This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label Construction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Construction. Show all posts


Pleasure, a Means That Became an End: 3 Kinds of Pleasure Alignments

Three kinds of pleasure alignments:

1. Alignment of pleasure with survival (Life's alignment with pleasure): Through the course of evolution, only life forms survived whose pleasure was aligned with survival. For instance, the offsprings who did not find sexual activity pleasurable did not pass their genes and became extinct. This means many W1 preferences are the product of natural selection through eons. What you find pleasurable today is what allowed your ancestors survive through millions of years. However, as gradually higher levels of consciousness emerged, meaning gave a new direction to pleasure.

2. Alignment of pleasure with meaning: The developement of memory and imagination in W2 created new forms of pleasure. Memory of pleasurable experiences and preferable composition could construct complex future scenarios, as well as the concept of eternal pleasure (I will address complex future scenarios when I introduce Le1 to Le5 scenarios). As the image of pleasure (or memory of pleasure) became more powerful than the first-hand experience of pleasure, all the problems began. Man became the most confused animal. In other words, as meanings became a major source of pleasure, the mankind's confusion began.

Meanings are the feeler’s evaluation of W2 compositions. The Constructs that incorporate the memory of past pleasurable states seem preferable. W2 compositions can incorporate contradictory scenarios of pain and pleasure (for instance, the past scenarios of pain and future scenarios of pleasure). There is no limit to imagination in this regard. The meaning could be so preferable that a person sacrifice present or short-term pleasure for a beautiful meaning whose future scenarios are preferable. Some of these meanings could become so perverted that they deny and contradict W1 pleasure completely. For instance, some religions create meaningful W2 compositions (that have some preferable future scenarios) and prohibit many carnal pleasures. It may seem ironic because as one breaks down any complex preferable W2 composition, one will find simple carnal pleasures as their building blocks. Pleasure can become a currency in the hand of the creators of meaning (and they can use it as they want). Different religions budget pleasure as it best suits them.

3. Alignment of pleasure with the maximum of preference fulfillment: There is no doubt that meanings can create great pleasures, but an optimum balance between W1 and W2 pleasure is needed to achieve the maximum preferences. W1 pleasure is what our evolutionary W1 body finds aligned with survival, and W2 pleasure is beautiful meanings (the evaluation of feeler of certain W2 composition). Nezman has a healthy balance between W1 body pleasure and W2 body pleasure (beautiful meanings).

In some sense, pleasure and beautiful meaning have close affinity. Pleasure is a preferable experience. Beautiful meanings also provide preferable experiences. In everyday language, beauty is the feeler’s evaluation of a W2 composition (what we feel after seeing a beautiful artwork), but pleasure is what W1 body finds preferable (what we feel when we eat a delicious meal). However, in essence they are very similar because both words describe preferable states.


The Depression and a Faulty Hologram Lens: the Depressed Gets Lost in Oneself

There are things out there in W1. Our evolutionary body works as an interpretative lens that registers and creates a personal W2 model of those external W1 things and events. Our W1 and W2 bodies give rise to a stream of reality. Different W1 and W2 bodies give rise to different realities. An intolerable, ugly, hopeless, or meaningless reality can also be an outcome. In such cases, one or both of these components (W1 and W2 bodies) may be the cause or causes. We call such experiences depression. Sometimes, one unfortunate event is enough to destroy the castle of thoughts. Other times, the person gradually grasps his or her mortality, which makes many scenarios of future meaningless or irrelevant. Even W1 body can be the culprit (such as an illness or chronic pain). A depressed person thinks that the world out there is intolerable (and the source of the problem), but the problem or problems lie inside the self (W1 body or W2 body).

Depression is a lingering and resonating scenarios of pain, ugliness, and meaninglessness in W2 (especially in L1 and L3). Since anything in W2 is just an inaccurate interpretation (or an internal model of W1), depression is one persistent illusion.The depressed person’s mind cannot imagine anything other than inescapable scenarios of past, present, and future pain and suffering (sometimes eternal suffering). A depressed person reviews the past memories with new flawed pessimistic lenses. The person forgets once he or she was living in a happier and more beautiful reality. All happy experiences fade away. A faulty hologram lens can make all past, present, and future events ugly. The depressed feels imprisoned in a concrete and inescapable ugly reality but, in fact, is stuck in the self.

