This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label Castle of Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Castle of Thoughts. Show all posts


The Depression and a Faulty Hologram Lens: the Depressed Gets Lost in Oneself

There are things out there in W1. Our evolutionary body works as an interpretative lens that registers and creates a personal W2 model of those external W1 things and events. Our W1 and W2 bodies give rise to a stream of reality. Different W1 and W2 bodies give rise to different realities. An intolerable, ugly, hopeless, or meaningless reality can also be an outcome. In such cases, one or both of these components (W1 and W2 bodies) may be the cause or causes. We call such experiences depression. Sometimes, one unfortunate event is enough to destroy the castle of thoughts. Other times, the person gradually grasps his or her mortality, which makes many scenarios of future meaningless or irrelevant. Even W1 body can be the culprit (such as an illness or chronic pain). A depressed person thinks that the world out there is intolerable (and the source of the problem), but the problem or problems lie inside the self (W1 body or W2 body).

Depression is a lingering and resonating scenarios of pain, ugliness, and meaninglessness in W2 (especially in L1 and L3). Since anything in W2 is just an inaccurate interpretation (or an internal model of W1), depression is one persistent illusion.The depressed person’s mind cannot imagine anything other than inescapable scenarios of past, present, and future pain and suffering (sometimes eternal suffering). A depressed person reviews the past memories with new flawed pessimistic lenses. The person forgets once he or she was living in a happier and more beautiful reality. All happy experiences fade away. A faulty hologram lens can make all past, present, and future events ugly. The depressed feels imprisoned in a concrete and inescapable ugly reality but, in fact, is stuck in the self.

Nezman is immune to depression. Nezman does not punish oneself for improbable and unknown scenarios of future pain because Nezman knows that the scenarios of future pain and suffering construct an illusive reality full of suffering that ruins this moment. For Nezman, only present pain exists (pain felt at this moment through the physical body). Nezman gets prepared for L1 future scenarios, but never lets L1 or L3 future scenarios hijack his or her reality. For Nezman, depression is one interpretation among infinite number of possible interpretations. Nezman’s W2 is open to new interpretations as Nezman is creative like a child.


Disillusionment of Love: You Glamorize, Idolize, and Worship a Person Because of Your Own Pleasure

You glamorize, idolize, and worship a person because of your own pleasure. You receive such an addictive and pleasurable feelings from that illusion that you ignore all negative real feedbacks that suggest that your idol is not perfect (and sometimes is even grotesquely flawed). The real problem is that you do not want to let that beautiful illusion disappear because those illusions are the source of your comfort. But a healthy reaction would be that you separate the person from the ideal beauty that that person was representing in your mind. In other words, you should separate W1 person from the W2 image of that person in your mind. You should tell yourself "that I still love the beautiful image of that idol that I created in my mind (W2 image), but that person (W1 entity) was not even close to the idol that I really love. I will continue to search for such an idol" and " I am thankful that the flawed person was a conduit that helped me to create such a beautiful W2 image, but I avoid this person from now on because If I keep in touch with such a flawed person, I enter the realm of love and hate."
Why the realm of love and hate? Because after disillusionment, you start to focus on the flaws. This flawed idol makes you angry, confused, or even mad. On the one hand, you love that idol because it has been a source of addictive pleasure for you for such a long time. On the other hand, you hate that person because he or she caused you pain. This person destroyed parts of your castle of thoughts, your self-confidence, and your self-image. You blame yourself and doubt your own sound judgment because you chose such a flawed person. Moreover, all these make you pessimistic toward your future relationships. Continuing to see the flawed person destroys the perfect mental idol that you have created. You need to keep that standard of beauty (and the image of an angel) as an aspiration for your future relationships and as a beacon of hope for future. After all, these dreams and hopes (even illusions) are our only source of extreme pleasure and hope. Even unrealistic dreams can serve us. Many times, we dream the world, as we want it to be, not as it is. However, if we easily proved wrong, we suffer much more.


The Bombardment of Useless and Irrelevant Information

The bombardment of information and variety of ideas does not let people choose their own belief systems. An ordinary person with a full-time job neither has the expertise nor the needed time to evaluate and choose one’s own belief system. The first thing you should do is to protect yourself against the bombardment of useless and irrelevant information. The limitation of your W1 and W2 bodies leaves no room for useless and irrelevant information. A useless information is something that does not serve the feeler. For instance, most information that is broadcasted through mass media is aimed at controlling masses and swaying them toward the agenda’s of ruling class that serves the interest of a minority.
The knowledge that serves the feeler is understanding how your feelings are created and how they are controlled. To this end, you should learn about the existence of the feeler and the machinery of X. To understand X, you need to understand three realms, three layers of W2, and the metaphor of hologram lens. Then you will understand how miraculously the feeler evaluates W1 and W2 compositions and gives rise to your qualitative experiences.
The knowledge of X is your first priority. The knowledge of X is the foundation of your castle of thoughts. Learning the 3 layers of W2 will help you categorize ideas based on their use. You will learn how to draw a distinction between the ideas that accurately describe W1, the ideas that are concocted by W2 machinery (and have no root in W1), and the ideas that serve the feeler.
Nezman categorizes importing information and ideas meticulously. Nezman masterfully organizes and distinguishes between his or her own facts, interpretations, and values.


