This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts


The Closest Thing to the God Is the Machine That Creates the Image of God Inside the Bubble

Student: I have had a strange relationship with God after certain unfortunate events in my life. I became introvert and focused on inner surface of the bubble. I started asking why questions. I asked God, why did such things happen to me?" I was angry at god. I challenged him. I loved him. I fought him. I feared him. I shouted at him. I experienced so many contradictory feelings and attitudes toward god, but I finally came to realization that I have been shouting at myself in a mirrored sphere. My gods, my guilt, my self-image, and every other thing inside the bubble are just some reflections constructed by me.
Nez: Yes you are the only creator inside the bubble. Everything inside bubble is your construction. You have not been shouting at God. You have been shouting at yourself (your self-made image of God). It is frightening to realize that all along the way, you have been alone and isolated inside a mirrored bubble talking with your own constructions and illusions. However, after your fear subsides, you realize how magical your imagination is. You become a powerful creator of your own constructions. All these show that you are getting close to becoming a Nezman. After you fully understand X (the machine that creates all those images), you will become the creator of the image of your own god.
X is transcendental. In fact, the closest thing to the ultimate reality or god is the machine that creates the image of God inside your bubble. In fact, the content of your bubble cannot represent god as much as the way bubble works (X) does.


The Difinition of God in 3 Realms

Student: What is God?
Nez: God in which realm?
In W1 realm, the God (if it exist separate from us) is unknowable. In fact, everything in W1 is unknowable. We can register some W2 impressions (on the surface of our bubble) of W1 entities. The God as a W1 entity is unknowable. We construct some models of W1 entity in W2 by the help of our primitive evolutionary common sense. We use weak tools of inductive and deductive reasoning (as well as principle of uniformity of nature) to make such models, and we forget how unreliable these tools are.
In W2 Realm, gods are W2 descriptions of some unknowable W1 entities. They are just a bunch of attributes, mostly contradictory, anthropomorphic, and primitive. Millions of images of god have been created in this way, and they are just some man-made illusions that are evolving over time.
In W3 Realm, those powerful and divine W2 images give rise to unique extreme religious experiences (the experience of god). It is natural that W2 image of infinity give rise to powerful experiences of fear, joy, or ecstasy.


Religions Create Feelings of Shame and Guilt by Using Your Imagination Against You

Religions create feelings of shame and guilt by using your imagination against you. Most religions (especially Abrahamic religions) introduce a god that judges you. The concept of such a god is indoctrinated into you mind, and it creates an eye in sky that watches your actions (even your private thoughts). These constructions (god, conscience, and so on) seem independent entities, but they are all created by you. Your powerful imagination has constructed such judging entities inside your bubble. However, in reality you are the one who is judging yourself. You are the creator of feeling of shame and guilt for yourself.
Nezman knows that the concept of god has been an evolving construction in mankind's individual and collective mind. Nezman knows all of these are some illusions: your constructed image of God, the image of you in eyes of that god, and your feeling of shame and guilt. Nezman breaks free from all these illusions.


5 Types of Relationship to God

5 types of relationship to god:
1- The person loves the God. The person is in harmony with the indoctrinated image of God in his mind.

2- God hates the person. The person makes a mistake and thinks that the God must be angry, or he interprets his bad luck as the sign of the God's anger. Since the person cannot easily bring down the concept of God, the person blames himself and destructs his or her self-image. The perfect God does not love the person anymore. This justifies the punishment.

3- The person hates the god. God's punishment becomes overwhelming (or the feeling of shame and guilt becomes unbearable). The image of the God starts to break down. The beautiful God becomes cruel, betraying, and ugly. Contradictions shatter its perfect image. The person understands that all images of God were illusions.
The person has two paths: revising the image of God or denying it completely. The person feels betrayed and disappointed. He or she destructs the concept of God.

4- The person kills the God. Death of God is the death of meanings. Nihilism conquers the person. The person becomes depressed and endures a reality with no value and meaning. W2 is a chaos and the hologram lens creates the darkest compositions possible.

5- The person creates the God in his own image. The God becomes irrelevant, but the image of God becomes malleable. The image of god becomes man's creation and a means that serves the feeler toward the stream of beauty.

For Nezman the image of God captures the highest degrees of contradictions. Nezman's God is the most beautiful construction (despite the ugliest contradictions). Nezman's God challenges the limitations of Nezman's imagination (the painted image of infinity), but it is not very far from Nezman's self-image.

