This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts


You Fall in Love with Your Own Self-Made Constructs: What Makes Your Object of Affection Desirable Is Inside You

Love at the first sight? Infatuation? You meet someone, and immediately you feel strong attraction toward that person. How much of what you see and love is out there, and how much of it is inside you? How much of what you feel toward the object of your affection is really coming from that object? What increases your heart rate when you see the object of your affection?
You receive very little information from the person, yet huge constructions are made. Negligible bottom-up flow of information gives rise to sizable desirable constructions, but a lot comes from you (and not the person). Your past memories and interpretive L3 lenses transform small input into glamorous constructions. These lenses are so powerful that small input can create an idol. In fact, you fall in love with your own self-made constructs.
Many times, L3 lenses create false associations by overgeneralization. L3 lenses store your own golden ratios (proportions that you find beautiful because of your W1 body or because of acquired taste through past associations).
Every memory associated with pleasure and beauty creates a lens that affects your future interpretations. These small lenses melt together and form a bigger lens.
Every single thing that you want and find attractive is a package of attributes that in your memory (and your lenses) are associated with pleasure. Every new memory of pleasure is a chain that creates a new goal lens (desire lens).
In fact, the more powerful your memory, the more your future is taken hostage by the pleasurable and painful memories of past experiences. Every generalization or glamorization is an automatic outcome of such organic lenses. Nezman digs deep into making of W2 lenses (L2, L1, and L3 lenses) in order to take control of autopilot mechanism that gives rise to tastes and exaggerated constructs.


Extreme Selfishness Leads You to Philanthropy

Selfishness is a virtue; not knowing the self is a vice. Selfishness creates a strong urge to pursue your preferences, but shortsighted and blind selfishness deprive you of achieving more valuable preferences. Blind selfishness fails to reap the fruits of love.
It may seem strange that extreme selfishness leads you to love. Only having the attitude of love (wanting others to reach their ultimate preferences and beautiful experiences) can enable you to reach your highest experiences. If you do not love the world and others, it will be hard for you to imagine that the world and others love you. The feelings between you and the external world (the world and people in it) are mutual. If you regard the world and people in it as hateful and ugly, you live in a nightmare. You should love others and make a better world for everyone in order to reach your highest experiences. Empathy is inevitable for the imaginative. After knowing the self and one’s ultimate preferences, an extremely selfish person realizes his or her preferences cannot be reached without fulfillment of others’ preferences.


Disillusionment of Love: You Glamorize, Idolize, and Worship a Person Because of Your Own Pleasure

You glamorize, idolize, and worship a person because of your own pleasure. You receive such an addictive and pleasurable feelings from that illusion that you ignore all negative real feedbacks that suggest that your idol is not perfect (and sometimes is even grotesquely flawed). The real problem is that you do not want to let that beautiful illusion disappear because those illusions are the source of your comfort. But a healthy reaction would be that you separate the person from the ideal beauty that that person was representing in your mind. In other words, you should separate W1 person from the W2 image of that person in your mind. You should tell yourself "that I still love the beautiful image of that idol that I created in my mind (W2 image), but that person (W1 entity) was not even close to the idol that I really love. I will continue to search for such an idol" and " I am thankful that the flawed person was a conduit that helped me to create such a beautiful W2 image, but I avoid this person from now on because If I keep in touch with such a flawed person, I enter the realm of love and hate."
Why the realm of love and hate? Because after disillusionment, you start to focus on the flaws. This flawed idol makes you angry, confused, or even mad. On the one hand, you love that idol because it has been a source of addictive pleasure for you for such a long time. On the other hand, you hate that person because he or she caused you pain. This person destroyed parts of your castle of thoughts, your self-confidence, and your self-image. You blame yourself and doubt your own sound judgment because you chose such a flawed person. Moreover, all these make you pessimistic toward your future relationships. Continuing to see the flawed person destroys the perfect mental idol that you have created. You need to keep that standard of beauty (and the image of an angel) as an aspiration for your future relationships and as a beacon of hope for future. After all, these dreams and hopes (even illusions) are our only source of extreme pleasure and hope. Even unrealistic dreams can serve us. Many times, we dream the world, as we want it to be, not as it is. However, if we easily proved wrong, we suffer much more.


5 Types of Relationship to God

5 types of relationship to god:
1- The person loves the God. The person is in harmony with the indoctrinated image of God in his mind.

2- God hates the person. The person makes a mistake and thinks that the God must be angry, or he interprets his bad luck as the sign of the God's anger. Since the person cannot easily bring down the concept of God, the person blames himself and destructs his or her self-image. The perfect God does not love the person anymore. This justifies the punishment.

3- The person hates the god. God's punishment becomes overwhelming (or the feeling of shame and guilt becomes unbearable). The image of the God starts to break down. The beautiful God becomes cruel, betraying, and ugly. Contradictions shatter its perfect image. The person understands that all images of God were illusions.
The person has two paths: revising the image of God or denying it completely. The person feels betrayed and disappointed. He or she destructs the concept of God.

4- The person kills the God. Death of God is the death of meanings. Nihilism conquers the person. The person becomes depressed and endures a reality with no value and meaning. W2 is a chaos and the hologram lens creates the darkest compositions possible.

5- The person creates the God in his own image. The God becomes irrelevant, but the image of God becomes malleable. The image of god becomes man's creation and a means that serves the feeler toward the stream of beauty.

For Nezman the image of God captures the highest degrees of contradictions. Nezman's God is the most beautiful construction (despite the ugliest contradictions). Nezman's God challenges the limitations of Nezman's imagination (the painted image of infinity), but it is not very far from Nezman's self-image.


Sharing Is an Expression of Love

Student: Why did you accept to teach me all these?
Nez: I share with you all these because I love you. My attitude toward the universe is love. My goals lie in W3. Having the most preferable qualitative experiences in W3 (whether you name it happiness, experience of beautiful meanings, or...) is the goal. Wanting such experiences for someone is called love. Love is an attitude. The definition of those experiences varies person to person, and no one has access to another person’s experience. Loving others often is in conflict with self-love. Self-love is that you want the most preferable qualitative experiences only for yourself. Eventually, one should find one’s balance between pursuit of one’s preference and others’ preferences.
Sharing is manifestation of love, while greed is the opposite of it. Greed is expression of hate toward others. Sharing is beautiful from any perspective. If death didn’t exist, sharing may not be as beautiful as it is now. Mortality makes greed meaningless. Sharing is a mathematical balance between your preferences and the preferences of others. Sharing roots in the belief in similarity and affinity. Our socioeconomic system is designed to perpetuate the priority of preferences of the wealthy over the preferences of the poor. The kings want to make sure their progeny remain kings. It is an expression of self-love that undermines the preferences of many. Even kings can share. Even kings can be generous.