This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).
Showing posts with label W3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label W3. Show all posts


The Most Important Piece of Knowledge for a Conscious Being Is Knowing That Its Conscious Experience Can Be Controlled by the Conscious Being

Consciousness is a gift. We are thrown into consciousness. We suddenly find ourselves conscious. The most important piece of knowledge for a conscious being is knowing that the conscious being can control its conscious experience.
Things exist, but we don't know why. We just register how things exist, but the meaning of things are defined by how we feel about them and how our past experiences and feelings are associated to those things. W1 exists, and we are also part of that W1 (our W1 body is part of W1 as a whole). W1, in core, is unkown or even unknowable. Our W2 registers W1, and our W3 experiences are the closest to us. For many, the machinery of X (in which quantitative content of W1 and W2 bodies give rise to our conscious experience) is an automatic and uncontrollable process. Knowing that one can control one’s qualitative experiences is the first step toward becoming a Nezman. The deep knowledge of X enables Nezman to gain mastery over his or her own body, own W2 interpretations, and own conscious experiences of stream of reality.

Our Hardware and Software Can Give Rise to a Small Portion of the Spectrum of Realities

The reality that we are experiencing is just one interpretation among infinite number of possible interpretations, yet our W1 body (our hardware) and our W2 body (our software) can give rise to a small portion of the spectrum of possible realities. To understand the limitation of our W1 component, just take a look at the way your eyes give rise to the experience of colors. We are almost blind since only 4 percent of light spectrum is visible to us. Sensitive cells inside our eyes are blind to 96 percent of light’s wavelengths. In fact, we create a partial construct of what is out there, yet it seems like a perfect reality to us. Many other realities with different qualitative experiences could be constructed with different W1 body components (hardware).

The persistent illusion that we perceive is limited by the ability of our W1 body component. We experience the world through the lens of W1 body (our hardware), yet many of us cannot imagine that different experiences are even possible. Many people look at the sky, yet there is no way to know whether they see the same blue color. Contribution of W1 body to construction of reality is mysterious and miraculous.

Most people assume that their experiences are universal and concrete. They fail to understand that their realities are arbitrary and dependent to their W1 bodies. The same is true about W2 body components. Your belief systems and your culture create one lens that contributes to your reality. Culture is a mass indoctrination. Many different belief systems can give rise to many different realities.

Nezman knows the reality he or she is experiencing is only one arbitrary interpretation among many. Nezman takes control of W1 body and W2 components as much as it is possible. Eventually, Nezman looks at W1 and W2 as a ladder to reach the highest W3 experiences.


The Difinition of God in 3 Realms

Student: What is God?
Nez: God in which realm?
In W1 realm, the God (if it exist separate from us) is unknowable. In fact, everything in W1 is unknowable. We can register some W2 impressions (on the surface of our bubble) of W1 entities. The God as a W1 entity is unknowable. We construct some models of W1 entity in W2 by the help of our primitive evolutionary common sense. We use weak tools of inductive and deductive reasoning (as well as principle of uniformity of nature) to make such models, and we forget how unreliable these tools are.
In W2 Realm, gods are W2 descriptions of some unknowable W1 entities. They are just a bunch of attributes, mostly contradictory, anthropomorphic, and primitive. Millions of images of god have been created in this way, and they are just some man-made illusions that are evolving over time.
In W3 Realm, those powerful and divine W2 images give rise to unique extreme religious experiences (the experience of god). It is natural that W2 image of infinity give rise to powerful experiences of fear, joy, or ecstasy.

Quantity Gives Rise to Quality; This Is the Ultimate Miracle

The real miracle happens where quantity gives rise to quality. When beams of light enter your eyes and create the experience of color red. When certain touches become the experience of orgasm. When a chemical becomes a taste. This is the boundary of three realms. Mystery is the gateway of experience where W1 and W2 give rise to W3. The qualitative W3 experience is the most miraculous and mysterious.

Money Is a Tool to Exchange Potential Preferable Experiences

We use currencies to buy and sell things, but the ultimate things that are exchanged are preferences of the two parties involved in the exchange. We use money or other means of exchange to facilitate the trade of our preferences. Money makes fulfillment of some preferences possible.
In fact, by exchanging money, you give the potential of fulfillment of your preferences to someone else. You are buying a product or service in order to make a preferable change in your W1 body or W2 body. For instance, you buy an air conditioner to keep your body temperature (W1 preference) at your desirable level, or you buy insurance policy because you think that you are more prepared for unexpected future events (W2 preference).
The ultimate goals lie in W3. When you donate money, you provide W1 preferences for others in exchange for W2 preferences for yourself. When you buy a beautiful painting, you buy a W1 composition that can strike a chord with certain W2 compositions inside you and make you feel good.
Any currency’s ultimate goal is to exchange preferred qualitative experiences.