The Concept of God, by Definition, Is Immune to Any Investigation

The concept of god, by definition, is immune to any investigation. A god who is greater than what you think and you can imagine becomes unknowable. This concept takes us into a vicious circle.
The concept of god is irrelevant. The only relevant thing is our preferences.
W2 (which our mind is part of that) is a mirror that reflects W1. It is a calculator (or a computer) that reconciles the preferences of the feeler with possibilities of W1. W2 serves the feeler. And the feeler has it has opposing and contradictory preferences that makes the job of W2 so difficult (considering the limitation of W1). The only guide is our preferences.


A Rebel Against Nature, A Rebel Against God

Luck is a mysterious concept. Luck is just a name assigned to an unintelligible and unknown concept. Unpredictability of natural events is what we experience everyday. Some W1 events seem unfair to us, and many W1 compositions are not preferable for us. We try to make them more predictable, more preferable, and more beautiful. Inventing insurance is an instance of such a try. Why did the concept of insurance catch on? Because it addresses the unfairness of nature. It serves all members by using some mathematical equations. For instance, when an insured person loses a house because of earthquake, others contribute to rebuild his or her house. They diminish the effect of bad luck. Insurance is revolt against the will of nature and fate. We, as a group, want to play god. We want to make things more preferable and more beautiful.
Nezman wishes for a society with a more beautiful mathematics in terms of fulfillment of preferences. All people have preferences. Their preferences collide and contradict one another. The lucky ones (those who had access to a better nature or nurture) have the means to satisfy their preferences, while many fail. Nezman is a rebel against luck, nature, god, and gods. Nezman discovers his or her version of beauty. Proportions define beauty. Nezman do not aim for equality but hates extreme inequality. Nez was lucky to discover X. He shares the fruit of his good luck with everyone out of love.


The Creative Power of Your Imagination Is the Closest Concept to the Concept of God

Nez: God? Are you talking about the God? Your idea of a god or the God is a vague imagination and a bunch of characteristics that you are longing for. If there is a god, it is beyond your imagination. If there is a god, the closest thing to it is the creative power of your imagination itself. Thinking about a god or gods is just an exercise for your imagination. You are just testing the limitation of your imagination. If you take a look at the evolution of the concept of god throughout history, you see how arbitrary this concept is. Thinking about the God in man's imagination leads to a vicious circle because infinity is a meaningless concept in W1 (infinity is a W2 concept). Do not bother yourself with the image of a god, gods, or the God because eventually you are the creator of that concept. Here I talk about my personal god, but you are free to create your own differently.
You can create any god that you want, but do not let your god to be much bigger than you. Expand your god and expand your self-image in parallel to your god; otherwise your self-image is destroyed, and you become nothing more than a spec of dust compared to the magnitude of your god. Experiencing humility is part of the rollercoaster, but when the concept of god dwarfs your self-image, you become powerless and insignificant. You become a prisoner of W1 mathematics and W1 reality. However, there are other types of mathematics; W2 and W3 mathematics contradict W1 mathematics. You should live in all three realms. You should adopt three mathematics appropriately and in a timely manner.
If there is a god with infinite power, he has no fear of making you a demi-god. If a god is really omni-potent, it does not need any praise. Such a god would let you to be the creator of your own reality. In fact, the god has created you in its own image. You are a part of god. You can become a god, yourself. No one can judge you other than you. Such a god does not need to judge you. Why do you imagine god as an external entity? You are everything. You are magical. You are the soul of the
matter. You are the soul of the universe. Never devalue yourself, and go neck to neck with your god.
My god is the greatest. What is greater than a god who gives you everything (you makes you identical with itself)? What is greater than a god who makes you the creator of your own reality? If you are not a god, for sure, you are a demi-god.


The God Construct

The concept of God is a challenge for the limits of your imagination. The idea of god is a W2 construction, and like any W2 construction, it gives rise to an experience and feeling. Religions introduce a great, complex, and beautiful god. However, because of the need for control and expediency, they create a god with contradictory characteristics.
Believing in such an infinite concept and thinking about it create a spiritual experience. Many religions count such an experience as a proof of their legitimacy.
But any sublime, magnificent, and infinite W2 concept can create an impressive W3 experience. That's why followers of different religions have the same adherence to their own God.
In fact, it is the magic of X in action. A beautiful and grand W2 composition gives rise to an awe-inspiring reality and experience.
The concept of god is your construct. You create your own God. You imagine a god with certain attributes, and then you feel this W2 composition. The more imaginative and creative you are, the greatest your God would be, and consequently, the greater your spiritual experience would be. The concept of god evolves throughout history. In the past centuries, many other constructs have become more powerful than the concept of god. For instance, having money and being extremely wealthy has stolen the limelight from the concept of god wherever capitalism rules. However, the concept of money dwarfed the concept of god without providing such transcendental spiritual experiences.


