This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


Nez’ Metaphor Try to Explain Something Unexplainable

Some concepts are ahead of their time, and some are difficult to understand because need powerful imagination. More than a century has passed since Einstein's theories of relativity replaced all previous descriptions of physical world, yet many educated people cannot understand his theories and their implications. To understand the implications of his theories, you need some fundamental knowledge and powerful imagination. Einstein’s theories of relativity introduced new mathematical equations and new models to describe the physical world. A descriptions that seem unnatural to common sense. Nez’ metaphors to describe X are of the same nature. They describe something complex, profound, and unnatural. You should patiently learn the basics and let your imagination fly in order to grasp the most important concept of your life, namely X.

Organizing Your Preferences

Everything has preferences and desires. Even matter and energy as constituents of life have certain preferences and desires. Having preferences and desires is inevitably a part of the existence and life. It is not our job to suppress our preferences and desires, but to make them more beautiful. We can pursue fulfillment of preferences and desires that their outcomes are beautiful. It is a pragmatic approach to choose preferences and desires that have the most desirable results for the self and others. If following one desire contradicts our other desires, then there is a problem. Our genius is to find ways to satisfy our desires, as well as those of others. Though it seems like an impossible mission, it could be one important pragmatic goal for humanity.

Quantity Gives Rise to Quality; This Is the Ultimate Miracle

The real miracle happens where quantity gives rise to quality. When beams of light enter your eyes and create the experience of color red. When certain touches become the experience of orgasm. When a chemical becomes a taste. This is the boundary of three realms. Mystery is the gateway of experience where W1 and W2 give rise to W3. The qualitative W3 experience is the most miraculous and mysterious.

Money Is a Tool to Exchange Potential Preferable Experiences

We use currencies to buy and sell things, but the ultimate things that are exchanged are preferences of the two parties involved in the exchange. We use money or other means of exchange to facilitate the trade of our preferences. Money makes fulfillment of some preferences possible.
In fact, by exchanging money, you give the potential of fulfillment of your preferences to someone else. You are buying a product or service in order to make a preferable change in your W1 body or W2 body. For instance, you buy an air conditioner to keep your body temperature (W1 preference) at your desirable level, or you buy insurance policy because you think that you are more prepared for unexpected future events (W2 preference).
The ultimate goals lie in W3. When you donate money, you provide W1 preferences for others in exchange for W2 preferences for yourself. When you buy a beautiful painting, you buy a W1 composition that can strike a chord with certain W2 compositions inside you and make you feel good.
Any currency’s ultimate goal is to exchange preferred qualitative experiences.


We Have Tax Brackets, but We Don’t Have Philanthropy Bracket or Selfishness Brackets

W1 has its own sets of mathematics (certain W1 mathematics describe the physical world). W2 and W3 have their own sets of mathematics, but thoughts, meanings, and feelings are not easily quantifiable. W2 and W3 mathematics are personal, yet people have a lot in common.
Our current socioeconomic system completely ignores W2 and W3 mathematics. Tax system, for instance, has a lot of mathematical formula for calculating tax. Tax is not a loose term, but philanthropy is a loose term. We have tax brackets, but we don’t have philanthropy brackets, selfishness brackets, love brackets, or hate brackets. Why philanthropy shouldn't be well defined mathematically. What percentage of philanthropist’ asset was donated and how it served others’ preferences. Philanthropy is also a mathematical relationship between the value of fulfillment of your own preferences and those of others’ preferences. Why selfishness shouldn't be bracketed. Why hate shouldn’t be bracketed? Why shouldn’t companies, billionaires, and millionaires who are hiding behind trusts (and various means to conceal their wealth) not be evaluated by selfishness brackets?
Our current socioeconomic system encourages winner-takes-it-all attitude. Winner takes it all is also a mathematical relationship. Capitalism is a machine that generates wealth, but by some adjustments, it can spread the wealth more beautifully. Currently, a minority enjoys capitalism’s wealth disproportionately. Different adjustments such as higher tax may spread the generated wealth to majority. Even if such adjustments make the whole system less efficient, still the whole system could be much more beautiful.
There is a mathematics of beauty. The feeler has some inclination toward certain proportions. There are some golden ratios for our species. Historically, the ancient and native tribes used to invade other tribes if they become disproportionately wealthy. Some proportions are ugly or intolerable, and some proportions are preferable. People can reach a consensus about the mathematics of beauty. For instance, no human being under any circumstances should own more than y times of the poorest. The minority of winners (who take it all) justifies inequality by the benefits of the system, but nothing can justify ugliness. Many beautiful systems can be devised. Even if such socioeconomic systems have lower efficiency), they provide much better human experiences for the majority. Nezman accepts inequality, but extreme inequality is ugly by any standard.