Nezman is immune to depression. Nezman does not punish oneself for improbable and unknown scenarios of future pain because Nezman knows that the scenarios of future pain and suffering construct an illusive reality full of suffering that ruins this moment. For Nezman, only present pain exists (pain felt at this moment through the physical body). Nezman gets prepared for L1 future scenarios, but never lets L1 or L3 future scenarios hijack his or her reality. For Nezman, depression is one interpretation among infinite number of possible interpretations. Nezman’s W2 is open to new interpretations as Nezman is creative like a child.


Our Hardware and Software Can Give Rise to a Small Portion of the Spectrum of Realities

The reality that we are experiencing is just one interpretation among infinite number of possible interpretations, yet our W1 body (our hardware) and our W2 body (our software) can give rise to a small portion of the spectrum of possible realities. To understand the limitation of our W1 component, just take a look at the way your eyes give rise to the experience of colors. We are almost blind since only 4 percent of light spectrum is visible to us. Sensitive cells inside our eyes are blind to 96 percent of light’s wavelengths. In fact, we create a partial construct of what is out there, yet it seems like a perfect reality to us. Many other realities with different qualitative experiences could be constructed with different W1 body components (hardware).

The persistent illusion that we perceive is limited by the ability of our W1 body component. We experience the world through the lens of W1 body (our hardware), yet many of us cannot imagine that different experiences are even possible. Many people look at the sky, yet there is no way to know whether they see the same blue color. Contribution of W1 body to construction of reality is mysterious and miraculous.

Most people assume that their experiences are universal and concrete. They fail to understand that their realities are arbitrary and dependent to their W1 bodies. The same is true about W2 body components. Your belief systems and your culture create one lens that contributes to your reality. Culture is a mass indoctrination. Many different belief systems can give rise to many different realities.

Nezman knows the reality he or she is experiencing is only one arbitrary interpretation among many. Nezman takes control of W1 body and W2 components as much as it is possible. Eventually, Nezman looks at W1 and W2 as a ladder to reach the highest W3 experiences.

You Fall in Love with Your Own Self-Made Constructs: What Makes Your Object of Affection Desirable Is Inside You

Love at the first sight? Infatuation? You meet someone, and immediately you feel strong attraction toward that person. How much of what you see and love is out there, and how much of it is inside you? How much of what you feel toward the object of your affection is really coming from that object? What increases your heart rate when you see the object of your affection?
You receive very little information from the person, yet huge constructions are made. Negligible bottom-up flow of information gives rise to sizable desirable constructions, but a lot comes from you (and not the person). Your past memories and interpretive L3 lenses transform small input into glamorous constructions. These lenses are so powerful that small input can create an idol. In fact, you fall in love with your own self-made constructs.
Many times, L3 lenses create false associations by overgeneralization. L3 lenses store your own golden ratios (proportions that you find beautiful because of your W1 body or because of acquired taste through past associations).
Every memory associated with pleasure and beauty creates a lens that affects your future interpretations. These small lenses melt together and form a bigger lens.
Every single thing that you want and find attractive is a package of attributes that in your memory (and your lenses) are associated with pleasure. Every new memory of pleasure is a chain that creates a new goal lens (desire lens).
In fact, the more powerful your memory, the more your future is taken hostage by the pleasurable and painful memories of past experiences. Every generalization or glamorization is an automatic outcome of such organic lenses. Nezman digs deep into making of W2 lenses (L2, L1, and L3 lenses) in order to take control of autopilot mechanism that gives rise to tastes and exaggerated constructs.


Metaphor Therapy

Every person lives in a constructed reality (the mechanism that constructs personal reality will be explained in depth in this blog). A person experiences a self-made reality; however, the person who is immersed in this experience fails to see the mechanism that constructs the realty (like a fish that can’t see water). It is difficult to understand the machine that gives rise to understanding itself. Metaphors are tools that can help a person to comprehend the unexplainable. Though, understanding a concept through metaphors needs powerful imagination. Once the concept of X was understood, one can detach oneself from the experience and gain control over the experience of the reality. In fact, whenever one experiences the abyss, one can shatter the solidity of that reality by remembering that all are constructions, and whenever one experiences bliss, one can intensify the experience of that reality by forgetting about the mechanism.
Depression is imprisonment in a extremely solid reality. For the depressed, the outcome of X is ugly and meaningless (full of scenarios of future pain and suffering). The cause of depression is either in W1 body (hardware malfunction rooted in your physiology) or in W2 body (software malfunction rooted in your psychology and your belief system).
Metaphor therapy, which provides a deep understanding about the machinery of X, can enable an individual to shatter the solidity of that horrible reality. Treating depression by metaphor therapy takes a long-time and intense intellectual labor. Metaphor therapy is an ideal treatment for intelligent individuals. Nevertheless, it is a bumpy road because, at first, it makes every reality an illusion. This creates a serious crisis (accompanied by pessimism or nihilism). Later, when the person gained a deeper understanding of X, he or she becomes equipped with tools and criteria to separate different realities from one another. Finally, the person learns how to evaluate any experienced reality. The person learns to analyze the components of W1 and W2 bodies, and eventually gains power over the outcome of that constructed reality. For Nezman, depression is one persistent illusion (where the stream of reality gets stuck on one reality).


