beauty, or Both

Student: What is the most important thing in the world?
Nez: Creation of beauty and pursuit of beauty are the most important things in the universe. You have preferences. You discover the preferences that lead to the most beautiful qualitative experiences most of the times.
Student: What do you mean most of the times?
Nez: To make it clear, I give you an example. Drugs may temporarily provide you with ecstatic experiences, but they also bring more harm and suffering in long-term. On the contrary, you go though the hardships of education, but you reap the benefits for a lifetime.
Student: What is beauty?
Nez: Beauty for you is what you prefer most of the times. Beautiful is a thing, a scene, an idea, or anything that the feeler’s algorithm evaluates as preferable. As I mentioned before, your W1 and W2 bodies give rise to your feeler’s algorithm and your taste in beauty. Therefore, when your W1 body changes or when your W2 body changes, your taste in beauty changes. For instance when you become educated in visual art (gain visual literacy), you can enjoy much more from the nuances and beauty of artworks. W1 body also contributes greatly to the feeler’s algorithm. You find meat delicious, while a cow finds vegetation delicious.
Even a person’s inherited evolutionary biology as a part of W1 body affects your preferences. Why most mothers love their children? Because a mother has such an evolutionary or acquired preference. For a mother devotion is a beautiful preference.
Student: What is the difference between pleasure and beauty?
Nez: Beauty and pleasure are almost the same. Every preferred composition either creates W1 pleasure or W2 pleasure. W2 pleasure is a beautiful meaning that mind perceives. Pleasure of body is the preference of W1 composition, and pleasure of mind is a beautiful meaning, preferable by your W2 composition.

Ebbs and Flows of the Stream of Reality

When you master the architecture of reality, you understand the process of construction of reality and the qualitative feelings (and experiences) attached to that reality. This insight empowers you to adjust your reality despite the limitations of W1 external compositions and your W1 internal composition (your W1 body). X has two contributing compositions W1 and W2 compositions. The more the limitations of W1 are, the more control on W2 compositions is needed. When W1 compositions and W2 interpretations of those W1 events are extremely intolerable, some autopilot defense mechanisms detach a person from reality.
The ultimate goal is to have the feelings that you want. That W3 experience of that feeling is inside you. That W3 experience is created when certain W2 and W1 compositions are in place. For instance, a person needs certain amount of money in his bank account to feel safe. If he saves that amount in his bank account, W1 external composition is achieved. Then his knowledge of the availability of that fund changes his W2 composition. He interprets money as safety and power. Money for him implies future scenarios of pleasure and meaning. Finally W1 and W2 compositions create the desired feeling of safety for him. Can someone feel safe with much less money? Sure. Can that feeling of safety be an illusion because many other things can go wrong? Sure. We swim in an ocean of uncertainty. We are surrounded by unknown. Every W2 model of W1 is a degree of illusion.
We do everything in life to feel our preferable feelings either in the form of pleasure or beautiful meaning. For instance, one may love the pleasure of having sex or eating more than anything else, or one may find beauty and meaning in devoting his time and effort to provide a better life for his or her own family.
You reach to a point that you can control your own experience of reality because you are capable of changing the reality itself. This understanding provides you with varying degrees of freedom depending on your mastery of X.
The least benefit that one may get from X is siphoning the unbearable solid reality that imprisons and tortures the person, and at best one can become so creative and free that decide to ride a roller coaster of reality to experience the highest beauty. Such beauty is only achievable in the ebbs and flows of a stream of reality that goes up and down like a rollercoaster.

Faith Is Inevitable

Atheism is shortsighted and misguided. Faith is inevitable. Many atheists argue that they need scientific evidence for existence of god, but the question of god is irrelevant to logic and scientific inquiry. Our common sense, reasoning, and intellect inducts and deducts the facts and mathematics of W1 to make sense of things, yet W1 is unintelligible in core by the standards of our common sense (for instance quantum physics). Moreover, all of induction, deduction, and principle of uniformity of nature are weak. They argue that having faith is a sign that our emotions and desires have beaten our reasoning. However, the level of uncertainty and unknown in W1, W2, and W3 realms is so overwhelming that a large part of the picture of reality is left blank. We inevitably become creators and painters of the empty portion of the picture of reality. We interpret the unknown and fill out the blank parts. Those interpretations are faith. Even the most intelligent person who tries to remain completely agnostic (and tries to leave the blank part completely blank) will succumb to automatic instinctual machinery that will fill up the empty parts of reality with pitch black and nothingness. Non-existence for life forms (who have a lot of preferences) is darkness and meaninglessness (a kind of nihilism). This shows that one has faith no matter what. The only question is the source of that faith. Whether this faith is indoctrinated by others, or it is self-made. Nezman creates his own faith. He creates his own hologram lens, his own God, his own morality, and his own reality. His faith is flexible, revisable, and upgradable. A faith that easily incorporates new facts about 3 realms. Nezman’s God is the zenith of his imagination at any time. At times, a crazy God like the contradictions of 3 realms and the man himself.

Life: Survival Is a Value Because It Provides an Opportunity for Beautiful Qualitative Experiences

Life and survival are valuable because they provide an opportunity for beautiful qualitative experiences. Life without pursue of beauty has no value. Many consider survival the ultimate value. But survival seems like a series of accidents in the course of evolution that only those who were fit to survive passed their genes. In terms of W2, in the path of evolution, those who valued survival survived. This does not make survival an absolute value. It only means that we are the descendants of those who were fit (physically and mentally) to survive. We are descendants of those who valued survival and life. All this means that our evolutionary hardware and software is evolved and filtered for survival generation after generation. We are though surviving machines.