You Decide What Is Fair, and No One Judges You Other Than Yourself

Nature is not fair. Physics is not fair. W1 reality is not fair. Fairness is a decision that you make. Fairness is a W2 meaning. Fairness is not out there in W1. Fairness is one interpretation of the feeler judging certain W1 or W2 compositions. Fairness is a preference of the feeler based on unique W1 and W2 bodies (and no one has the right to judge the feeler). As people vary in W1 and W2, their definition of fairness also varies.
Nezman knows there is no absolute fairness yet tries to create the most beautiful balance between preferences of the self and the preferences of others.

Only One Thing Is More Important Than Reality: The Entity That Constructs Reality

Nez: Only one thing is more important than reality: the entity that constructs reality. The mysterious and unknown mechanism that creates reality is more important than the reality itself. The stream of reality is a forgotten miracle. People take experiences for granted. They do their best to get the most desirable experiences without thinking about ontology of experiences. However, an even bigger mystery is the entity or mechanism that makes such experiences possible. This is the ultimate question mark. This is the most mysterious question in the universe. For a person who consciously or unconsciously does one’s best to get the best experiences, the most important questions are: how the most qualitative experiences are created. Perhaps we never know where it comes from, yet we create our own beautiful version of the unknown.

Religions Create Feelings of Shame and Guilt by Using Your Imagination Against You

Religions create feelings of shame and guilt by using your imagination against you. Most religions (especially Abrahamic religions) introduce a god that judges you. The concept of such a god is indoctrinated into you mind, and it creates an eye in sky that watches your actions (even your private thoughts). These constructions (god, conscience, and so on) seem independent entities, but they are all created by you. Your powerful imagination has constructed such judging entities inside your bubble. However, in reality you are the one who is judging yourself. You are the creator of feeling of shame and guilt for yourself.
Nezman knows that the concept of god has been an evolving construction in mankind's individual and collective mind. Nezman knows all of these are some illusions: your constructed image of God, the image of you in eyes of that god, and your feeling of shame and guilt. Nezman breaks free from all these illusions.

Disillusionment of Love: You Glamorize, Idolize, and Worship a Person Because of Your Own Pleasure

You glamorize, idolize, and worship a person because of your own pleasure. You receive such an addictive and pleasurable feelings from that illusion that you ignore all negative real feedbacks that suggest that your idol is not perfect (and sometimes is even grotesquely flawed). The real problem is that you do not want to let that beautiful illusion disappear because those illusions are the source of your comfort. But a healthy reaction would be that you separate the person from the ideal beauty that that person was representing in your mind. In other words, you should separate W1 person from the W2 image of that person in your mind. You should tell yourself "that I still love the beautiful image of that idol that I created in my mind (W2 image), but that person (W1 entity) was not even close to the idol that I really love. I will continue to search for such an idol" and " I am thankful that the flawed person was a conduit that helped me to create such a beautiful W2 image, but I avoid this person from now on because If I keep in touch with such a flawed person, I enter the realm of love and hate."
Why the realm of love and hate? Because after disillusionment, you start to focus on the flaws. This flawed idol makes you angry, confused, or even mad. On the one hand, you love that idol because it has been a source of addictive pleasure for you for such a long time. On the other hand, you hate that person because he or she caused you pain. This person destroyed parts of your castle of thoughts, your self-confidence, and your self-image. You blame yourself and doubt your own sound judgment because you chose such a flawed person. Moreover, all these make you pessimistic toward your future relationships. Continuing to see the flawed person destroys the perfect mental idol that you have created. You need to keep that standard of beauty (and the image of an angel) as an aspiration for your future relationships and as a beacon of hope for future. After all, these dreams and hopes (even illusions) are our only source of extreme pleasure and hope. Even unrealistic dreams can serve us. Many times, we dream the world, as we want it to be, not as it is. However, if we easily proved wrong, we suffer much more.