Nezman Returns Invincible From the Darkest Place in the Universe

Student: Who are you?
Nez: I am a piece of crystallized thinking. I dove deep into my consciousness. I remained there for 10 years until I discovered X (a reality-creating machine). What I did there was the most difficult thing that a person can do. I questioned everything. I ruined my castle of thoughts. I transformed from a creature to a creator.
I witnessed how my hologram lens is built. I went through years of education, meditation, and bravery. I risked my everything. Did you know that the destruction of the castle of thoughts and hologram lens takes you to the black hole of consciousness? It is the darkest place in the universe, in which everything becomes meaningless. Can you tolerate such darkness and meaninglessness?
It is not a place for the weak, for the unintelligent, and for the faint-hearted. It is the most dangerous for those who have powerful imagination but weak intellect. Similarly, the unimaginative cannot see the depth of the darkness and the zenith of magnificent; therefore, he does not discover anything there.
It is an abyss that you lose everything. You lose your self-image, your beliefs, and your universe. You become nothing (but you gain the potential to become everything). The reality become so unnatural and unbearable that you wish that you seize to exist.
But if you are strong, something keeps you to go on. Something in the strong wants more. The hope of a paradise lives deep inside the strong. The strong trusts the universe. In the pitch-black tunnel, the desire for light fuels your journey. You will overcome the darkness through education, meditation, and creativity. Discovering X will be the beginning of your return to light. It may take you years to return, but you return enlightened, wise, and the master of your own reality. You return as a Nezman. You accept the change and uncertainty. You swim freely and happily in the ocean of unknown. You understand that you are a part of a larger composition, and one day you will join it again.


No Everyone can Tolerate Pitch-Darkness Before Reaching Light at the End of the Tunnel

How much darkness can you tolerate before reaching the light at the end of tunnel? Becoming a Nezman is not easy. You have to unlearn many of your fundamental beliefs first. You have to demolish your castle of thoughts and build a new one (brick by brick).
The process of deconstruction takes you deep into darkness, confusion, and depression. When have no beliefs, everything becomes meaningless. Erasing W2 composition from X equation creates a blank reality. When you suspend all your beliefs, W2 composition does not contribute much to create your reality. This path makes things worse for you in the short-term. It makes your reality unbearable for a while, but the minute you understand X, the heavy weight of this dark and ugly reality vanishes into thin air. As you build your castle of thoughts and gain control over your W2 composition, you come out from the other end of the tunnel, and you see things clearly. You become the creator of your own reality. You gain control over your own constructed reality.
As I mentioned before, becoming a Nezman is not a path for everyone. Your reality will become the darkest. Not everyone can tolerate that much darkness. Though the rewards (of joy and beauty) at the end of the tunnel are indescribable, it is not a path for everyone. Only few emerge as Nezman from the end of this tunnel. They are unstoppable. They are free and in control of their own reality. They have survived the pitch-black and fear nothing. They enjoy the magic and beauty of X. They know they are droplets of creativity in the magical ocean of X.


Becoming Temporarily Depressed Is an Inevitable Part of the Journey

Depression is more prevalent among those who try to understand the whole picture of reality. Those who question their own realities inevitably will discover the contradictions of the three realms. These contradictions destroy their castle of thoughts. Becoming depressed is an inevitable part of the journey for those want to become the master of their own reality. The stream of reality like a rollercoaster provides you with the most euphoric and nightmarish experiences. Only when you experience the ups and downs of this rollercoaster, you may understand that all realities are constructions. Juxtaposition the experiences of your hell and your heaven reveals how flexible your stream of reality is. I call the mechanism of construction X. Understanding X frees you from any concrete reality.
Depression is a state of having no possible dream. For a depressed person, scenarios of future seem painful and meaningless. For the depressed, the hope for pleasure and meaning is dead. Imagination of a depressed person gets stock on limited scenarios. Lack of imagination also leads to depression.
Depression is caused by a solid reality created by wrong interpretive W2 lenses. New W2 composition (for instance, new W2 lenses) will create a new reality that incorporate hope of future pleasure and meaning. Causes that root in W1 internal composition such as chronic pain can make a person depressed. Understanding X and altering your W2 and W2 bodies will create new realities and depression will loosen its grip on you.