This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label The Feeler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Feeler. Show all posts


Pleasure, a Means That Became an End: 3 Kinds of Pleasure Alignments

Three kinds of pleasure alignments:

1. Alignment of pleasure with survival (Life's alignment with pleasure): Through the course of evolution, only life forms survived whose pleasure was aligned with survival. For instance, the offsprings who did not find sexual activity pleasurable did not pass their genes and became extinct. This means many W1 preferences are the product of natural selection through eons. What you find pleasurable today is what allowed your ancestors survive through millions of years. However, as gradually higher levels of consciousness emerged, meaning gave a new direction to pleasure.

2. Alignment of pleasure with meaning: The developement of memory and imagination in W2 created new forms of pleasure. Memory of pleasurable experiences and preferable composition could construct complex future scenarios, as well as the concept of eternal pleasure (I will address complex future scenarios when I introduce Le1 to Le5 scenarios). As the image of pleasure (or memory of pleasure) became more powerful than the first-hand experience of pleasure, all the problems began. Man became the most confused animal. In other words, as meanings became a major source of pleasure, the mankind's confusion began.

Meanings are the feeler’s evaluation of W2 compositions. The Constructs that incorporate the memory of past pleasurable states seem preferable. W2 compositions can incorporate contradictory scenarios of pain and pleasure (for instance, the past scenarios of pain and future scenarios of pleasure). There is no limit to imagination in this regard. The meaning could be so preferable that a person sacrifice present or short-term pleasure for a beautiful meaning whose future scenarios are preferable. Some of these meanings could become so perverted that they deny and contradict W1 pleasure completely. For instance, some religions create meaningful W2 compositions (that have some preferable future scenarios) and prohibit many carnal pleasures. It may seem ironic because as one breaks down any complex preferable W2 composition, one will find simple carnal pleasures as their building blocks. Pleasure can become a currency in the hand of the creators of meaning (and they can use it as they want). Different religions budget pleasure as it best suits them.

3. Alignment of pleasure with the maximum of preference fulfillment: There is no doubt that meanings can create great pleasures, but an optimum balance between W1 and W2 pleasure is needed to achieve the maximum preferences. W1 pleasure is what our evolutionary W1 body finds aligned with survival, and W2 pleasure is beautiful meanings (the evaluation of feeler of certain W2 composition). Nezman has a healthy balance between W1 body pleasure and W2 body pleasure (beautiful meanings).

In some sense, pleasure and beautiful meaning have close affinity. Pleasure is a preferable experience. Beautiful meanings also provide preferable experiences. In everyday language, beauty is the feeler’s evaluation of a W2 composition (what we feel after seeing a beautiful artwork), but pleasure is what W1 body finds preferable (what we feel when we eat a delicious meal). However, in essence they are very similar because both words describe preferable states.


We Have Tax Brackets, but We Don’t Have Philanthropy Bracket or Selfishness Brackets

W1 has its own sets of mathematics (certain W1 mathematics describe the physical world). W2 and W3 have their own sets of mathematics, but thoughts, meanings, and feelings are not easily quantifiable. W2 and W3 mathematics are personal, yet people have a lot in common.
Our current socioeconomic system completely ignores W2 and W3 mathematics. Tax system, for instance, has a lot of mathematical formula for calculating tax. Tax is not a loose term, but philanthropy is a loose term. We have tax brackets, but we don’t have philanthropy brackets, selfishness brackets, love brackets, or hate brackets. Why philanthropy shouldn't be well defined mathematically. What percentage of philanthropist’ asset was donated and how it served others’ preferences. Philanthropy is also a mathematical relationship between the value of fulfillment of your own preferences and those of others’ preferences. Why selfishness shouldn't be bracketed. Why hate shouldn’t be bracketed? Why shouldn’t companies, billionaires, and millionaires who are hiding behind trusts (and various means to conceal their wealth) not be evaluated by selfishness brackets?
Our current socioeconomic system encourages winner-takes-it-all attitude. Winner takes it all is also a mathematical relationship. Capitalism is a machine that generates wealth, but by some adjustments, it can spread the wealth more beautifully. Currently, a minority enjoys capitalism’s wealth disproportionately. Different adjustments such as higher tax may spread the generated wealth to majority. Even if such adjustments make the whole system less efficient, still the whole system could be much more beautiful.
There is a mathematics of beauty. The feeler has some inclination toward certain proportions. There are some golden ratios for our species. Historically, the ancient and native tribes used to invade other tribes if they become disproportionately wealthy. Some proportions are ugly or intolerable, and some proportions are preferable. People can reach a consensus about the mathematics of beauty. For instance, no human being under any circumstances should own more than y times of the poorest. The minority of winners (who take it all) justifies inequality by the benefits of the system, but nothing can justify ugliness. Many beautiful systems can be devised. Even if such socioeconomic systems have lower efficiency), they provide much better human experiences for the majority. Nezman accepts inequality, but extreme inequality is ugly by any standard.