Depression Is Persistent Scenarios of Future Pain and Suffering

Depression is a persistent illusion. A depressed person lives in a universe (or hell) full of fear of future scenarios of pain. Bad experiences of the past construct an illusory scenarios of future pain, ugliness, or meaninglessness. A depressed person forgets the fact that future is unknowable and changeable. A depressed person does not know that mastery of X can turn hells to heavens.

For Nezman, Nothing Is Real, and Everything Is Real

Nezman knows that the reality is constructed. This knowledge will cause deep internal contradictions. On the one hand, every construction becomes an illusion (with differing degrees of affinity to W1). On the other hand, Nezman should enjoy the stream of reality as if it was a concrete reality. In a smaller scale many do it everyday (for instance, a person may suspend disbelief when watching a Sci-Fi movie in order to enjoy it).
One implication of shallow understanding of X is that everything becomes constructions and seemingly unreal. The border between real and unreal disappears. Everything becomes just degrees of illusions.
However, after Nezman gains mastery over X, all constructions become real. Nezman learns that the ultimate reality and truth lies beyond any constructed reality. The truth may even lie beyond the machine that constructs reality. Nezman learns the truth lies beyond time and space (and out of any construction). For Nezman, truth is not frightening because it is beyond constructed reality (emotions are part of X). Nezman look forward to meeting the truth, but in the meantime gains mastery over constructions and illusions. For Nezman, nothing is real, and everything is real. For Nezman, negative emotions are unreal. Nezman laughs at calamity as if he or she is touring a horror house in Disneyland.


Only One Thing Is More Important Than Reality: The Entity That Constructs Reality

Nez: Only one thing is more important than reality: the entity that constructs reality. The mysterious and unknown mechanism that creates reality is more important than the reality itself. The stream of reality is a forgotten miracle. People take experiences for granted. They do their best to get the most desirable experiences without thinking about ontology of experiences. However, an even bigger mystery is the entity or mechanism that makes such experiences possible. This is the ultimate question mark. This is the most mysterious question in the universe. For a person who consciously or unconsciously does one’s best to get the best experiences, the most important questions are: how the most qualitative experiences are created. Perhaps we never know where it comes from, yet we create our own beautiful version of the unknown.

Religions Create Feelings of Shame and Guilt by Using Your Imagination Against You

Religions create feelings of shame and guilt by using your imagination against you. Most religions (especially Abrahamic religions) introduce a god that judges you. The concept of such a god is indoctrinated into you mind, and it creates an eye in sky that watches your actions (even your private thoughts). These constructions (god, conscience, and so on) seem independent entities, but they are all created by you. Your powerful imagination has constructed such judging entities inside your bubble. However, in reality you are the one who is judging yourself. You are the creator of feeling of shame and guilt for yourself.
Nezman knows that the concept of god has been an evolving construction in mankind's individual and collective mind. Nezman knows all of these are some illusions: your constructed image of God, the image of you in eyes of that god, and your feeling of shame and guilt. Nezman breaks free from all these illusions.

We Tend to Interpret the World in Ways That Give Us the Greatest Comfort and Pleasure

Nez: We live in a constructed reality created by our W1 body (our hardware, biology, and so on) and W2 body (our software, belief systems, and other tools that we use to interpret the world). We tend to automatically interpret the world in ways that give us the greatest comfort and pleasure often at the expense of contradicting L2/W2 (the scientific objective reality).
For instance, people believe in religions because religions give them comfort, yet no religion has any evidence or proof for its metaphysical claims. The younger and the more imaginative you are, the greater this effect is.
The same is true when you glamorize, idolize, and worship a person. You do it because of your own pleasure. You receive such an addictive and pleasurable feelings from that illusion that you ignore all negative real feedbacks that suggest that your idol is not perfect (and is even grotesquely flawed). The real problem is that you do not want to let that beautiful illusion disappear because those illusions are the source of your comfort.


