This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


Metaphor of Bubble: What is Fairness?

Fairness is one meaning among many meanings created inside bubble. Like other values and meanings inside the bubble, fairness is a personal value. Fairness in each bubble is unique and created in isolation. It is no universality in it, and perspectivism apply to it. Usually fairness tries to modify random compositions and redistribute luck. Luck is an unknown or unknowable concept. Inexplicable things pour out of the fountain of events, and we call them luck. However, fairness is a decision that a person as a judgment center makes. Fairness is a beautiful balance between preferences of different judgement centers (a judgement center is a conscious individual with unique preferences).

Metaphor of Bubble: Dichotomy Between Inside and Outside Bubble

Dichotomy of the thing in itself and its image on the inner surface of the bubble:
 In order to entertain the feeler with deep and long-lasting beautiful experiences, one needs to gain maximum quadripartite control. Such a control without an accurate and dominant L2 is not possible. The W2 image of things inside the bubble is different from the W1 things themselves. What is on the inner surface of the bubble has none of the limitations that the things in themselves have out there in W1. L1 and L3 can be many things far away from L2, but eventually L2 wins over L1 and L3. The war between the thing in itself and its W2 image always ends in favor of the thing in itself. L2 as an accurate image of W1 should be foundation of your constructed reality.

Metaphor of Bubble: Sadomasochistic Judgement

The mankind's social life throughout millions of years has created hardware and software lenses that judges the self from viewpoint of other members or an eye in the sky. This trait has been adaptive (increased fitness to survival) by increasing harmony among members of society, yet it has created great negative feelings for individuals.
The feelings of guilt, shame, and regret are by-product of powerful evolutionary or acquired lenses of super-ego that are constantly judging you. They create an eye in sky or a judging god inside one’s bubble, and the same god judges the person. Such a self-made construct creates the feeling of guilt, shame, and regret, which is comparable to sadism or masochism.

Metaphor of Bubble: Benefits of One Dominant Lens

To create motivation you need a powerful goal lens. A reservoir of desires, frustration, indoctrination (especially in childhood) can create a powerful lens on the surface of one’s bubble that motivate and help the person see everything through that lens (with that kind of end in mind). If you do not have those powerful childhood lenses, you should create your own carrot and stick lenses.
Many successful individuals knew what they want in a very early age. They always have their eyes on the peak of their goal no matter how much distraction they faced. Such focus can facilitate success.

Metaphor of Bubble: Forming a Detached View as a Healthy Escapism

When Le1-Le5 scenarios of future pain begin to lurk inside the bubble, the overall smell inside bubble becomes unbearable. Some people find an escapism in order to run away from Le1-Le5 scenarios of future pain. They develop powerful L1 or L3 lenses and construct new tolerable versions of reality in order to escape the old torturous constructions.
Such lenses make inside the bubble more tolerable, yet the reality constructed by such lenses contradicts W1 state of affairs. In long-term, those constructs become solid realities that may become inescapable prisons themselves. Although superstition, faiths and pseudo-science can provide comfort, harmony, and meaning (as well as beautiful Le-5 scenarios of pleasure), they can cause much more damage in long-term.

For an ordinary person, when inside the bubble becomes intolerable, it also means that outside of the bubble is intolerable. However, Nezman can separate the contents of the bubble from W1 external. Instead of escapism, Nezman suspenses his or her reality and looks at W1 through accurate L2 lenses.

Developing a detached view of outside bubble without any L1 or L3 lenses (even erasing the self-image) is the first step to overhaul old lenses and turn off the old reality. One should start to be as objective as one can be. Nezman can look at the self and the bubble from the detached viewpoint of  an eye in the sky (out of the bubble).
After Nezman gains control of L1, L2, and L3 lenses, his or her interpretations lead to a beautiful reality no matter what is happening in W1.

Metaphor of Bubble: A Never-ending Synthesis Leads to Meaninglessness

A lot of synthesis is happening inside the bubble. A variety of lenses (formed in different times) interact with each other in order to create II (integrated image as I call it) and the feeler’s feelings.
when a new input from a lens is added to the content of the bubble, a synthesis begins, and a smell and feeling inside the bubble created. The smell and feeling inside the bubble is the closest thing to the definition of your soul. Your soul is a dynamic entity that evolves as compositions are incorporated on the inner surface of the bubble. In other words, the soul is the whole of meanings, feelings, memories, lenses, and self-image inside the bubble. As the never-ending synthesis continues inside the bubble, your soul evolves.
The feeler is the most mysterious entity (we may never fully understand the feeler). The feeler soon becomes number old compositions, it wants novelty. As a new composition synthesized and get incorporated, it gradually loses its novelty, and other compositions become attractive. This never-ending synthesis makes the feeler insensitive to an old composition. The feeler plus a composition plus time equals meaninglessness. Never-ending synthesis and inevitable change of values.

Metaphor of Bubble: Illusion of Infinity

The concept of infinity is an illusion created inside the bubble.
Bubble is like a sphere that its wall composed of patches of lenses and mirrors. Impressions on the inner surface of the bubble (that are felt by the feeler) are interpretation of W1 compositions outside of the bubble through the relative lenses.
Bubble can reduce complexity of a W1 composition. For instance, a 2-dimensional image of of a 3-dimensional object can be formed on the inner surface of this bubble.
The inner surface of the bubble can also extend dimensions (especially the 4th dimension of time) much beyond W1 state of affairs. The bubble can construct eternal scenarios of pain and pleasure, but  they do not exist in ever-changing W1. Running after infinite can become a serious problem, when nothing is enough.
In fact, bubble can work like a double-edged sword. Level 5 scenarios of pleasure and pain can serve us or destroy us.

Metaphor of Bubble: Contradictions

Inside of the bubble is full of contradictions. Numerous lenses with different values are competing side by side and construct contradictory realities. Having multiple powerful lenses can create fluctuations in the constructed reality and person's mood.

A variety of lenses on the bubble's wall competing to construct the reality.