You Decide What Is Fair, and No One Judges You Other Than Yourself

Nature is not fair. Physics is not fair. W1 reality is not fair. Fairness is a decision that you make. Fairness is a W2 meaning. Fairness is not out there in W1. Fairness is one interpretation of the feeler judging certain W1 or W2 compositions. Fairness is a preference of the feeler based on unique W1 and W2 bodies (and no one has the right to judge the feeler). As people vary in W1 and W2, their definition of fairness also varies.
Nezman knows there is no absolute fairness yet tries to create the most beautiful balance between preferences of the self and the preferences of others.


In Order to Change the Reality and Feelings of This Moment, All Interpretations of The Past and Future Should be Revised

What is II (integrated image)? II is the total outcome of W2 and W1 that is put in front of the feeler. II is the raw input that gives rise to qualitative experiences of the feeler. In II, the past, present, and future have the same power. They are mixed together to help construct II to entertain or torture the feeler. For the feeler, the scenarios (illusions) of the past and future are as important as the perception and sensation of now.
Why do I call them illusions of the past and future? Because past memories are mostly emotionally charged and distorted. They are false interpretations (L3/W2) and have no use in serving the feeler in future. Future is also unknown. It is a mystery waiting to be unfolded. A future that is predicted based on (and as continuation of) false past interpretations is doomed to be an illusion. Many individuals are prisoners of realities that constructed by illusions of the past or the illusions of the future.
Nezman knows that the present is the most real, the past is half-accurate at best, and the future is unknown. Nezman knows that in order to change the reality and feeling of this moment, all interpretations of the past and future should be revised.

The Bombardment of Useless and Irrelevant Information

The bombardment of information and variety of ideas does not let people choose their own belief systems. An ordinary person with a full-time job neither has the expertise nor the needed time to evaluate and choose one’s own belief system. The first thing you should do is to protect yourself against the bombardment of useless and irrelevant information. The limitation of your W1 and W2 bodies leaves no room for useless and irrelevant information. A useless information is something that does not serve the feeler. For instance, most information that is broadcasted through mass media is aimed at controlling masses and swaying them toward the agenda’s of ruling class that serves the interest of a minority.
The knowledge that serves the feeler is understanding how your feelings are created and how they are controlled. To this end, you should learn about the existence of the feeler and the machinery of X. To understand X, you need to understand three realms, three layers of W2, and the metaphor of hologram lens. Then you will understand how miraculously the feeler evaluates W1 and W2 compositions and gives rise to your qualitative experiences.
The knowledge of X is your first priority. The knowledge of X is the foundation of your castle of thoughts. Learning the 3 layers of W2 will help you categorize ideas based on their use. You will learn how to draw a distinction between the ideas that accurately describe W1, the ideas that are concocted by W2 machinery (and have no root in W1), and the ideas that serve the feeler.
Nezman categorizes importing information and ideas meticulously. Nezman masterfully organizes and distinguishes between his or her own facts, interpretations, and values.


5 Types of Relationship to God

5 types of relationship to god:
1- The person loves the God. The person is in harmony with the indoctrinated image of God in his mind.

2- God hates the person. The person makes a mistake and thinks that the God must be angry, or he interprets his bad luck as the sign of the God's anger. Since the person cannot easily bring down the concept of God, the person blames himself and destructs his or her self-image. The perfect God does not love the person anymore. This justifies the punishment.

3- The person hates the god. God's punishment becomes overwhelming (or the feeling of shame and guilt becomes unbearable). The image of the God starts to break down. The beautiful God becomes cruel, betraying, and ugly. Contradictions shatter its perfect image. The person understands that all images of God were illusions.
The person has two paths: revising the image of God or denying it completely. The person feels betrayed and disappointed. He or she destructs the concept of God.

4- The person kills the God. Death of God is the death of meanings. Nihilism conquers the person. The person becomes depressed and endures a reality with no value and meaning. W2 is a chaos and the hologram lens creates the darkest compositions possible.

5- The person creates the God in his own image. The God becomes irrelevant, but the image of God becomes malleable. The image of god becomes man's creation and a means that serves the feeler toward the stream of beauty.

For Nezman the image of God captures the highest degrees of contradictions. Nezman's God is the most beautiful construction (despite the ugliest contradictions). Nezman's God challenges the limitations of Nezman's imagination (the painted image of infinity), but it is not very far from Nezman's self-image.