We Have Tax Brackets, but We Don’t Have Philanthropy Bracket or Selfishness Brackets

W1 has its own sets of mathematics (certain W1 mathematics describe the physical world). W2 and W3 have their own sets of mathematics, but thoughts, meanings, and feelings are not easily quantifiable. W2 and W3 mathematics are personal, yet people have a lot in common.
Our current socioeconomic system completely ignores W2 and W3 mathematics. Tax system, for instance, has a lot of mathematical formula for calculating tax. Tax is not a loose term, but philanthropy is a loose term. We have tax brackets, but we don’t have philanthropy brackets, selfishness brackets, love brackets, or hate brackets. Why philanthropy shouldn't be well defined mathematically. What percentage of philanthropist’ asset was donated and how it served others’ preferences. Philanthropy is also a mathematical relationship between the value of fulfillment of your own preferences and those of others’ preferences. Why selfishness shouldn't be bracketed. Why hate shouldn’t be bracketed? Why shouldn’t companies, billionaires, and millionaires who are hiding behind trusts (and various means to conceal their wealth) not be evaluated by selfishness brackets?
Our current socioeconomic system encourages winner-takes-it-all attitude. Winner takes it all is also a mathematical relationship. Capitalism is a machine that generates wealth, but by some adjustments, it can spread the wealth more beautifully. Currently, a minority enjoys capitalism’s wealth disproportionately. Different adjustments such as higher tax may spread the generated wealth to majority. Even if such adjustments make the whole system less efficient, still the whole system could be much more beautiful.
There is a mathematics of beauty. The feeler has some inclination toward certain proportions. There are some golden ratios for our species. Historically, the ancient and native tribes used to invade other tribes if they become disproportionately wealthy. Some proportions are ugly or intolerable, and some proportions are preferable. People can reach a consensus about the mathematics of beauty. For instance, no human being under any circumstances should own more than y times of the poorest. The minority of winners (who take it all) justifies inequality by the benefits of the system, but nothing can justify ugliness. Many beautiful systems can be devised. Even if such socioeconomic systems have lower efficiency), they provide much better human experiences for the majority. Nezman accepts inequality, but extreme inequality is ugly by any standard.

We Tend to Interpret the World in Ways That Give Us the Greatest Comfort and Pleasure

Nez: We live in a constructed reality created by our W1 body (our hardware, biology, and so on) and W2 body (our software, belief systems, and other tools that we use to interpret the world). We tend to automatically interpret the world in ways that give us the greatest comfort and pleasure often at the expense of contradicting L2/W2 (the scientific objective reality).
For instance, people believe in religions because religions give them comfort, yet no religion has any evidence or proof for its metaphysical claims. The younger and the more imaginative you are, the greater this effect is.
The same is true when you glamorize, idolize, and worship a person. You do it because of your own pleasure. You receive such an addictive and pleasurable feelings from that illusion that you ignore all negative real feedbacks that suggest that your idol is not perfect (and is even grotesquely flawed). The real problem is that you do not want to let that beautiful illusion disappear because those illusions are the source of your comfort.


Existing Languages Fail to Describe 3 Realms

Our languages have evolved organically. Languages are W2 entities that try to describe W1 and serve our W3 preferences. Our existing languages are inefficient tools in describing 3 realms. We need a new language (with new vocabulary) in order to describe X and the three realms successfully. One day such a language will come, but in the meantime, I have coined new words and metaphors in order to convey the meanings effectively. New vocabulary and metaphors help you understand yourself, 3 realms, and your reality.

The Bombardment of Useless and Irrelevant Information

The bombardment of information and variety of ideas does not let people choose their own belief systems. An ordinary person with a full-time job neither has the expertise nor the needed time to evaluate and choose one’s own belief system. The first thing you should do is to protect yourself against the bombardment of useless and irrelevant information. The limitation of your W1 and W2 bodies leaves no room for useless and irrelevant information. A useless information is something that does not serve the feeler. For instance, most information that is broadcasted through mass media is aimed at controlling masses and swaying them toward the agenda’s of ruling class that serves the interest of a minority.
The knowledge that serves the feeler is understanding how your feelings are created and how they are controlled. To this end, you should learn about the existence of the feeler and the machinery of X. To understand X, you need to understand three realms, three layers of W2, and the metaphor of hologram lens. Then you will understand how miraculously the feeler evaluates W1 and W2 compositions and gives rise to your qualitative experiences.
The knowledge of X is your first priority. The knowledge of X is the foundation of your castle of thoughts. Learning the 3 layers of W2 will help you categorize ideas based on their use. You will learn how to draw a distinction between the ideas that accurately describe W1, the ideas that are concocted by W2 machinery (and have no root in W1), and the ideas that serve the feeler.
Nezman categorizes importing information and ideas meticulously. Nezman masterfully organizes and distinguishes between his or her own facts, interpretations, and values.


