This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


Fear Kills Creativity

Fear is a tool that helps the ruling class to control the masses. Fear kills creativity. In the state of fear, people cannot think straight, and scenarios of future pain and suffering hijack their attention. Fear is one of the most effective tools to control masses because the fearful mass would do anything to avoid those scenarios. For instance, the fear of homelessness and poverty (or fear of losing the current lifestyle) makes people work day and night (without having enough time for critical thinking). They become specialists instead of generalists. When a person’s W2 is full of indoctrinated ideas, the person can create a limited number of scenarios of future. He is doomed to live in a mass reality. This fear can also be the fear of a neighboring tribe, another nation, or even fear of terrorism. Fear of terrorism is yet the most creative tool. The ruling class hates unleashed creativity because individuals with relevant education and creativity can envision a different future that the ruling class has less control or no control. The ruling class, would go as far as, to support real terrorism to create the fear of terrorism in order destroy mass’s creativity and control them. State of fear is a reality that is constructed on perceived or real threats that imply scenarios of future pain and suffering.
Nezman does not feel fear. Nezman only reacts to a real threat.

Thinking Discipline

People, who talk more, think more because language is the tool of thinking, but this does not mean that they are thinking correctly. A large part of their talking and thinking may be repetitive, superficial, fantastic, irrelevant, incoherent, or inconsistent. Thinking correctly needs education. Becoming a Nezman begins with thinking discipline. First you need to know different categories of ideas and territories of thinking. Thinking is a W2 phenomenon, in which the person paints on the inner surface of the bubble. One can project anything on the inner surface of the bubble. You can think whatever you want and say whatever you want. But your statements and thinking can be evaluated from two different viewpoints. First, how much does it correspond to the W1 compositions out there? Second, how much does it serve your W3 preferences? People think and believe things that are pleasing and comforting (even though those things contradict the W1 reality), but sooner or later, they will face the consequences of those fantastic projections. Similarly, people think very realistically, and they experience meaninglessness and nihilism. In W2, you make a small model of W1 reality. If this model is not an accurate model of state of affairs in W1, you are delusional (and W1 reality hits you hard). On the contrary, if you only create an accurate model of W1 reality, you become a prisoner of a concrete, meaningless, and boring reality. Nezman forms an accurate model of the known parts of W1, while he or she creates his own unique model of the unknown parts of W1, W2, and W3. He has a realistic outlook to W1, while he lives in the most fantastic reality.
To do such an impossible, you need first to learn how to think (and explore W2). You need to learn how to interpret the past and how to dream about the future.
Nezman knows that registering an accurate W1 is a tool, and not an ultimate goal. Nezman knows that W1 is unknowable in core, and science or any other tools aimed at serving W3 preferences. For Nezman, thinking is a means that allows your W3 preferences to be fulfilled. Nezman controls his thoughts and all the W2 contents. The content of W2 can only be controlled if you learn thinking discipline. Later in thinking discipline, I will explain three layers of W2 (and their corresponding realities). Nevertheless, thinking and everything else is aimed at creating the most beautiful qualitative experiences for the feeler because the feeler is the soul of your soul.

The Creative Power of Your Imagination Is the Closest Concept to the Concept of God

Nez: God? Are you talking about the God? Your idea of a god or the God is a vague imagination and a bunch of characteristics that you are longing for. If there is a god, it is beyond your imagination. If there is a god, the closest thing to it is the creative power of your imagination itself. Thinking about a god or gods is just an exercise for your imagination. You are just testing the limitation of your imagination. If you take a look at the evolution of the concept of god throughout history, you see how arbitrary this concept is. Thinking about the God in man's imagination leads to a vicious circle because infinity is a meaningless concept in W1 (infinity is a W2 concept). Do not bother yourself with the image of a god, gods, or the God because eventually you are the creator of that concept. Here I talk about my personal god, but you are free to create your own differently.
You can create any god that you want, but do not let your god to be much bigger than you. Expand your god and expand your self-image in parallel to your god; otherwise your self-image is destroyed, and you become nothing more than a spec of dust compared to the magnitude of your god. Experiencing humility is part of the rollercoaster, but when the concept of god dwarfs your self-image, you become powerless and insignificant. You become a prisoner of W1 mathematics and W1 reality. However, there are other types of mathematics; W2 and W3 mathematics contradict W1 mathematics. You should live in all three realms. You should adopt three mathematics appropriately and in a timely manner.
If there is a god with infinite power, he has no fear of making you a demi-god. If a god is really omni-potent, it does not need any praise. Such a god would let you to be the creator of your own reality. In fact, the god has created you in its own image. You are a part of god. You can become a god, yourself. No one can judge you other than you. Such a god does not need to judge you. Why do you imagine god as an external entity? You are everything. You are magical. You are the soul of the
matter. You are the soul of the universe. Never devalue yourself, and go neck to neck with your god.
My god is the greatest. What is greater than a god who gives you everything (you makes you identical with itself)? What is greater than a god who makes you the creator of your own reality? If you are not a god, for sure, you are a demi-god.

Nez’ Astrolabe

Nez: science is the most successful interpretation of the unknown reality, but it is always open to revision. Science registers and explains what is happening out there. Science cannot guarantee that the laws of nature have to work uniformly at all times. We may wake up one day in a world that the sky is not blue anymore. Past observations tell us what has happened so far, and we observe and form a variety of hypotheses accordingly. We utilize induction and deduction to form our successful theories in different branches of science. Science is a successful tool to predict and influence the states of affairs in the three realms. Though, the more we move from W1 toward W3 the predictability and success of science diminishes. As we move toward W3, we step into uncharted territories. There, you need an astrolabe to navigate. Science may or may not become successful in W2 and W3, as much it has been successful in W1. Until then Nez’ astrolabe rules.