This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


Extreme Selfishness Leads You to Philanthropy

Selfishness is a virtue; not knowing the self is a vice. Selfishness creates a strong urge to pursue your preferences, but shortsighted and blind selfishness deprive you of achieving more valuable preferences. Blind selfishness fails to reap the fruits of love.
It may seem strange that extreme selfishness leads you to love. Only having the attitude of love (wanting others to reach their ultimate preferences and beautiful experiences) can enable you to reach your highest experiences. If you do not love the world and others, it will be hard for you to imagine that the world and others love you. The feelings between you and the external world (the world and people in it) are mutual. If you regard the world and people in it as hateful and ugly, you live in a nightmare. You should love others and make a better world for everyone in order to reach your highest experiences. Empathy is inevitable for the imaginative. After knowing the self and one’s ultimate preferences, an extremely selfish person realizes his or her preferences cannot be reached without fulfillment of others’ preferences.

The Difinition of God in 3 Realms

Student: What is God?
Nez: God in which realm?
In W1 realm, the God (if it exist separate from us) is unknowable. In fact, everything in W1 is unknowable. We can register some W2 impressions (on the surface of our bubble) of W1 entities. The God as a W1 entity is unknowable. We construct some models of W1 entity in W2 by the help of our primitive evolutionary common sense. We use weak tools of inductive and deductive reasoning (as well as principle of uniformity of nature) to make such models, and we forget how unreliable these tools are.
In W2 Realm, gods are W2 descriptions of some unknowable W1 entities. They are just a bunch of attributes, mostly contradictory, anthropomorphic, and primitive. Millions of images of god have been created in this way, and they are just some man-made illusions that are evolving over time.
In W3 Realm, those powerful and divine W2 images give rise to unique extreme religious experiences (the experience of god). It is natural that W2 image of infinity give rise to powerful experiences of fear, joy, or ecstasy.

Nez’ Metaphor Try to Explain Something Unexplainable

Some concepts are ahead of their time, and some are difficult to understand because need powerful imagination. More than a century has passed since Einstein's theories of relativity replaced all previous descriptions of physical world, yet many educated people cannot understand his theories and their implications. To understand the implications of his theories, you need some fundamental knowledge and powerful imagination. Einstein’s theories of relativity introduced new mathematical equations and new models to describe the physical world. A descriptions that seem unnatural to common sense. Nez’ metaphors to describe X are of the same nature. They describe something complex, profound, and unnatural. You should patiently learn the basics and let your imagination fly in order to grasp the most important concept of your life, namely X.

Organizing Your Preferences

Everything has preferences and desires. Even matter and energy as constituents of life have certain preferences and desires. Having preferences and desires is inevitably a part of the existence and life. It is not our job to suppress our preferences and desires, but to make them more beautiful. We can pursue fulfillment of preferences and desires that their outcomes are beautiful. It is a pragmatic approach to choose preferences and desires that have the most desirable results for the self and others. If following one desire contradicts our other desires, then there is a problem. Our genius is to find ways to satisfy our desires, as well as those of others. Though it seems like an impossible mission, it could be one important pragmatic goal for humanity.

Quantity Gives Rise to Quality; This Is the Ultimate Miracle

The real miracle happens where quantity gives rise to quality. When beams of light enter your eyes and create the experience of color red. When certain touches become the experience of orgasm. When a chemical becomes a taste. This is the boundary of three realms. Mystery is the gateway of experience where W1 and W2 give rise to W3. The qualitative W3 experience is the most miraculous and mysterious.

Money Is a Tool to Exchange Potential Preferable Experiences

We use currencies to buy and sell things, but the ultimate things that are exchanged are preferences of the two parties involved in the exchange. We use money or other means of exchange to facilitate the trade of our preferences. Money makes fulfillment of some preferences possible.
In fact, by exchanging money, you give the potential of fulfillment of your preferences to someone else. You are buying a product or service in order to make a preferable change in your W1 body or W2 body. For instance, you buy an air conditioner to keep your body temperature (W1 preference) at your desirable level, or you buy insurance policy because you think that you are more prepared for unexpected future events (W2 preference).
The ultimate goals lie in W3. When you donate money, you provide W1 preferences for others in exchange for W2 preferences for yourself. When you buy a beautiful painting, you buy a W1 composition that can strike a chord with certain W2 compositions inside you and make you feel good.
Any currency’s ultimate goal is to exchange preferred qualitative experiences.