This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


Good and Evil, As Well of Beauty and Ugliness, Are Mathematical Relationships

What makes a beautiful face ugly? Disproportionate facial features.
What makes a sexy body repulsive? Disproportionate sizes of different parts of that body.
What makes a cell cancerous? Disproportionate rates of reproduction of certain cells.
What creates poverty and consequently many other social and personal problems? Disproportionate distribution of wealth.
What can transform a beautiful personality into an ugly one? Disproportionate value for self’s preferences at the cost of depriving others from their preferences.

The three realms are the battlefield of preferences. My preferences against yours (and against the whole existence). Only certain balances between preferences can create beauty and good. Imagine a mother who sacrifice a lot for her child; she puts her child’s wellbeing and preferences before her own. Nevertheless, she devotes herself with love and enjoys the W2 reward of beauty of such an act. Another instance is the winner-takes-it-all relationship, which is primitive, animalistic, and ugly.

Mathematics is everything to the feeler. Perhaps because the language of the feeler is mathematics. It understands, computes, and feels through mathematics. It smells mathematical relations. There are certain golden ratios for the feeler. The algorithm of the feeler decides what mathematics is beautiful. The algorithm of the feeler has a dynamic two-way interaction with W1 and W2 bodies. It is the product of W1 and W2 bodies, yet it can also affect W1 and W2 bodies. Everyone has different W1 and W2 bodies, and consequently a different algorithm of the feeler. The concept of good and evil is not universal. Morality is also relative.

Relationships between the mathematics of the three realms are also very complicated. What is happening in W1 in core is a mystery. L2 mathematics is an accurate model of W1. But we have L1 and L3 mathematics that are totally detached from W1. Also the memories of past emotions introduce W3 mathematics. All these mathematics are interacting with each other.

2 comments: said...

Wonderful ! Use mathematical relationships to describe our feelers. I have some random thoughts. What is affecting us to determine whether a ratio is beautiful? I think this criterion is determined by our L3 lens, not the L1 or L2 lens. What kind of feelings will make us feel that the objects or events in front of us are beautiful? Is it that we feel a sense of balance from this thing? For example, we usually think that symmetric structures are more aesthetic, not irregular. Although a few people also like things that are irregular structures. I think because most people feel similar to the sense of balance in the beauty : the thing in front of us is balanced, meaning it is stable, safe, peaceful, developmental, not like those dangerous, uncontrollable, nearly collapsed, and extreme, etc which will give people a feeling of uncomfortable structure. Here, the “balance “more means in psychology . The same is true of a few people who appreciate irregular structures. They have a slightly different psychological need than most people, and those different needs can get a balance point of satisfaction from different proportions, so that they will appreciate different proportions and think that it is beautiful. Because that ratio makes up for their psychological needs. Different people’s main lens may be one of L1, L2, or L3. Although one of them has a major impact on a specific person, in fact, all three lenses exist in one person, but our physical and mental preferences are different and the degree of use is different. I think L3 is the tool we use to judge beauty (or a medium from W1 to W2 to W3). W3 (emotion and feelings) is the fundamental standard for us to judge beauty. We judge whether a thing is beautiful or not, depending on how much our W3 pleases it . And the joyful stimuli of our W3 come from our inner psychological needs, the sensitivity of some traits. For example, a person with complex thinking but disgusting complexity tends to think that simple and pure things are more aesthetically pleasing, and make him or her feel the joy of W3. Usually, many people with simple thinking and ordinary life tend to think that complex things are more aesthetic (attractive). The things and ratios that we often think are beautiful are derived from our inner pursuit of certain feelings, such as security, balance, controllability, development (extension), change, uncontrollable, extreme (the ultimate sense) and so on. And this different feelings about beauty are formed by the innate character from being born of the individual and the growing experience of later. That beautiful point, the trait is a kind of pleasant and positive reaction that can stimulate our W3. The stronger of the reaction (attraction, pleasure), the more beautiful we think of this thing. Because people have different conditions of innate and acquired, the joyful and exciting points of different people will be different. The more similar the innate personality (temperament) and the acquired environment (social and cultural traditions, family changes, education, etc.), the closer their feelings of beauty is. For example, people in the same country or region tend to have similar views on beautiful women, and people in countries and regions with different social culture and political backgrounds sometimes have completely different views. Therefore, for the perception of beauty, each person may have different feelings due to different personal experiences. But because of our commonalities as living in the same limited environment, we also have some consensus on beauty.All in all, the feelings of beauty I think depending on the person’s different psychological needs. And it will change along with the changes of the person’s psychological needs too.

Nezman said...

Thank you for sharing your valuable input. You are right. L3 is affecting your taste in beauty the most. L3 lenses are under influence of the input of W1 body, instincts, and emotional memories of the past. Every thing is a sign and symbol of other things. It is associated with other things. To clarify this, I give you some examples. Imagine You meet a man in a party, and immediately find the person repulsive even before talking to that person. Later you find out that he is a good man; however, he looked like a teacher who had treated you very badly in your childhood. Our taste, partly comes from association of past memories. Mass indoctrination is also important. The standard of female beauty in 1930s and 1940s was voluptuous and curvy, but gradually it transformed to twiggy-like and skinny bodies.
Your W1 body input is also important. The change in brain structure can change a person’s tastes and personality. There are cases that a brain tumor transformed a person to a exhibitionist or a pedophile. There are identical twins that have different sexual orientation, and scientists hypothesized that they may have been affected by hormones differently in the womb. W1 body input is complex and unknown. Why do some people love the sweet foods, but others love sour foods? This preference mostly roots in their W1 body.