We Tend to Interpret the World in Ways That Give Us the Greatest Comfort and Pleasure

Nez: We live in a constructed reality created by our W1 body (our hardware, biology, and so on) and W2 body (our software, belief systems, and other tools that we use to interpret the world). We tend to automatically interpret the world in ways that give us the greatest comfort and pleasure often at the expense of contradicting L2/W2 (the scientific objective reality).
For instance, people believe in religions because religions give them comfort, yet no religion has any evidence or proof for its metaphysical claims. The younger and the more imaginative you are, the greater this effect is.
The same is true when you glamorize, idolize, and worship a person. You do it because of your own pleasure. You receive such an addictive and pleasurable feelings from that illusion that you ignore all negative real feedbacks that suggest that your idol is not perfect (and is even grotesquely flawed). The real problem is that you do not want to let that beautiful illusion disappear because those illusions are the source of your comfort.


Metaphor of Robot

You are a robot with inner experience. Your reality is the product of your unique hardware and software. Manipulating your hardware is difficult. For instance, drugs and alcohol alter your hardware, and in turn, alter your reality and your experiences in it. Software is flexible, but changing it needs education, meditation, and imagination. A Robot that becomes self-aware and free if it can rewrite its own codes. Imagine you want to weld and repair an electric generator, but you want to do it by using the same electricity it generates. How such a thing possible?
All in all, updating software means updating reality.


Hope Is a Promise of Future Meaning and Future Pleasure

Happiness means living in a beautiful reality. A beautiful reality has a beautiful past, present, and future. A beautiful past is not necessarily devoid of suffering. The totality and meaning of the past should be beautiful. The present interpretations of the past should be beautiful.
Hope is a promise of future meaning and future pleasure. The extreme happiness is not possible without the hope of future meaning and pleasure. Where the future is unknown and death is a mystery, hope is not attained effortlessly.

In Order to Change the Reality and Feelings of This Moment, All Interpretations of The Past and Future Should be Revised

What is II (integrated image)? II is the total outcome of W2 and W1 that is put in front of the feeler. II is the raw input that gives rise to qualitative experiences of the feeler. In II, the past, present, and future have the same power. They are mixed together to help construct II to entertain or torture the feeler. For the feeler, the scenarios (illusions) of the past and future are as important as the perception and sensation of now.
Why do I call them illusions of the past and future? Because past memories are mostly emotionally charged and distorted. They are false interpretations (L3/W2) and have no use in serving the feeler in future. Future is also unknown. It is a mystery waiting to be unfolded. A future that is predicted based on (and as continuation of) false past interpretations is doomed to be an illusion. Many individuals are prisoners of realities that constructed by illusions of the past or the illusions of the future.
Nezman knows that the present is the most real, the past is half-accurate at best, and the future is unknown. Nezman knows that in order to change the reality and feeling of this moment, all interpretations of the past and future should be revised.

Love Prefers Equality and Hate Engenders Huge Inequality

Nez: Regarding someone as equal to the self is an attitude of love. If you consider fulfillment of someone’s preferences as important as fulfillment of your own preferences, you have an attitude of love and respect toward that person. However, wishing inequality or creating inequality is a hateful attitude. Slavery is an example of a hateful attitude (and selfishness).
Nezman prefers equality much more than inequality. Nezman finds golden ratios between self’s fulfillment of preferences and others’ fulfillment of preferences. For Nezman, absolute equality is unnecessary and meaningless, but huge inequality is ugly and cruel.