In Order to Change the Reality and Feelings of This Moment, All Interpretations of The Past and Future Should be Revised

What is II (integrated image)? II is the total outcome of W2 and W1 that is put in front of the feeler. II is the raw input that gives rise to qualitative experiences of the feeler. In II, the past, present, and future have the same power. They are mixed together to help construct II to entertain or torture the feeler. For the feeler, the scenarios (illusions) of the past and future are as important as the perception and sensation of now.
Why do I call them illusions of the past and future? Because past memories are mostly emotionally charged and distorted. They are false interpretations (L3/W2) and have no use in serving the feeler in future. Future is also unknown. It is a mystery waiting to be unfolded. A future that is predicted based on (and as continuation of) false past interpretations is doomed to be an illusion. Many individuals are prisoners of realities that constructed by illusions of the past or the illusions of the future.
Nezman knows that the present is the most real, the past is half-accurate at best, and the future is unknown. Nezman knows that in order to change the reality and feeling of this moment, all interpretations of the past and future should be revised.


The God Construct

The concept of God is a challenge for the limits of your imagination. The idea of god is a W2 construction, and like any W2 construction, it gives rise to an experience and feeling. Religions introduce a great, complex, and beautiful god. However, because of the need for control and expediency, they create a god with contradictory characteristics.
Believing in such an infinite concept and thinking about it create a spiritual experience. Many religions count such an experience as a proof of their legitimacy.
But any sublime, magnificent, and infinite W2 concept can create an impressive W3 experience. That's why followers of different religions have the same adherence to their own God.
In fact, it is the magic of X in action. A beautiful and grand W2 composition gives rise to an awe-inspiring reality and experience.
The concept of god is your construct. You create your own God. You imagine a god with certain attributes, and then you feel this W2 composition. The more imaginative and creative you are, the greatest your God would be, and consequently, the greater your spiritual experience would be. The concept of god evolves throughout history. In the past centuries, many other constructs have become more powerful than the concept of god. For instance, having money and being extremely wealthy has stolen the limelight from the concept of god wherever capitalism rules. However, the concept of money dwarfed the concept of god without providing such transcendental spiritual experiences.


No Everyone can Tolerate Pitch-Darkness Before Reaching Light at the End of the Tunnel

How much darkness can you tolerate before reaching the light at the end of tunnel? Becoming a Nezman is not easy. You have to unlearn many of your fundamental beliefs first. You have to demolish your castle of thoughts and build a new one (brick by brick).
The process of deconstruction takes you deep into darkness, confusion, and depression. When have no beliefs, everything becomes meaningless. Erasing W2 composition from X equation creates a blank reality. When you suspend all your beliefs, W2 composition does not contribute much to create your reality. This path makes things worse for you in the short-term. It makes your reality unbearable for a while, but the minute you understand X, the heavy weight of this dark and ugly reality vanishes into thin air. As you build your castle of thoughts and gain control over your W2 composition, you come out from the other end of the tunnel, and you see things clearly. You become the creator of your own reality. You gain control over your own constructed reality.
As I mentioned before, becoming a Nezman is not a path for everyone. Your reality will become the darkest. Not everyone can tolerate that much darkness. Though the rewards (of joy and beauty) at the end of the tunnel are indescribable, it is not a path for everyone. Only few emerge as Nezman from the end of this tunnel. They are unstoppable. They are free and in control of their own reality. They have survived the pitch-black and fear nothing. They enjoy the magic and beauty of X. They know they are droplets of creativity in the magical ocean of X.


Understanding X

Nez: You live in a unique reality at this moment. Only you have access to your experience of that reality at this moment. No one, other than you, can tell you what you are experiencing now because it is a unique experience created by your W1 and W2 compositions. I teach you X, and you gradually learn how your W1 and W2 compositions construct your reality. You gain control over your own reality. For those who are living in a concrete hell, I provide an ejection seat and parachute that help you turn off their reality. Understanding X melts down your solid reality. Your reality becomes malleable and flexible. You may even enjoy what you considered a nightmare. Why do people pay to go to a horror house in Disneyland? Because they know it is not real and they like excitement. Understanding X makes every experience exciting for you. You define the meaning of every event, and you alter your reality whenever it becomes intolerable. Understanding X is a lasting solution. It is not a temporary escapism provided by alcohol or drug use. Nezman gains control over his own reality. Nezman melts the reality and pour it into a new mold.

