This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label Mathematics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mathematics. Show all posts


We Have Tax Brackets, but We Don’t Have Philanthropy Bracket or Selfishness Brackets

W1 has its own sets of mathematics (certain W1 mathematics describe the physical world). W2 and W3 have their own sets of mathematics, but thoughts, meanings, and feelings are not easily quantifiable. W2 and W3 mathematics are personal, yet people have a lot in common.
Our current socioeconomic system completely ignores W2 and W3 mathematics. Tax system, for instance, has a lot of mathematical formula for calculating tax. Tax is not a loose term, but philanthropy is a loose term. We have tax brackets, but we don’t have philanthropy brackets, selfishness brackets, love brackets, or hate brackets. Why philanthropy shouldn't be well defined mathematically. What percentage of philanthropist’ asset was donated and how it served others’ preferences. Philanthropy is also a mathematical relationship between the value of fulfillment of your own preferences and those of others’ preferences. Why selfishness shouldn't be bracketed. Why hate shouldn’t be bracketed? Why shouldn’t companies, billionaires, and millionaires who are hiding behind trusts (and various means to conceal their wealth) not be evaluated by selfishness brackets?
Our current socioeconomic system encourages winner-takes-it-all attitude. Winner takes it all is also a mathematical relationship. Capitalism is a machine that generates wealth, but by some adjustments, it can spread the wealth more beautifully. Currently, a minority enjoys capitalism’s wealth disproportionately. Different adjustments such as higher tax may spread the generated wealth to majority. Even if such adjustments make the whole system less efficient, still the whole system could be much more beautiful.
There is a mathematics of beauty. The feeler has some inclination toward certain proportions. There are some golden ratios for our species. Historically, the ancient and native tribes used to invade other tribes if they become disproportionately wealthy. Some proportions are ugly or intolerable, and some proportions are preferable. People can reach a consensus about the mathematics of beauty. For instance, no human being under any circumstances should own more than y times of the poorest. The minority of winners (who take it all) justifies inequality by the benefits of the system, but nothing can justify ugliness. Many beautiful systems can be devised. Even if such socioeconomic systems have lower efficiency), they provide much better human experiences for the majority. Nezman accepts inequality, but extreme inequality is ugly by any standard.


A Child Begins with W2 Mathematics but End Up with W1 Mathematics in Adulthood

Nez: As a child, you begin with the flexible W2 mathematics. You evaluate and measure the world inside-out. A child thinks that he or she has endless power, energy, and time. For a child 1=1000. As the child gets older and experience W1, he or she begins to understand the limitations that W1 imposes. Adult learns that one W1 mathematics exists. For a realistic adult 1=1.


Universe Has 3 Realms and 3 sets of Laws

- Every realm has its own set of universal laws and different sets of mathematics.
- W1 laws (the same unknown laws that we have been trying to discover for millions of years) seem to be deterministic and universal. Science is a rather new and successful method of inquiry.
- Science has had much more success in W1 than in W2 and W3.
- The entity that conducts the inquiry about these laws itself is a product of these laws. In other words, you are a product of the laws of 3 realms, and you are looking into your own making.
- Eventually science is trying to control W1 and W2 in order to fulfill the preferences of W3.
- Obviously the three realms are interacting.
- Your consciousness is a W3 experience, but it correlates with W1 and W2. W1 laws of matter and energy give rise to your conscious experience, but conscious experience is ontologically different. I suggest that realm of consciousness is corresponds to mater. This assertion does not degrade consciousness; it transcends matter and energy.
- Matter is mysterious, and a historical reductionism has devalued matter through millennia. E=mc2 reveals the tip of the iceberg in terms if matter’s mysteries.
- Matter is not of a lowly origin. Matter gives rise to the most magical entity in the universe, namely conscious experience. The unique arrangement of matter creates consciousness. That’s why anything that alters the arrangement of matter in body (specially brain) affects your consciousness. Your consciousness is just a manifestation of the potential of one aspect of matter. Never devalue matter because no one knows its inner qualities and its real potentials.


What Exists? The Three Realms.

Nez believes that three realms exist. He names the three realms W1, W2, and W3.
W1 is the external physical world (including the biological bodies). W1 is the most observed scientifically, yet it is mysterious and unknown in core.

W2 is the representations of the W1 inside our mind. It is the world of thoughts, memories, and any impression of the outside world. W2 is the realm that registers an inaccurate internal copy of W1. It is more like an image of an object. An image is not the object itself, yet it reflects some qualities of the object in certain light, certain time, and certain space. These images are constructed by the laws of W2. Although these images are inaccurate reductions of W1 entities, they seem eternal, unchanging, and perfect (because they are in another realm). For instance, mathematics exists in W2 realm.

W3 is the realm that qualitative experiences exist in it. W3 is the most mysterious. W3 is the soul of the soul. It is where all our desires, preferences, and feelings manifest themselves. W3 experiences are the most ephemeral and transient, yet they seem so deep and infinite as if they are eternal. Some individuals may exchange seconds or minutes of certain experiences for years or a lifetime.

Perhaps preferences are intrinsic to all three realms. W1 compositions have their own preferences. We know matter, energy, and any particle in the universe have certain external preferences (though the inner W3 qualitative experience of these preferences may or may not exist).  W2 compositions also give rise to their own preferences. Every composition has its own preferences, and life is a materialization of deeper and more complex W1, W2, and W3 preferences. It is the most amazing that as W1 and W2 compositions change, preferences change.

It is worth mentioning that although W1 gives rise to W2, and W1 and W2 gives rise to W3, this cannot mean that the three realms are ontologically identical. However, the more complex W1 is, the more complex W2 can be. Moreover, the more complex W1 and W2 are, the more complex W3 can be.

W1 is the material realm including your body. W2 is the realm of thoughts and imagination. W3 is the realm of emotions, feelings and inner experiences. Your biological body gives rise to your ideas and thoughts. Your biological body and your mind (together) create your feelings and inner experiences.