The Goal of Life Is Creation of Beauty

Nez: My god told me, "You are a part of me. I feel everything you feel; I see whatever you see; I feel all your joys and suffering. Can I be more fair? And you more free? Just entertain me and yourself. Just create beauty in W3. Create beauty for yourself and others. This is our goal."
You are free to find your own beauty. A beautiful composition has pain and suffering in it. You need the contrast between black and white in order to create a masterpiece. Could Mona Lisa be drawn by white ink on a white board? Without suffering the zeniths of beauty cannot be achieved. The meaning of a negative pole depends on the existence of positive pole.
As your W1 and W2 compositions change, your taste in beauty also changes. Imagine you grew up in a culture that dog meat was considered a delicious food, and you enjoyed eating ate it there. Years later you move to a country that dog is their favorite pet, and you adopt a puppy and love it for years. Would you feel the same if someone offers you a dog cuisine? As the definition of dogs changes in your mind, you feel differently toward dogs and dog cuisines.


Uncertainty Is a Gift to Nezman

Student: Looking at thousands of religions and ideologies, I feel tired of uncertainty and confusion.
Nez: Uncertainty in this world is a gift. If uncertainty didn’t exist, Nezman could not have become the creator of his or her own version of reality. Uncertainty frees your imagination. It provides you with a blank slate for your painting. You inherit a world of unknown and make it your own. A large “white wall” is ready to be painted on with your unique interpretations of unknown. Without uncertainty, true freedom was not possible. If there is a god, uncertainty is the most valuable gift it could give us. Uncertainty empowers you to become the creator of your version of reality and your version of beauty. On the opposite, certainty makes you a slave. Why do religions and mass media create a certain version of reality? Why do they kill creativity or channel it? It is because they want to make you predictable and controllable. Looking at the gravity of unknown, suggesting any universal and certain interpretation of the world is ridiculous. Reality is a personal construction. Just look at morality in different cultures and different eons. How arbitrary does it seem?

A God Looking Back at Itself

Student: I feel alienated and worthless. The world seems like a strange place to me. Why do I exist? Why do I feel sad?
Nez: Miraculous laws of 3 realms have given rise to your conscious experience. You are the soul of matter looking back at itself (matter gives rise to consciousness. A conscious being looks at matter. In fact, matter looks back at itself). If there is a god, you are the god looking back at itself. You are made of the building blocks of the universe. Why do you feel alienated? You are one with everything. You are a child of the universe. Your raw material was built in a factory in a center of a star billions of years ago in some faraway galaxy. Those who think diamonds are valuable are idiots. They are ignorant to the fact that diamonds are abundant in universe, even on Earth, but life with your qualities is unique. You are unique in every sense of the word. Your life and your conscious experience is the most valuable and most complex thing the universe. Laws of nature treat you and a dog the same (because you have the same building blocks), but it is your unique arrangement of matter that makes you valuable, even irreplaceable. Your unique W1 composition gives rise to your W2 composition, and your W1 and W2 compositions create your conscious experience. The meanings and the feelings that you experience are the most valuable. They are the goal of existence. Finally, you are sad because you have no control over your W1 and W2 compositions. Your W2 compositions is full of interpretative lenses created by you parents, your society, and anyone who taught you anything. You are brainwashed beyond description. You have no control over the meanings and the feelings that are created in your W3.


Conscious Experiences Precedes Existence

Things (including us) exist. Nobody knows why does he or she exist? Existence precedes experience, but, for a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. As conscious beings, we are thrown into existence and our conscious experience. We do our best to understand existence in order to move toward more preferable conscious experiences (some call that preferable preference happiness).
Existence seems like an insurmountable mystery. Is God a solution to explain existence? The concept of God only transfers mystery from existence to God. The concept of God is a W2 interpretation in order to explain existence. But still existence remains the ultimate mystery. For sure, the introduction of the gods of mass religions could not solve the mystery of existence. Is existence itself is God? Are the fundamental laws of nature are God?
We cannot discover everything about existence because we are part of it. We are inside the sphere of existence, and we have limited tools to discover what exists and what it means to not exist.
Existence seems like a chaotic ocean of mysteries, and, perhaps, it is unknowable.
For a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. Therefore, instead of focusing on existence, one should focus on what one wants the most (and why one wants them). Nez' teachings hypothesize about existence, but its focus is on how one feels inside the sphere of existence. It wants to control the controllable elements that contribute to construction of personal universe in order to achieve the highest qualitative experiences. The ultimate goals of Nez' teachings lie in W3, and W1 and W2 are two tools to that end.