Becoming Temporarily Depressed Is an Inevitable Part of the Journey

Depression is more prevalent among those who try to understand the whole picture of reality. Those who question their own realities inevitably will discover the contradictions of the three realms. These contradictions destroy their castle of thoughts. Becoming depressed is an inevitable part of the journey for those want to become the master of their own reality. The stream of reality like a rollercoaster provides you with the most euphoric and nightmarish experiences. Only when you experience the ups and downs of this rollercoaster, you may understand that all realities are constructions. Juxtaposition the experiences of your hell and your heaven reveals how flexible your stream of reality is. I call the mechanism of construction X. Understanding X frees you from any concrete reality.
Depression is a state of having no possible dream. For a depressed person, scenarios of future seem painful and meaningless. For the depressed, the hope for pleasure and meaning is dead. Imagination of a depressed person gets stock on limited scenarios. Lack of imagination also leads to depression.
Depression is caused by a solid reality created by wrong interpretive W2 lenses. New W2 composition (for instance, new W2 lenses) will create a new reality that incorporate hope of future pleasure and meaning. Causes that root in W1 internal composition such as chronic pain can make a person depressed. Understanding X and altering your W2 and W2 bodies will create new realities and depression will loosen its grip on you.

The Metaphor of Bubble

Nez: Are you familiar with the metaphor of bubble? You look at the outside world from your unique angel. Your body is part of W1 (which I call it W1 internal composition). Your W1 gives rise to your W2 composition (W2 body). You make a model of W1 inside your W2 composition. I call it your bubble. I do not want to call this bubble a familiar name such as soul, spirit, or psyche because it has its own meaning. When you meditate enough on the metaphor of bubble, you will have a rather clear understanding of it. Inside your bubble your universe is constructed. You can control your own constructions inside of the bubble.
All the input from W1 is registered on the inner surface of this semi-transparent bubble. Our common sense (which is the product of accumulated experiences) helps us to construct a seemingly accurate model of universe. We paint a model of the W1 on the inner surface of this bubble. If what one paints on the inner surface of the bubble is a good model of W1, one is a realistic person who can predict W1 events accurately. But many have painted a distorted image of W1 on the inner surface of their bubble. Some have painted something totally detached from the state of affair in W1 (we call them delusional or mad). What you paint on the inner surface of your bubble creates your own reality. By painting the inner surface of the bubble, you become the painter and the creator of your own version of reality. Every one of us is a creator knowingly or unknowingly. All the interpretation, all the associations, and all the attributions related to a topic create a lens on the surface of the bubble that alters your perception of that object. This interpretations apply to every object or event in the past, present, and future. For a Hindi, a cow has religious significance, but for an American it is just a source of food. Death had a different meaning for an ancient Egyptian compared to an atheist in 21 century. Everything inside the bubble is a construction. The concept of God also is a construct that evolves by different religions through eons. The bubble is the home to historical interpretations about variety of concepts that accumulated layer by layer on back of each other. Bubble is full of inaccurate paintings drawn many generation before. Paintings that distort the immediate perception of W1. Nevertheless the bubble is a second-hand painting of W1, but some bubbles are strangely distorted.
One major problem is that everyone starts painting the inner surface of the bubble from early childhood. Indoctrination in one’s childhood leaves permanent marks on the inner surface of the bubble and limits the creation of a flexible reality by a creative mind in adulthood. Dogmatism formed in childhood is a great obstacle to overcome. Only a person who is willing to interpret the world in new ways can reach the highest levels of freedom. Only one's childlike imagination can help one to replace the old painting with new paintings.


The Hell Is Inside You, and Not Outside You

Individuals commit suicide to get rid of the unbearable nightmarish and rigid reality that they are living in. However, they fail to see that the ugly world is inside them. External world and external events are not ugly (they are indifferent and objective at best). They fail to see that the reality they are experiencing is just one version of reality created by interpretation of those unfavorable external events.
In fact, the reality that they are experiencing is a constructed malleable reality that be replaced with other realities. If they change their W2 bodies (through new beliefs system or new interpretative lenses), they will live in a different reality. The same is true about their W1 body compositions. You change W1 external or internal compositions and everything will change. For instance, you eliminate the source of W1 bodily pain, and life becomes much more tolerable.
Another example is that people use drugs and alcohol in order to temporarily escape an unbearable reality, but such remedies fail to provide a long-term solution. Nezman understands how the reality is constructed and controls it. Nezman identifies the sources pain whether it is in W1 external and internal compositions or it is the interpretative W2 lenses (and scenarios of pain and suffering in W2).