Thinking Discipline

People, who talk more, think more because language is the tool of thinking, but this does not mean that they are thinking correctly. A large part of their talking and thinking may be repetitive, superficial, fantastic, irrelevant, incoherent, or inconsistent. Thinking correctly needs education. Becoming a Nezman begins with thinking discipline. First you need to know different categories of ideas and territories of thinking. Thinking is a W2 phenomenon, in which the person paints on the inner surface of the bubble. One can project anything on the inner surface of the bubble. You can think whatever you want and say whatever you want. But your statements and thinking can be evaluated from two different viewpoints. First, how much does it correspond to the W1 compositions out there? Second, how much does it serve your W3 preferences? People think and believe things that are pleasing and comforting (even though those things contradict the W1 reality), but sooner or later, they will face the consequences of those fantastic projections. Similarly, people think very realistically, and they experience meaninglessness and nihilism. In W2, you make a small model of W1 reality. If this model is not an accurate model of state of affairs in W1, you are delusional (and W1 reality hits you hard). On the contrary, if you only create an accurate model of W1 reality, you become a prisoner of a concrete, meaningless, and boring reality. Nezman forms an accurate model of the known parts of W1, while he or she creates his own unique model of the unknown parts of W1, W2, and W3. He has a realistic outlook to W1, while he lives in the most fantastic reality.
To do such an impossible, you need first to learn how to think (and explore W2). You need to learn how to interpret the past and how to dream about the future.
Nezman knows that registering an accurate W1 is a tool, and not an ultimate goal. Nezman knows that W1 is unknowable in core, and science or any other tools aimed at serving W3 preferences. For Nezman, thinking is a means that allows your W3 preferences to be fulfilled. Nezman controls his thoughts and all the W2 contents. The content of W2 can only be controlled if you learn thinking discipline. Later in thinking discipline, I will explain three layers of W2 (and their corresponding realities). Nevertheless, thinking and everything else is aimed at creating the most beautiful qualitative experiences for the feeler because the feeler is the soul of your soul.

The Creative Power of Your Imagination Is the Closest Concept to the Concept of God

Nez: God? Are you talking about the God? Your idea of a god or the God is a vague imagination and a bunch of characteristics that you are longing for. If there is a god, it is beyond your imagination. If there is a god, the closest thing to it is the creative power of your imagination itself. Thinking about a god or gods is just an exercise for your imagination. You are just testing the limitation of your imagination. If you take a look at the evolution of the concept of god throughout history, you see how arbitrary this concept is. Thinking about the God in man's imagination leads to a vicious circle because infinity is a meaningless concept in W1 (infinity is a W2 concept). Do not bother yourself with the image of a god, gods, or the God because eventually you are the creator of that concept. Here I talk about my personal god, but you are free to create your own differently.
You can create any god that you want, but do not let your god to be much bigger than you. Expand your god and expand your self-image in parallel to your god; otherwise your self-image is destroyed, and you become nothing more than a spec of dust compared to the magnitude of your god. Experiencing humility is part of the rollercoaster, but when the concept of god dwarfs your self-image, you become powerless and insignificant. You become a prisoner of W1 mathematics and W1 reality. However, there are other types of mathematics; W2 and W3 mathematics contradict W1 mathematics. You should live in all three realms. You should adopt three mathematics appropriately and in a timely manner.
If there is a god with infinite power, he has no fear of making you a demi-god. If a god is really omni-potent, it does not need any praise. Such a god would let you to be the creator of your own reality. In fact, the god has created you in its own image. You are a part of god. You can become a god, yourself. No one can judge you other than you. Such a god does not need to judge you. Why do you imagine god as an external entity? You are everything. You are magical. You are the soul of the
matter. You are the soul of the universe. Never devalue yourself, and go neck to neck with your god.
My god is the greatest. What is greater than a god who gives you everything (you makes you identical with itself)? What is greater than a god who makes you the creator of your own reality? If you are not a god, for sure, you are a demi-god.


