This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts


Religions and Mass Depression

Nobody knows what lies beyond death (and what happens to consciousness after death). Nobody has the needed capacity and tools to fully understand what God and the whole universe are. We live in an ocean of uncertainty. Science provides minuscule certainty through the use of experiments and our experiences. Science is a small candle in the dark, and a great portion of unknown is left to be filled up with our imagination. Most religions have tried to fill up the unknown and uncertainty with some comforting scenarios. Religions have been perfecting their stories for thousands of years. Many brilliant religious thinkers have hidden contradictions and flaws of those stories (and scenarios of future). However, the changes in our lifestyle in the recent centuries have been so quick and so dramatic that most religions fell behind in updating their justifications.
One root of mass depression is that the scenarios of future proposed by existing religions are not beautiful, comfortable, and believable as they were once. The modern society needs more believable and more exciting scenarios of future. People’s imagination is expanding so quickly that soon, nothing short of becoming a god would satisfy them. The everyday reality has become so mundane, repugnant, and intolerable that people prefer to escape to virtual realities and fantasy. Capitalism has become a religion. An inefficient religion that creates beautiful, but short-lived, reality. A religion that denies death, and when its contradictions emerge, it turns into nihilism.


Religions Create Feelings of Shame and Guilt by Using Your Imagination Against You

Religions create feelings of shame and guilt by using your imagination against you. Most religions (especially Abrahamic religions) introduce a god that judges you. The concept of such a god is indoctrinated into you mind, and it creates an eye in sky that watches your actions (even your private thoughts). These constructions (god, conscience, and so on) seem independent entities, but they are all created by you. Your powerful imagination has constructed such judging entities inside your bubble. However, in reality you are the one who is judging yourself. You are the creator of feeling of shame and guilt for yourself.
Nezman knows that the concept of god has been an evolving construction in mankind's individual and collective mind. Nezman knows all of these are some illusions: your constructed image of God, the image of you in eyes of that god, and your feeling of shame and guilt. Nezman breaks free from all these illusions.

We Tend to Interpret the World in Ways That Give Us the Greatest Comfort and Pleasure

Nez: We live in a constructed reality created by our W1 body (our hardware, biology, and so on) and W2 body (our software, belief systems, and other tools that we use to interpret the world). We tend to automatically interpret the world in ways that give us the greatest comfort and pleasure often at the expense of contradicting L2/W2 (the scientific objective reality).
For instance, people believe in religions because religions give them comfort, yet no religion has any evidence or proof for its metaphysical claims. The younger and the more imaginative you are, the greater this effect is.
The same is true when you glamorize, idolize, and worship a person. You do it because of your own pleasure. You receive such an addictive and pleasurable feelings from that illusion that you ignore all negative real feedbacks that suggest that your idol is not perfect (and is even grotesquely flawed). The real problem is that you do not want to let that beautiful illusion disappear because those illusions are the source of your comfort.


Nezman’s Religion

Who eats fast food? Those who are too poor or too busy to cook a delicious and nutrient homemade food. Organized religions are like fast food for masses. They have served their purpose for majority of population so far. They have brought harmony and comfort to many. They made masses homogeneous and controllable. However, Nezman creates his or her own personal religion and personal god.


Uncertainty Is a Gift to Nezman

Student: Looking at thousands of religions and ideologies, I feel tired of uncertainty and confusion.
Nez: Uncertainty in this world is a gift. If uncertainty didn’t exist, Nezman could not have become the creator of his or her own version of reality. Uncertainty frees your imagination. It provides you with a blank slate for your painting. You inherit a world of unknown and make it your own. A large “white wall” is ready to be painted on with your unique interpretations of unknown. Without uncertainty, true freedom was not possible. If there is a god, uncertainty is the most valuable gift it could give us. Uncertainty empowers you to become the creator of your version of reality and your version of beauty. On the opposite, certainty makes you a slave. Why do religions and mass media create a certain version of reality? Why do they kill creativity or channel it? It is because they want to make you predictable and controllable. Looking at the gravity of unknown, suggesting any universal and certain interpretation of the world is ridiculous. Reality is a personal construction. Just look at morality in different cultures and different eons. How arbitrary does it seem?


Conscious Experiences Precedes Existence

Things (including us) exist. Nobody knows why does he or she exist? Existence precedes experience, but, for a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. As conscious beings, we are thrown into existence and our conscious experience. We do our best to understand existence in order to move toward more preferable conscious experiences (some call that preferable preference happiness).
Existence seems like an insurmountable mystery. Is God a solution to explain existence? The concept of God only transfers mystery from existence to God. The concept of God is a W2 interpretation in order to explain existence. But still existence remains the ultimate mystery. For sure, the introduction of the gods of mass religions could not solve the mystery of existence. Is existence itself is God? Are the fundamental laws of nature are God?
We cannot discover everything about existence because we are part of it. We are inside the sphere of existence, and we have limited tools to discover what exists and what it means to not exist.
Existence seems like a chaotic ocean of mysteries, and, perhaps, it is unknowable.
For a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. Therefore, instead of focusing on existence, one should focus on what one wants the most (and why one wants them). Nez' teachings hypothesize about existence, but its focus is on how one feels inside the sphere of existence. It wants to control the controllable elements that contribute to construction of personal universe in order to achieve the highest qualitative experiences. The ultimate goals of Nez' teachings lie in W3, and W1 and W2 are two tools to that end.