This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label Consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consciousness. Show all posts


The Most Important Piece of Knowledge for a Conscious Being Is Knowing That Its Conscious Experience Can Be Controlled by the Conscious Being

Consciousness is a gift. We are thrown into consciousness. We suddenly find ourselves conscious. The most important piece of knowledge for a conscious being is knowing that the conscious being can control its conscious experience.
Things exist, but we don't know why. We just register how things exist, but the meaning of things are defined by how we feel about them and how our past experiences and feelings are associated to those things. W1 exists, and we are also part of that W1 (our W1 body is part of W1 as a whole). W1, in core, is unkown or even unknowable. Our W2 registers W1, and our W3 experiences are the closest to us. For many, the machinery of X (in which quantitative content of W1 and W2 bodies give rise to our conscious experience) is an automatic and uncontrollable process. Knowing that one can control one’s qualitative experiences is the first step toward becoming a Nezman. The deep knowledge of X enables Nezman to gain mastery over his or her own body, own W2 interpretations, and own conscious experiences of stream of reality.


Nezman Returns Invincible From the Darkest Place in the Universe

Student: Who are you?
Nez: I am a piece of crystallized thinking. I dove deep into my consciousness. I remained there for 10 years until I discovered X (a reality-creating machine). What I did there was the most difficult thing that a person can do. I questioned everything. I ruined my castle of thoughts. I transformed from a creature to a creator.
I witnessed how my hologram lens is built. I went through years of education, meditation, and bravery. I risked my everything. Did you know that the destruction of the castle of thoughts and hologram lens takes you to the black hole of consciousness? It is the darkest place in the universe, in which everything becomes meaningless. Can you tolerate such darkness and meaninglessness?
It is not a place for the weak, for the unintelligent, and for the faint-hearted. It is the most dangerous for those who have powerful imagination but weak intellect. Similarly, the unimaginative cannot see the depth of the darkness and the zenith of magnificent; therefore, he does not discover anything there.
It is an abyss that you lose everything. You lose your self-image, your beliefs, and your universe. You become nothing (but you gain the potential to become everything). The reality become so unnatural and unbearable that you wish that you seize to exist.
But if you are strong, something keeps you to go on. Something in the strong wants more. The hope of a paradise lives deep inside the strong. The strong trusts the universe. In the pitch-black tunnel, the desire for light fuels your journey. You will overcome the darkness through education, meditation, and creativity. Discovering X will be the beginning of your return to light. It may take you years to return, but you return enlightened, wise, and the master of your own reality. You return as a Nezman. You accept the change and uncertainty. You swim freely and happily in the ocean of unknown. You understand that you are a part of a larger composition, and one day you will join it again.


The Degree of Consciousness and Having Preference Determines the Value of a Living Organism

Nezman distinguishes two categories of phenomena. Fist, things that have preference without conscious experience. Second, things that have preference within conscious experience (such as animals). This is the most important dividing characteristic in the universe, and the degree and quality of this conscious preference creates the essential and intrinsic value of things and entities.


Stream of Consciousness, Stream of Reality

Nez: I have gazed long enough into my stream of consciousness.
Have you ever thought why people have coined the word stream of consciousness? It is because consciousness is not one thing in every moment. The quantities and qualities of the experiences change through time. The reality of one moment creates the experience and feelings of that moment. In other words, you experience every moment through the reality of the moment, and as the reality changes, your conscious experience changes. In a sense, the reality of every moment is inseparable from the experience of every moment, but the question is what creates the reality of every moment? This is the important area that I will explain in depth in the future. Two major compositions are magically fused to create your realty. First one is your W1 composition, W1 external and W1 internal (your biology). Second is your W2 composition (your belief system, your memories of past experiences, all interpretative W2 lenses, and your window of attention, and so on).
Why do people drink alcohol or use drugs? It is because alcohol and drugs alter their W1 internal compositions (biologic bodies). An altered W1 internal composition is fused with W2 composition and gives rise to a new reality. Many times people want to move to a more preferable reality or escape an intolerable one. A new reality means new conscious experiences. Any change in W2 body also can change your reality and your stream of consciousness. For instance, a false lab result indicating a diagnosis of cancer immediately brings scenarios of pain and suffering into a person's mind. The person's W2 composition (W2 body) is altered, and similarly the person's reality and conscious experience are altered. A he or she learns about falsity of the lab result, again the stream returns to normal.
In a way, reality is also a stream.


Universe Has 3 Realms and 3 sets of Laws

- Every realm has its own set of universal laws and different sets of mathematics.
- W1 laws (the same unknown laws that we have been trying to discover for millions of years) seem to be deterministic and universal. Science is a rather new and successful method of inquiry.
- Science has had much more success in W1 than in W2 and W3.
- The entity that conducts the inquiry about these laws itself is a product of these laws. In other words, you are a product of the laws of 3 realms, and you are looking into your own making.
- Eventually science is trying to control W1 and W2 in order to fulfill the preferences of W3.
- Obviously the three realms are interacting.
- Your consciousness is a W3 experience, but it correlates with W1 and W2. W1 laws of matter and energy give rise to your conscious experience, but conscious experience is ontologically different. I suggest that realm of consciousness is corresponds to mater. This assertion does not degrade consciousness; it transcends matter and energy.
- Matter is mysterious, and a historical reductionism has devalued matter through millennia. E=mc2 reveals the tip of the iceberg in terms if matter’s mysteries.
- Matter is not of a lowly origin. Matter gives rise to the most magical entity in the universe, namely conscious experience. The unique arrangement of matter creates consciousness. That’s why anything that alters the arrangement of matter in body (specially brain) affects your consciousness. Your consciousness is just a manifestation of the potential of one aspect of matter. Never devalue matter because no one knows its inner qualities and its real potentials.