This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


L1 Layer of W2

L1 Layer (Metaphysical image/God image):
Similar to L3, L1 layer answers why questions. The content of L1 layer provides (hypothesizes) answers to questions that L2 layer (including science) has no authority to provide any answers.
L1 concocts future scenarios that are fantastic and detached from L2. This scenarios can even be eternal.
L1 lenses interpret the blank part of L2 (which is a huge portion of it). The greatness of unknown in L2 gives L1 freedom to create scenarios that extend beyond time and space, and depict great images of eternal pain and pleasure (which can create the most pleasurable or painful constructs). Considering the power of mass illusion to them, these lenses can be very powerful.

L3 Layer of W2

L3 Layer (emotional image, intuition Layer):
L3 thoughts root in W1 body (instincts), memories of past emotions and thoughts, and scenarios of future. L3 thoughts interpret W1 in whatever way they want (they can even contradict W1 L2). The content of this layer answers why questions without knowing the answer and without relying on external W1 evidence (L2 layer). Since L3 lenses are based on thoughts that are detached from W1 (and L2), they can create present and future scenarios and images of great pain or enormous pleasure. Although such scenarios of pleasure or pain cannot be materialized in W1, they are powerful enough to construct solid beautiful or torturous realities for individuals. The power of W3 lenses is a double-edged sword.

Self-image is a L3 lens. What you think about yourself in ways that is detached from W1 reality. For instance, a pop stars in the zenith of popularity, fame, wealth, and success may suffer of a nightmarish self-image. He may hate himself or herself while masses are worshiping him or her.

Being detached from W1 reality can also provide escapism when the outcome of hologram lens becomes intolerable. A feeler-serving W3 lens may turn the greatest external suffering into a tolerable reality (read Viktor Frankl story). All in all, because of W3 lenses, the image of pleasurable or painful event can be more pleasurable or painful than the event itself.

L2 Layer of W2 Is Disected

L2 Layer (the scientific image):
L2 is not synonymous with scientific knowledge, but it is rather close to it. Perhaps L2 content is provided by a philosophical approach (that science provides only a portion of it). L2 layer tries to provide the most descriptive and predictive knowledge about W1, W2, and W3, yet it is only a successful hypothesis, which is constantly revised. This layer answers how, what, when, and where questions. There are some serious limitations for the content of this layer (that I will address extensively later).

A. Certain mathematics rules W1 and consequently rules L2 layer, yet L2 layer is far from being intelligible enough. Common sense is accumulation of observable W1 laws that form certain W2 lenses, yet W1 follows different laws (and mathematics) in different scales that defies common sense. This shows that W1 laws are not fully and easily ineligible.  Moreover, discovering deterministic laws of time and space (and matter and energy) do not solve their fundamental mysteries.

B. An example in order to clarify the importance of mathematics in determining whether a thought belongs to L2 or not: A small missile can destroy a house, but it does not have enough destructive power to destroy a planet . If you have an accurate estimate of the destructive power of this missile, your L2 is correct. In other words, your thinking lies in layer 2 or in L2 territory. However, if you think (or believe) that the missile can destroy the sun, your thought belongs to L3 or L1. L2 content corresponds to W1 reality, but L1 and L3 layers do not.  We are surrounded by mysteries in an unknown world, yet L2 lenses give rise to constructs that are closer to W1 reality.

C. Our common sense "assumes" that a principle of uniformity applies to laws of nature. We assume sun will rise tomorrow because it rose every day in the past (yet in core it is an assumption, and there is no way to make sure 100% that it will rise tomorrow). Our Knowledge about W1 is acquired gradually and organically since childhood. Every thing we know about W1 gives rise to our solid construct reality. Our belief system, memory of past emotions, desires, and preferences all affect L2 layer and this construct.

D. We do not know what being itself is. Not knowing what being is, we cannot determine if something is real or unreal. Establishing some objective criteria to determine whether something is real or not will fail because everything we have in W2 about that so-called objective reality is mind-dependent. This means the mission of science as to present accurately what is out there in W1 is doomed to inaccuracy (if not failure) because everything about those so-called accurate representations are mind-dependent and subjective in a sense.
Although L2 can give rise to a construct that are more predictive, yet L2 constructs are incomplete, biased, and limited construct of W1. L2 constructs can never be completely objective because our hardware imposes some limitation on observation. What we register may only be a partial impression of the thing in itself. Regarding science as an objective knowledge is a grave mistake because we are erasing the knower, its qualities, its limitation, and its unique way of construction from X equation. In an ocean of  uncertainty, science is a means or tool to serve the feeler. Science is only a method of gaining power and control for the feeler's desires' ends.

3 Layers of W2 as a Melting Pot

The concepts of three realms (W1, W2, and W3), as well as 3 layers of W2 are rather simple, yet the implications of these concepts are complex. Understanding the machinery of X as a whole needs understanding of all these basic concepts.
W2 is the place that all interpretations and beliefs about everything form. W2 is like a melting pot, in which a variety of ingredients are constantly interacting with each other. The content of W2 can be categorized in 3 layers. W2 ingredients (the content of three layers) are affected by input from W1 body (such as ongoing stream of sensations and sensory inputs originating from W1 body, as well as W3 input (such as memory of past emotions and feelings).

There Is No Absolute and Universal Morality

There is no universal morality. Everyone lives in his or her personal universe with his or her own preferences. Morality is a part of aesthetics, and aesthetics is organization and categorization of a person's hierarchy of preferences.
There is common morality though. Having common preferences (due to similar W1 and W2 bodies) leads to having similar morality. Morality becomes an informal social contract to optimize the fulfillment of the preferences of masses. While having common morality makes people more predictable at the expense of suppressing their desires and preferences.