This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label Compositions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compositions. Show all posts


Pleasure, a Means That Became an End: 3 Kinds of Pleasure Alignments

Three kinds of pleasure alignments:

1. Alignment of pleasure with survival (Life's alignment with pleasure): Through the course of evolution, only life forms survived whose pleasure was aligned with survival. For instance, the offsprings who did not find sexual activity pleasurable did not pass their genes and became extinct. This means many W1 preferences are the product of natural selection through eons. What you find pleasurable today is what allowed your ancestors survive through millions of years. However, as gradually higher levels of consciousness emerged, meaning gave a new direction to pleasure.

2. Alignment of pleasure with meaning: The developement of memory and imagination in W2 created new forms of pleasure. Memory of pleasurable experiences and preferable composition could construct complex future scenarios, as well as the concept of eternal pleasure (I will address complex future scenarios when I introduce Le1 to Le5 scenarios). As the image of pleasure (or memory of pleasure) became more powerful than the first-hand experience of pleasure, all the problems began. Man became the most confused animal. In other words, as meanings became a major source of pleasure, the mankind's confusion began.

Meanings are the feeler’s evaluation of W2 compositions. The Constructs that incorporate the memory of past pleasurable states seem preferable. W2 compositions can incorporate contradictory scenarios of pain and pleasure (for instance, the past scenarios of pain and future scenarios of pleasure). There is no limit to imagination in this regard. The meaning could be so preferable that a person sacrifice present or short-term pleasure for a beautiful meaning whose future scenarios are preferable. Some of these meanings could become so perverted that they deny and contradict W1 pleasure completely. For instance, some religions create meaningful W2 compositions (that have some preferable future scenarios) and prohibit many carnal pleasures. It may seem ironic because as one breaks down any complex preferable W2 composition, one will find simple carnal pleasures as their building blocks. Pleasure can become a currency in the hand of the creators of meaning (and they can use it as they want). Different religions budget pleasure as it best suits them.

3. Alignment of pleasure with the maximum of preference fulfillment: There is no doubt that meanings can create great pleasures, but an optimum balance between W1 and W2 pleasure is needed to achieve the maximum preferences. W1 pleasure is what our evolutionary W1 body finds aligned with survival, and W2 pleasure is beautiful meanings (the evaluation of feeler of certain W2 composition). Nezman has a healthy balance between W1 body pleasure and W2 body pleasure (beautiful meanings).

In some sense, pleasure and beautiful meaning have close affinity. Pleasure is a preferable experience. Beautiful meanings also provide preferable experiences. In everyday language, beauty is the feeler’s evaluation of a W2 composition (what we feel after seeing a beautiful artwork), but pleasure is what W1 body finds preferable (what we feel when we eat a delicious meal). However, in essence they are very similar because both words describe preferable states.


Understanding X

Nez: You live in a unique reality at this moment. Only you have access to your experience of that reality at this moment. No one, other than you, can tell you what you are experiencing now because it is a unique experience created by your W1 and W2 compositions. I teach you X, and you gradually learn how your W1 and W2 compositions construct your reality. You gain control over your own reality. For those who are living in a concrete hell, I provide an ejection seat and parachute that help you turn off their reality. Understanding X melts down your solid reality. Your reality becomes malleable and flexible. You may even enjoy what you considered a nightmare. Why do people pay to go to a horror house in Disneyland? Because they know it is not real and they like excitement. Understanding X makes every experience exciting for you. You define the meaning of every event, and you alter your reality whenever it becomes intolerable. Understanding X is a lasting solution. It is not a temporary escapism provided by alcohol or drug use. Nezman gains control over his own reality. Nezman melts the reality and pour it into a new mold.


The Goal of Life Is Creation of Beauty

Nez: My god told me, "You are a part of me. I feel everything you feel; I see whatever you see; I feel all your joys and suffering. Can I be more fair? And you more free? Just entertain me and yourself. Just create beauty in W3. Create beauty for yourself and others. This is our goal."
You are free to find your own beauty. A beautiful composition has pain and suffering in it. You need the contrast between black and white in order to create a masterpiece. Could Mona Lisa be drawn by white ink on a white board? Without suffering the zeniths of beauty cannot be achieved. The meaning of a negative pole depends on the existence of positive pole.
As your W1 and W2 compositions change, your taste in beauty also changes. Imagine you grew up in a culture that dog meat was considered a delicious food, and you enjoyed eating ate it there. Years later you move to a country that dog is their favorite pet, and you adopt a puppy and love it for years. Would you feel the same if someone offers you a dog cuisine? As the definition of dogs changes in your mind, you feel differently toward dogs and dog cuisines.