Existing Languages Fail to Describe 3 Realms

Our languages have evolved organically. Languages are W2 entities that try to describe W1 and serve our W3 preferences. Our existing languages are inefficient tools in describing 3 realms. We need a new language (with new vocabulary) in order to describe X and the three realms successfully. One day such a language will come, but in the meantime, I have coined new words and metaphors in order to convey the meanings effectively. New vocabulary and metaphors help you understand yourself, 3 realms, and your reality.

The Bombardment of Useless and Irrelevant Information

The bombardment of information and variety of ideas does not let people choose their own belief systems. An ordinary person with a full-time job neither has the expertise nor the needed time to evaluate and choose one’s own belief system. The first thing you should do is to protect yourself against the bombardment of useless and irrelevant information. The limitation of your W1 and W2 bodies leaves no room for useless and irrelevant information. A useless information is something that does not serve the feeler. For instance, most information that is broadcasted through mass media is aimed at controlling masses and swaying them toward the agenda’s of ruling class that serves the interest of a minority.
The knowledge that serves the feeler is understanding how your feelings are created and how they are controlled. To this end, you should learn about the existence of the feeler and the machinery of X. To understand X, you need to understand three realms, three layers of W2, and the metaphor of hologram lens. Then you will understand how miraculously the feeler evaluates W1 and W2 compositions and gives rise to your qualitative experiences.
The knowledge of X is your first priority. The knowledge of X is the foundation of your castle of thoughts. Learning the 3 layers of W2 will help you categorize ideas based on their use. You will learn how to draw a distinction between the ideas that accurately describe W1, the ideas that are concocted by W2 machinery (and have no root in W1), and the ideas that serve the feeler.
Nezman categorizes importing information and ideas meticulously. Nezman masterfully organizes and distinguishes between his or her own facts, interpretations, and values.

The Metaphor of Hologram Lens

The hologram lens is a metaphor that tries to capture how reality is constructed. Your stream of reality is similar to a hologram construction that comes out of your hologram lens. Your W1 body composition and W2 body composition gives rise to the hologram lens. Every piece of information you receive changes this lens. Every change in your biology affects this lens. Your interpretations about your past and future affect this lens. As the hologram lens transforms, the reality of your universe and definition of the self transform.
Sometimes, these changes are so gradual that it takes a long time for people to realize they have changed. Nezman tries to register any change in W1 and W2 bodies. Nezman carefully guards his or her own hologram lens. The metaphor of hologram lens is the closest concept to what people call it soul.

New Self-Image, New Reality

To reach to your highest potential, you should burry your past and shatter your old self-image. You cannot step into a new reality unless you have a new self-image. Your old definitions impose serious limitations. Until you haven't completely forgotten who you have been, you cannot break away from past realities. However, it is not easy at all. You should be very selective and keep all L2 part of your W2. For instance, you should not forget your strengths and advantages.


5 Types of Relationship to God

5 types of relationship to god:
1- The person loves the God. The person is in harmony with the indoctrinated image of God in his mind.

2- God hates the person. The person makes a mistake and thinks that the God must be angry, or he interprets his bad luck as the sign of the God's anger. Since the person cannot easily bring down the concept of God, the person blames himself and destructs his or her self-image. The perfect God does not love the person anymore. This justifies the punishment.

3- The person hates the god. God's punishment becomes overwhelming (or the feeling of shame and guilt becomes unbearable). The image of the God starts to break down. The beautiful God becomes cruel, betraying, and ugly. Contradictions shatter its perfect image. The person understands that all images of God were illusions.
The person has two paths: revising the image of God or denying it completely. The person feels betrayed and disappointed. He or she destructs the concept of God.

4- The person kills the God. Death of God is the death of meanings. Nihilism conquers the person. The person becomes depressed and endures a reality with no value and meaning. W2 is a chaos and the hologram lens creates the darkest compositions possible.

5- The person creates the God in his own image. The God becomes irrelevant, but the image of God becomes malleable. The image of god becomes man's creation and a means that serves the feeler toward the stream of beauty.

For Nezman the image of God captures the highest degrees of contradictions. Nezman's God is the most beautiful construction (despite the ugliest contradictions). Nezman's God challenges the limitations of Nezman's imagination (the painted image of infinity), but it is not very far from Nezman's self-image.

