This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


5 Steps of Becoming a Nezman

On the path of becoming a Nezman, one walks through different phases.
1- Anxiety (experiencing contradictions):
Discovering the fundamental contradictions in 3 realms creates anxiety. Not everyone can see these contradictions because the person needs to have an active unconscious mind to see the cracks in reality. For instance, as a person ages, a person experiences new things and his desires grow, but the biological capacity to enjoy diminishes. One realizes that nothing is enough. Another example is death. For many, the concept of death and mortality can make many efforts meaningless.

2- Sickness (meaninglessness): 
As these contradictions add up, they leads to meaninglessness, nihilism, and depression. The person feels the urge to look for a solution.

3- Search (opening the Pandora Box of why questions): 
As inquiry begins, the situation worsens. The castle of thoughts is destroyed, and the person enters into the darkest tunnel. The person question everything, and a period of confusion begins.

4- Plunge (walking into fire):
While many do not dare to step to this pitch black tunnel, some diligently take Herculean steps into this tunnel in hope of discovering the light of X at the end of the tunnel. Here the person educated himself or herself. L2 layer is updated, and eventually X is discovered.

5- Emergence (freedom): 
The person discovers X, and learns to become the master of own reality. Nezman Emerges from the end of the tunnel much wiser, happier, and freer.

W1, W2, W3 Mathematics

Dictionary defines Mathematics as "the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. Mathematics can be considered a language that expresses relationships".
Mathematics is a W2 tool to construct a model (or blueprint) of relationships in W1 reality. By the use of mathematics we construct a model of reality that is approximation and needs to be updated as new observations provide more accurate models.
This W2 map of relationships is not perfect, and mathematics describes W1 with approximation.
Mathematics makes a model that describes the relations between quantities; however, there are no known mathematics to describe relations between the quality of W2 and W3 compositions. How can one measure subjective experiences of pleasure and pain? How can one value the experience of seeing a beautiful painting or listening to a beautiful piece of music? Our society has invented money as a tool for exchange and measurement, yet our socioeconomic system ignores people’s subjective experiences. The real problem is that the mathematics in W2 seems arbitrary, but based on what W2 and W3 mathematics that we choose, different experiences are created for individuals and masses.

What is Real?

What is real? What criteria determines that something is real? Does permanency determine degrees of being real?
Understanding X provides you with important criteria to define being real, as well as reality itself. X doctrine will teach you that reality is malleable and constructed by a unique machinery. You will learn that every duo of W1 and W2 bodies is unique and gives rise to a unique reality which itself evolves as the W1 and W2 bodies change. Nez teaches you that the differences in such constructed realities are in how much they are in line with W1 state of affairs and how much they fulfill the preferences of the feeler. On the one hand, W1 has its laws (that seem concrete and universal); on the other hand, the feeler has its preference. The machinery of X creates constructs that try to reconcile the two ends.

War of Preferences in 5 Fields

The war of preferences and wills in 5 fields:
Where entities with strong preferences exist, the war of wills is inevitable. Knowing it or not, you are a gladiator in the Colosseum of life struggling for your preferences. This war is the most real thing in the universe. This war of preference is everywhere, it starts at the level of the elementary particles of physics (that have different and opposing preferences) and continues to all higher levels of atom, molecule, macro molecules, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, and biosphere.
In the midst of this war there is no place for fear, hesitation, and escapism.
1- War to control events in W1 (such as scientific and technological wars)
2- War to control others' W1 behavior
3- War to control others' W2 mind in order to control others' behavior. The more intelligent and imaginative constructs and imposes a reality to the masses and engineers their consent (cheat them out of their real preferences or only satisfy their preferences in a way that serves his own preferences).
4- War to maintain safe and healthy W1 body
5- War to control own's W2 mind (fighting the self)
The purpose of these fields of war is gaining control to achieve feeler’s ends (later when I explain the importance of control, I explore these fields once more).

4 Types of People According to Dominancy of 3 Layers of W2

1- Dominant L2 lenses:
As we gaze through L2 lenses to W1, we cannot be certain of anything. Science is one cardinal L2 lens. Science comprises evolving hypotheses that every now and then put into trial and replaced with more accurate descriptions of the state of affairs in W1. L2 creates an incomplete picture of the reality, and a lot remains to interpretations. L2 lenses cannot provide certainty, moral guidance, and strong theses in L3 and L2 to create a whole picture of the reality. L2 lenses alone cannot provide a clear path of action and militancy. Very strong L2 lenses alone create confused agnostic individuals at best.
Such a person's focus is on how questions, and L2 does not give him any answers to why questions. He is solving equations in mathematics and physics. He is extrovert and introvert. He registers what is in W1 and analyzes the input in W2.

2- Dominant L3 lenses:
People with strong L3 lenses are intuitive, instinctual, and emotional. They have an active unconscious mind that is influenced by the content of L3. They have much more clarity in their own personal universe compared to the first group. For instance, an influential artist or musician with strong L3 lenses sees the world differently and conveys his or her inner experience through art  to others. In fact, art is the reflection of the inner surface of a person's bubble (W2 mathematics and W3 experiences of a person) on a W1 medium.
His motivation is instinctual and not based on a clear systematic belief system, and his motivation fluctuates. L3 lenses also make a person’s self-image, and a person with dominant L3 lenses has a strong sense of identity.

3- Dominant L1 lenses:
A person with strong L1 lens has answer for all the fundamental question of life and has the highest clarity and motivation. Many of religions and ideologies that have metaphysical claims are in this category. People in this category are motivated, one-track-minded, and militant. They kill and die for the sake of the solid reality they are experiencing. L1 lenses can provide people with such comfortable, certain, clear, and tangible realities that can justify anything. These ideologies are strengthened by mass illusion, and their constructed reality are so real and powerful.
People with dominantf L1 lenses are capable of both creating the most sublime artworks or committing the most heinous atrocities.

4- Nezman’s Balance of lenses:
Nezman has a powerful L2 lens that is constantly updated, and the gap left by their L2 is filled with L1 and L3 lenses. Nezman owns and controls his or her L1 and L3 lenses, which is the most difficult task. Nezman knows his own universe is one construct among many, and it is not solid, yet he enjoys it and is motivated by it as if it is solid. This makes him the most militant.
Nezman has mastered X and learned about three realms and 3 layers through years. He has created his own L3 self-image and personal L1 myths on the foundations of an accurate L2 (and strongly believes in them). He pursues his goals ardently, heroically, and gloriously.
Nezman aims at beauty by creating the highest harmony in terms of working of the society as a whole (the same way the nature creates life and consciousness through co-operation and symbiosis of various living cells).

Metaphor of Bubble: Uniqueness of Everyone Makes Judgement and Comparison Impossible

The singularity and uniqueness of every feeler (and its experience at the center of the bubble) make any judgement meaningless and irrelevant.
If a person understands the machinery of X , she or he will learn that judging the self and feeling the negative emotions are meaningless, and at best sadomasochist acts. When one changes the input of the machinery of X, the output which a certain reality and certain experiences will change.
Self-image is a construct similar to conscience and god. When you, your conscience, or god is judging you, in fact, it is you that is judging. Similarly, judging others is even more irrelevant. Every feeler at the center of every bubble experiences a unique reality created by unique W1 and W2 bodies. One feeler with unique W1 and W2 bodies can never know what another feeler feels.