Nevertheless, many thinkers claimed that they have found certain and reliable answers for those questions, and by doing so, they created solid heavenly or hellish mass realities. However, all have focused on W1 and W2 (the inner image of W1), instead of focusing on X (the mechanism that gives rise to those realities).
Nezman focuses on X, as well as W2. Nezman explores the world of ideas and dives deep into the history of ideas because every idea corresponds to its peculiar reality. History is a kitchen full of different recipes to construct a variety of realities. Nezman meticulously screen and categorize ideas into three categories (L1, L2, and L3) in order to come up with his or her own answers for those fundamental questions. Nez carefully separates the fuzzy border between the knowable for unknowable. Nezman has the most organized W2. Nezman’s Castle of thoughts (the whole W2 composition) is a masterpiece that gives rise to the most beautiful qualitative experiences.