The God Construct

The concept of God is a challenge for the limits of your imagination. The idea of god is a W2 construction, and like any W2 construction, it gives rise to an experience and feeling. Religions introduce a great, complex, and beautiful god. However, because of the need for control and expediency, they create a god with contradictory characteristics.
Believing in such an infinite concept and thinking about it create a spiritual experience. Many religions count such an experience as a proof of their legitimacy.
But any sublime, magnificent, and infinite W2 concept can create an impressive W3 experience. That's why followers of different religions have the same adherence to their own God.
In fact, it is the magic of X in action. A beautiful and grand W2 composition gives rise to an awe-inspiring reality and experience.
The concept of god is your construct. You create your own God. You imagine a god with certain attributes, and then you feel this W2 composition. The more imaginative and creative you are, the greatest your God would be, and consequently, the greater your spiritual experience would be. The concept of god evolves throughout history. In the past centuries, many other constructs have become more powerful than the concept of god. For instance, having money and being extremely wealthy has stolen the limelight from the concept of god wherever capitalism rules. However, the concept of money dwarfed the concept of god without providing such transcendental spiritual experiences.


Sharing Is an Expression of Love

Student: Why did you accept to teach me all these?
Nez: I share with you all these because I love you. My attitude toward the universe is love. My goals lie in W3. Having the most preferable qualitative experiences in W3 (whether you name it happiness, experience of beautiful meanings, or...) is the goal. Wanting such experiences for someone is called love. Love is an attitude. The definition of those experiences varies person to person, and no one has access to another person’s experience. Loving others often is in conflict with self-love. Self-love is that you want the most preferable qualitative experiences only for yourself. Eventually, one should find one’s balance between pursuit of one’s preference and others’ preferences.
Sharing is manifestation of love, while greed is the opposite of it. Greed is expression of hate toward others. Sharing is beautiful from any perspective. If death didn’t exist, sharing may not be as beautiful as it is now. Mortality makes greed meaningless. Sharing is a mathematical balance between your preferences and the preferences of others. Sharing roots in the belief in similarity and affinity. Our socioeconomic system is designed to perpetuate the priority of preferences of the wealthy over the preferences of the poor. The kings want to make sure their progeny remain kings. It is an expression of self-love that undermines the preferences of many. Even kings can share. Even kings can be generous.

A God Looking Back at Itself

Student: I feel alienated and worthless. The world seems like a strange place to me. Why do I exist? Why do I feel sad?
Nez: Miraculous laws of 3 realms have given rise to your conscious experience. You are the soul of matter looking back at itself (matter gives rise to consciousness. A conscious being looks at matter. In fact, matter looks back at itself). If there is a god, you are the god looking back at itself. You are made of the building blocks of the universe. Why do you feel alienated? You are one with everything. You are a child of the universe. Your raw material was built in a factory in a center of a star billions of years ago in some faraway galaxy. Those who think diamonds are valuable are idiots. They are ignorant to the fact that diamonds are abundant in universe, even on Earth, but life with your qualities is unique. You are unique in every sense of the word. Your life and your conscious experience is the most valuable and most complex thing the universe. Laws of nature treat you and a dog the same (because you have the same building blocks), but it is your unique arrangement of matter that makes you valuable, even irreplaceable. Your unique W1 composition gives rise to your W2 composition, and your W1 and W2 compositions create your conscious experience. The meanings and the feelings that you experience are the most valuable. They are the goal of existence. Finally, you are sad because you have no control over your W1 and W2 compositions. Your W2 compositions is full of interpretative lenses created by you parents, your society, and anyone who taught you anything. You are brainwashed beyond description. You have no control over the meanings and the feelings that are created in your W3.


Universe Has 3 Realms and 3 sets of Laws

- Every realm has its own set of universal laws and different sets of mathematics.
- W1 laws (the same unknown laws that we have been trying to discover for millions of years) seem to be deterministic and universal. Science is a rather new and successful method of inquiry.
- Science has had much more success in W1 than in W2 and W3.
- The entity that conducts the inquiry about these laws itself is a product of these laws. In other words, you are a product of the laws of 3 realms, and you are looking into your own making.
- Eventually science is trying to control W1 and W2 in order to fulfill the preferences of W3.
- Obviously the three realms are interacting.
- Your consciousness is a W3 experience, but it correlates with W1 and W2. W1 laws of matter and energy give rise to your conscious experience, but conscious experience is ontologically different. I suggest that realm of consciousness is corresponds to mater. This assertion does not degrade consciousness; it transcends matter and energy.
- Matter is mysterious, and a historical reductionism has devalued matter through millennia. E=mc2 reveals the tip of the iceberg in terms if matter’s mysteries.
- Matter is not of a lowly origin. Matter gives rise to the most magical entity in the universe, namely conscious experience. The unique arrangement of matter creates consciousness. That’s why anything that alters the arrangement of matter in body (specially brain) affects your consciousness. Your consciousness is just a manifestation of the potential of one aspect of matter. Never devalue matter because no one knows its inner qualities and its real potentials.