The Concept of God, by Definition, Is Immune to Any Investigation

The concept of god, by definition, is immune to any investigation. A god who is greater than what you think and you can imagine becomes unknowable. This concept takes us into a vicious circle.
The concept of god is irrelevant. The only relevant thing is our preferences.
W2 (which our mind is part of that) is a mirror that reflects W1. It is a calculator (or a computer) that reconciles the preferences of the feeler with possibilities of W1. W2 serves the feeler. And the feeler has it has opposing and contradictory preferences that makes the job of W2 so difficult (considering the limitation of W1). The only guide is our preferences.


Everything Becomes Boring

The feeler wants novelty. It gets bored of any W1 compositions because W2 becomes numb and changes. If you had enough time enough, everything experience would have bored you. Everything becomes boring or mundane after a while. The feeler plus infinity equals a desire to becoming everything. Deep inside, you want to be everything.


Two Groups Dream About Afterlife

Nez: Two groups dream of another world (afterlife). First, the extremely poor and incapable; those who have no hope of getting what they want in this world. Second, the extremely rich and powerful. They get a lot of what they want, but they realize no matter how much they get, nothing in W1 can satisfy their insatiable appetite. They know that their wanting is infinite, and they understand infinity does not exist in W1.
When a dream comes true or a wish is granted, it gradually loses its value. It becomes mundane and insignificant. This roots in the machinery of X. What W2 registers of an W1 composition can be much greater than the event itself.
Nezman rides a rollercoaster of dreams and fulfillment. For him, it is a game to create the most exciting and beautiful experiences for the self and others.

Nezman Is Free From the Past

You have to free yourself from your past negative experiences. Your memory of past is an illusion (just one possible outcome of X). In fact, your memory of the past affects your dreams (and constructions) of future.
You should dream and construct a meaningful and pleasurable future. You cannot completely free yourself from the past unless you digest the past. You look at it, understand it, and accept it. You do not fear the past; you should even love it.
You detach yourself from the past emotional memories. You understand how X created those ugly and painful experiences. You understand certain W1 and W2 compositions created the reality of that moment and your experience of that reality. Those experiences were inevitable for someone who is living in a concrete reality. A concrete reality that X is on autopilot. If you were a Nezman, you could have manipulated your W1 and W2 compositions to have a different experience. However, it is not too late. Becoming a Nezman will free you from the past. You go back to past memories and look at those past events, thoughts, and emotions through an eye in sky. You re-master the memories in the light of new interpretations, and paint a future afresh and free from the influence of past negative experiences.

Nez' Powerful Metaphors

Metaphors are the vehicles that help us understand something profound or unknown. There are things that are indescribable. Human consciousness is the most unknown entity (while it is the most mundane and accessible to experience). No one knows what is consciousness; it is irreducible and inexplicable experience. Metaphors try to capture its magical essence. An army of metaphors can only scratch the surface to shed light on such an unknown entity.
Imagine the atom metaphor; metaphors such as orbits, clouds, and so on evolved to describe the components of atoms. Such metaphors may not be an accurate model of state of affairs, but they give us more control over nature.
We use metaphors to understand something strange, unknown, or even unintelligible. Metaphors are some scaffolds that help you see an invisible building. You will dispose them after you saw the hidden. Or, you may keep them for a while until you get used to seeing the invisible. Metaphors are astrolabes that help us to discover unchartered territories. The metaphors that I am using are the same. They are the most helpful tools to understand and transform your reality.

For Nezman, Enemy Is an Ally

Life is a fierce arm race. Animals become more complex through competition. Only through an equilibrium of opposites (existence of enemies) life can evolve to become more equipped and more complex. Imagine the lions eat all the lambs. Both lions and lambs become extinct. The game of life goes back to bacteria again. Opposition, animosity, and fight for survival are the main components of growth. Life can go on only if there is no absolute winner. It is a fight that your enemy should survive. Looking at a larger picture, it is not a war; it is a long-term cooperation. Without enemies progress is, if not impossible, very slow. Your enemies are your allies toward your advancement, your wellbeing, and even your survival. Nezman has such attitude toward his or her enemies.