The Hell Is Inside You, and Not Outside You

Individuals commit suicide to get rid of the unbearable nightmarish and rigid reality that they are living in. However, they fail to see that the ugly world is inside them. External world and external events are not ugly (they are indifferent and objective at best). They fail to see that the reality they are experiencing is just one version of reality created by interpretation of those unfavorable external events.
In fact, the reality that they are experiencing is a constructed malleable reality that be replaced with other realities. If they change their W2 bodies (through new beliefs system or new interpretative lenses), they will live in a different reality. The same is true about their W1 body compositions. You change W1 external or internal compositions and everything will change. For instance, you eliminate the source of W1 bodily pain, and life becomes much more tolerable.
Another example is that people use drugs and alcohol in order to temporarily escape an unbearable reality, but such remedies fail to provide a long-term solution. Nezman understands how the reality is constructed and controls it. Nezman identifies the sources pain whether it is in W1 external and internal compositions or it is the interpretative W2 lenses (and scenarios of pain and suffering in W2).


The Most Beautiful Thing in the Universe Is the Existence of Beauty Itself

The Big Bang gave rise to W1. W2 emerges from W1. W3 emerges from W1 and W2. The qualitative experience of beauty and pleasure is the most miraculous thing in the universe. W3 desires and preferences rule the world. Beauty is synonymous with extreme preferability. Beauty is also mysterious and magical. Why? Because beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Individuals have different tastes in recognition of beauty. A person's W3 desire emerges from one's W1 body composition (biological body) and one's W2 composition (one's thoughts, memories, interpretations, and so on). Even the taste of a person changes throughout his life as his W1 and W2 compositions change. However, the algorithm and mechanism that creates W3 tastes from W1 and W2 compositions is universal. This paragraph has unbelievable implications. If you change your W1 and W2 compositions, you can change your taste in beauty and you can change your own feelings. Nezman has the mastery over his own W1 and W2 compositions, and in turn, on his taste in beauty.

What Exists? The Three Realms.

Nez believes that three realms exist. He names the three realms W1, W2, and W3.
W1 is the external physical world (including the biological bodies). W1 is the most observed scientifically, yet it is mysterious and unknown in core.

W2 is the representations of the W1 inside our mind. It is the world of thoughts, memories, and any impression of the outside world. W2 is the realm that registers an inaccurate internal copy of W1. It is more like an image of an object. An image is not the object itself, yet it reflects some qualities of the object in certain light, certain time, and certain space. These images are constructed by the laws of W2. Although these images are inaccurate reductions of W1 entities, they seem eternal, unchanging, and perfect (because they are in another realm). For instance, mathematics exists in W2 realm.

W3 is the realm that qualitative experiences exist in it. W3 is the most mysterious. W3 is the soul of the soul. It is where all our desires, preferences, and feelings manifest themselves. W3 experiences are the most ephemeral and transient, yet they seem so deep and infinite as if they are eternal. Some individuals may exchange seconds or minutes of certain experiences for years or a lifetime.

Perhaps preferences are intrinsic to all three realms. W1 compositions have their own preferences. We know matter, energy, and any particle in the universe have certain external preferences (though the inner W3 qualitative experience of these preferences may or may not exist).  W2 compositions also give rise to their own preferences. Every composition has its own preferences, and life is a materialization of deeper and more complex W1, W2, and W3 preferences. It is the most amazing that as W1 and W2 compositions change, preferences change.

It is worth mentioning that although W1 gives rise to W2, and W1 and W2 gives rise to W3, this cannot mean that the three realms are ontologically identical. However, the more complex W1 is, the more complex W2 can be. Moreover, the more complex W1 and W2 are, the more complex W3 can be.

W1 is the material realm including your body. W2 is the realm of thoughts and imagination. W3 is the realm of emotions, feelings and inner experiences. Your biological body gives rise to your ideas and thoughts. Your biological body and your mind (together) create your feelings and inner experiences.