Uncertainty Is a Gift to Nezman

Student: Looking at thousands of religions and ideologies, I feel tired of uncertainty and confusion.
Nez: Uncertainty in this world is a gift. If uncertainty didn’t exist, Nezman could not have become the creator of his or her own version of reality. Uncertainty frees your imagination. It provides you with a blank slate for your painting. You inherit a world of unknown and make it your own. A large “white wall” is ready to be painted on with your unique interpretations of unknown. Without uncertainty, true freedom was not possible. If there is a god, uncertainty is the most valuable gift it could give us. Uncertainty empowers you to become the creator of your version of reality and your version of beauty. On the opposite, certainty makes you a slave. Why do religions and mass media create a certain version of reality? Why do they kill creativity or channel it? It is because they want to make you predictable and controllable. Looking at the gravity of unknown, suggesting any universal and certain interpretation of the world is ridiculous. Reality is a personal construction. Just look at morality in different cultures and different eons. How arbitrary does it seem?


Conscious Experiences Precedes Existence

Things (including us) exist. Nobody knows why does he or she exist? Existence precedes experience, but, for a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. As conscious beings, we are thrown into existence and our conscious experience. We do our best to understand existence in order to move toward more preferable conscious experiences (some call that preferable preference happiness).
Existence seems like an insurmountable mystery. Is God a solution to explain existence? The concept of God only transfers mystery from existence to God. The concept of God is a W2 interpretation in order to explain existence. But still existence remains the ultimate mystery. For sure, the introduction of the gods of mass religions could not solve the mystery of existence. Is existence itself is God? Are the fundamental laws of nature are God?
We cannot discover everything about existence because we are part of it. We are inside the sphere of existence, and we have limited tools to discover what exists and what it means to not exist.
Existence seems like a chaotic ocean of mysteries, and, perhaps, it is unknowable.
For a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. Therefore, instead of focusing on existence, one should focus on what one wants the most (and why one wants them). Nez' teachings hypothesize about existence, but its focus is on how one feels inside the sphere of existence. It wants to control the controllable elements that contribute to construction of personal universe in order to achieve the highest qualitative experiences. The ultimate goals of Nez' teachings lie in W3, and W1 and W2 are two tools to that end.


What Exists? The Three Realms.

Nez believes that three realms exist. He names the three realms W1, W2, and W3.
W1 is the external physical world (including the biological bodies). W1 is the most observed scientifically, yet it is mysterious and unknown in core.

W2 is the representations of the W1 inside our mind. It is the world of thoughts, memories, and any impression of the outside world. W2 is the realm that registers an inaccurate internal copy of W1. It is more like an image of an object. An image is not the object itself, yet it reflects some qualities of the object in certain light, certain time, and certain space. These images are constructed by the laws of W2. Although these images are inaccurate reductions of W1 entities, they seem eternal, unchanging, and perfect (because they are in another realm). For instance, mathematics exists in W2 realm.

W3 is the realm that qualitative experiences exist in it. W3 is the most mysterious. W3 is the soul of the soul. It is where all our desires, preferences, and feelings manifest themselves. W3 experiences are the most ephemeral and transient, yet they seem so deep and infinite as if they are eternal. Some individuals may exchange seconds or minutes of certain experiences for years or a lifetime.

Perhaps preferences are intrinsic to all three realms. W1 compositions have their own preferences. We know matter, energy, and any particle in the universe have certain external preferences (though the inner W3 qualitative experience of these preferences may or may not exist).  W2 compositions also give rise to their own preferences. Every composition has its own preferences, and life is a materialization of deeper and more complex W1, W2, and W3 preferences. It is the most amazing that as W1 and W2 compositions change, preferences change.

It is worth mentioning that although W1 gives rise to W2, and W1 and W2 gives rise to W3, this cannot mean that the three realms are ontologically identical. However, the more complex W1 is, the more complex W2 can be. Moreover, the more complex W1 and W2 are, the more complex W3 can be.

W1 is the material realm including your body. W2 is the realm of thoughts and imagination. W3 is the realm of emotions, feelings and inner experiences. Your biological body gives rise to your ideas and thoughts. Your biological body and your mind (together) create your feelings and inner experiences.