Conscious Experiences Precedes Existence

Things (including us) exist. Nobody knows why does he or she exist? Existence precedes experience, but, for a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. As conscious beings, we are thrown into existence and our conscious experience. We do our best to understand existence in order to move toward more preferable conscious experiences (some call that preferable preference happiness).
Existence seems like an insurmountable mystery. Is God a solution to explain existence? The concept of God only transfers mystery from existence to God. The concept of God is a W2 interpretation in order to explain existence. But still existence remains the ultimate mystery. For sure, the introduction of the gods of mass religions could not solve the mystery of existence. Is existence itself is God? Are the fundamental laws of nature are God?
We cannot discover everything about existence because we are part of it. We are inside the sphere of existence, and we have limited tools to discover what exists and what it means to not exist.
Existence seems like a chaotic ocean of mysteries, and, perhaps, it is unknowable.
For a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. Therefore, instead of focusing on existence, one should focus on what one wants the most (and why one wants them). Nez' teachings hypothesize about existence, but its focus is on how one feels inside the sphere of existence. It wants to control the controllable elements that contribute to construction of personal universe in order to achieve the highest qualitative experiences. The ultimate goals of Nez' teachings lie in W3, and W1 and W2 are two tools to that end.


The Most Beautiful Thing in the Universe Is the Existence of Beauty Itself

The Big Bang gave rise to W1. W2 emerges from W1. W3 emerges from W1 and W2. The qualitative experience of beauty and pleasure is the most miraculous thing in the universe. W3 desires and preferences rule the world. Beauty is synonymous with extreme preferability. Beauty is also mysterious and magical. Why? Because beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Individuals have different tastes in recognition of beauty. A person's W3 desire emerges from one's W1 body composition (biological body) and one's W2 composition (one's thoughts, memories, interpretations, and so on). Even the taste of a person changes throughout his life as his W1 and W2 compositions change. However, the algorithm and mechanism that creates W3 tastes from W1 and W2 compositions is universal. This paragraph has unbelievable implications. If you change your W1 and W2 compositions, you can change your taste in beauty and you can change your own feelings. Nezman has the mastery over his own W1 and W2 compositions, and in turn, on his taste in beauty.

What Exists? The Three Realms.

Nez believes that three realms exist. He names the three realms W1, W2, and W3.
W1 is the external physical world (including the biological bodies). W1 is the most observed scientifically, yet it is mysterious and unknown in core.

W2 is the representations of the W1 inside our mind. It is the world of thoughts, memories, and any impression of the outside world. W2 is the realm that registers an inaccurate internal copy of W1. It is more like an image of an object. An image is not the object itself, yet it reflects some qualities of the object in certain light, certain time, and certain space. These images are constructed by the laws of W2. Although these images are inaccurate reductions of W1 entities, they seem eternal, unchanging, and perfect (because they are in another realm). For instance, mathematics exists in W2 realm.

W3 is the realm that qualitative experiences exist in it. W3 is the most mysterious. W3 is the soul of the soul. It is where all our desires, preferences, and feelings manifest themselves. W3 experiences are the most ephemeral and transient, yet they seem so deep and infinite as if they are eternal. Some individuals may exchange seconds or minutes of certain experiences for years or a lifetime.

Perhaps preferences are intrinsic to all three realms. W1 compositions have their own preferences. We know matter, energy, and any particle in the universe have certain external preferences (though the inner W3 qualitative experience of these preferences may or may not exist).  W2 compositions also give rise to their own preferences. Every composition has its own preferences, and life is a materialization of deeper and more complex W1, W2, and W3 preferences. It is the most amazing that as W1 and W2 compositions change, preferences change.

It is worth mentioning that although W1 gives rise to W2, and W1 and W2 gives rise to W3, this cannot mean that the three realms are ontologically identical. However, the more complex W1 is, the more complex W2 can be. Moreover, the more complex W1 and W2 are, the more complex W3 can be.

W1 is the material realm including your body. W2 is the realm of thoughts and imagination. W3 is the realm of emotions, feelings and inner experiences. Your biological body gives rise to your ideas and thoughts. Your biological body and your mind (together) create your feelings and inner experiences.