The Concept of God, by Definition, Is Immune to Any Investigation

The concept of god, by definition, is immune to any investigation. A god who is greater than what you think and you can imagine becomes unknowable. This concept takes us into a vicious circle.
The concept of god is irrelevant. The only relevant thing is our preferences.
W2 (which our mind is part of that) is a mirror that reflects W1. It is a calculator (or a computer) that reconciles the preferences of the feeler with possibilities of W1. W2 serves the feeler. And the feeler has it has opposing and contradictory preferences that makes the job of W2 so difficult (considering the limitation of W1). The only guide is our preferences.


Everything Becomes Boring

The feeler wants novelty. It gets bored of any W1 compositions because W2 becomes numb and changes. If you had enough time enough, everything experience would have bored you. Everything becomes boring or mundane after a while. The feeler plus infinity equals a desire to becoming everything. Deep inside, you want to be everything.


Thinking Discipline

People, who talk more, think more because language is the tool of thinking, but this does not mean that they are thinking correctly. A large part of their talking and thinking may be repetitive, superficial, fantastic, irrelevant, incoherent, or inconsistent. Thinking correctly needs education. Becoming a Nezman begins with thinking discipline. First you need to know different categories of ideas and territories of thinking. Thinking is a W2 phenomenon, in which the person paints on the inner surface of the bubble. One can project anything on the inner surface of the bubble. You can think whatever you want and say whatever you want. But your statements and thinking can be evaluated from two different viewpoints. First, how much does it correspond to the W1 compositions out there? Second, how much does it serve your W3 preferences? People think and believe things that are pleasing and comforting (even though those things contradict the W1 reality), but sooner or later, they will face the consequences of those fantastic projections. Similarly, people think very realistically, and they experience meaninglessness and nihilism. In W2, you make a small model of W1 reality. If this model is not an accurate model of state of affairs in W1, you are delusional (and W1 reality hits you hard). On the contrary, if you only create an accurate model of W1 reality, you become a prisoner of a concrete, meaningless, and boring reality. Nezman forms an accurate model of the known parts of W1, while he or she creates his own unique model of the unknown parts of W1, W2, and W3. He has a realistic outlook to W1, while he lives in the most fantastic reality.
To do such an impossible, you need first to learn how to think (and explore W2). You need to learn how to interpret the past and how to dream about the future.
Nezman knows that registering an accurate W1 is a tool, and not an ultimate goal. Nezman knows that W1 is unknowable in core, and science or any other tools aimed at serving W3 preferences. For Nezman, thinking is a means that allows your W3 preferences to be fulfilled. Nezman controls his thoughts and all the W2 contents. The content of W2 can only be controlled if you learn thinking discipline. Later in thinking discipline, I will explain three layers of W2 (and their corresponding realities). Nevertheless, thinking and everything else is aimed at creating the most beautiful qualitative experiences for the feeler because the feeler is the soul of your soul.


Pleasure, Beauty, or Both

Student: What is the most important thing in the world?
Nez: Creation of beauty and pursuit of beauty are the most important things in the universe. You have preferences. You discover the preferences that lead to the most beautiful qualitative experiences most of the times.
Student: What do you mean most of the times?
Nez: To make it clear, I give you an example. Drugs may temporarily provide you with ecstatic experiences, but they also bring more harm and suffering in long-term. On the contrary, you go though the hardships of education, but you reap the benefits for a lifetime.
Student: What is beauty?
Nez: Beauty for you is what you prefer most of the times. Beautiful is a thing, a scene, an idea, or anything that the feeler’s algorithm evaluates as preferable. As I mentioned before, your W1 and W2 bodies give rise to your feeler’s algorithm and your taste in beauty. Therefore, when your W1 body changes or when your W2 body changes, your taste in beauty changes. For instance when you become educated in visual art (gain visual literacy), you can enjoy much more from the nuances and beauty of artworks. W1 body also contributes greatly to the feeler’s algorithm. You find meat delicious, while a cow finds vegetation delicious.
Even a person’s inherited evolutionary biology as a part of W1 body affects your preferences. Why most mothers love their children? Because a mother has such an evolutionary or acquired preference. For a mother devotion is a beautiful preference.
Student: What is the difference between pleasure and beauty?
Nez: Beauty and pleasure are almost the same. Every preferred composition either creates W1 pleasure or W2 pleasure. W2 pleasure is a beautiful meaning that mind perceives. Pleasure of body is the preference of W1 composition, and pleasure of mind is a beautiful meaning, preferable by your W2 composition.