This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


L2 Layer of W2 Is Disected

L2 Layer (the scientific image):
L2 is not synonymous with scientific knowledge, but it is rather close to it. Perhaps L2 content is provided by a philosophical approach (that science provides only a portion of it). L2 layer tries to provide the most descriptive and predictive knowledge about W1, W2, and W3, yet it is only a successful hypothesis, which is constantly revised. This layer answers how, what, when, and where questions. There are some serious limitations for the content of this layer (that I will address extensively later).

A. Certain mathematics rules W1 and consequently rules L2 layer, yet L2 layer is far from being intelligible enough. Common sense is accumulation of observable W1 laws that form certain W2 lenses, yet W1 follows different laws (and mathematics) in different scales that defies common sense. This shows that W1 laws are not fully and easily ineligible.  Moreover, discovering deterministic laws of time and space (and matter and energy) do not solve their fundamental mysteries.

B. An example in order to clarify the importance of mathematics in determining whether a thought belongs to L2 or not: A small missile can destroy a house, but it does not have enough destructive power to destroy a planet . If you have an accurate estimate of the destructive power of this missile, your L2 is correct. In other words, your thinking lies in layer 2 or in L2 territory. However, if you think (or believe) that the missile can destroy the sun, your thought belongs to L3 or L1. L2 content corresponds to W1 reality, but L1 and L3 layers do not.  We are surrounded by mysteries in an unknown world, yet L2 lenses give rise to constructs that are closer to W1 reality.

C. Our common sense "assumes" that a principle of uniformity applies to laws of nature. We assume sun will rise tomorrow because it rose every day in the past (yet in core it is an assumption, and there is no way to make sure 100% that it will rise tomorrow). Our Knowledge about W1 is acquired gradually and organically since childhood. Every thing we know about W1 gives rise to our solid construct reality. Our belief system, memory of past emotions, desires, and preferences all affect L2 layer and this construct.

D. We do not know what being itself is. Not knowing what being is, we cannot determine if something is real or unreal. Establishing some objective criteria to determine whether something is real or not will fail because everything we have in W2 about that so-called objective reality is mind-dependent. This means the mission of science as to present accurately what is out there in W1 is doomed to inaccuracy (if not failure) because everything about those so-called accurate representations are mind-dependent and subjective in a sense.
Although L2 can give rise to a construct that are more predictive, yet L2 constructs are incomplete, biased, and limited construct of W1. L2 constructs can never be completely objective because our hardware imposes some limitation on observation. What we register may only be a partial impression of the thing in itself. Regarding science as an objective knowledge is a grave mistake because we are erasing the knower, its qualities, its limitation, and its unique way of construction from X equation. In an ocean of  uncertainty, science is a means or tool to serve the feeler. Science is only a method of gaining power and control for the feeler's desires' ends.

3 Layers of W2 as a Melting Pot

The concepts of three realms (W1, W2, and W3), as well as 3 layers of W2 are rather simple, yet the implications of these concepts are complex. Understanding the machinery of X as a whole needs understanding of all these basic concepts.
W2 is the place that all interpretations and beliefs about everything form. W2 is like a melting pot, in which a variety of ingredients are constantly interacting with each other. The content of W2 can be categorized in 3 layers. W2 ingredients (the content of three layers) are affected by input from W1 body (such as ongoing stream of sensations and sensory inputs originating from W1 body, as well as W3 input (such as memory of past emotions and feelings).

There Is No Absolute and Universal Morality

There is no universal morality. Everyone lives in his or her personal universe with his or her own preferences. Morality is a part of aesthetics, and aesthetics is organization and categorization of a person's hierarchy of preferences.
There is common morality though. Having common preferences (due to similar W1 and W2 bodies) leads to having similar morality. Morality becomes an informal social contract to optimize the fulfillment of the preferences of masses. While having common morality makes people more predictable at the expense of suppressing their desires and preferences. 


Sciences in L2 Have 3 Focuses: W1, W2, or W3

Sciences belong to L2 layer (in W2), and they can have 3 focuses: W1, W2, or W3.
L2 with focus on understanding and serving W1: Sciences like physics, chemistry, biology,  and so on are trying to understand W1 compositions, including W1 body. Survival and gaining W1 control are the main goal of these sciences.
L2 with focus on understanding and serving W2: Sciences such as psychology, sociology, and politics are trying to understand W2 of individuals (and W2 of masses) in order to control them toward the desired W3 preferences.
L2 with focus on understanding and serving W3: Sciences that try to make sense of arts and aesthetics explore how preferences are formed and met. They are looking to find ways to entertain and satisfy the feeler.


A Scientist Is an Ultimate Arms Maker

Since the appearance of life on Earth, an arms-race has been going on among living beings. Animals began to form a more accurate model of W1 as they developed more powerful sensory organs (in order to register what is happening in W1) and thinking brain (in order to make sense what that sensory input means for their survival and reproduction). Thinking in L2 territory (as well as science) is the ultimate weapon that enabled humans to conquer the earth and win that evolutionary arms-race. A scientist is an ultimate arms maker. Having an accurate L2 is the first and most important step toward control.


Categorization of People Based on How They Prioritize their 3 Layers.

People whose L2 layer prevails. L2 has priority over L3 and L1 for the scientist, atheist, and pragmatic. They observe, measure, and deduct based on common sense. They look outward in order to know W1, yet most are unaware of the shortcomings of L2.

People whose L1 layer prevails. L1 has priority over L2 and L3 for the dogmatic religious person. Most followers of faith belong to this group.

People whose L3 layer prevails. L3 has priority over L2 and L1 for an artist, a musician, or an extremely emotional person (Someone whose powerful imagination can create a strong personal reality far away from L2 reality).

Nezman belongs to the fourth category. Later I will explain why Nezman belongs to this category and what combination of L3 and L1 provide Nezman with the highest qualitative experiences, yet I will mention some Nezman’s guidelines here.
- L2 without any preconception, bias, and prior judgement should be discovered and updated.
- L3 and L1 should not contradict L2. As L2 updates, the L1 and L3 should change to remain harmonious to L2.  The direction of the arrow of change is from L2 toward L1 and L3.
- Since almost always the most unpleasant outcome of L4 (W3) can be adjusted by the composition of W1 body and W2 body; therefore, life and being alive is a value. People can pursue their happiness and their highest qualitative experiences by controlling their own reality.
- Only L3 and L1 content that serve survival and the feeling of the feeler are valuable. Firstly, the feeler should exist (and survive), and secondly it should be served.
- L1 is irrelevant, arbitrary, and completely personal and subjective.
- Eventually L3 and L1 are isolated islands that connect to W1 through L2. Data and sensations pass through L2 to L1 and L3. This information is processed by L1 and L3 to create lenses and construct a reality full of optimism, pessimism, exaggeration, pleasure, and pain. These L1 and L3 lenses define present and future. They promise certain futures.
- To understand these concepts one needs to let one’s imagination fly through abstraction.


In a World That Death Is Inevitable and Inscapable, Fear Is Meaningless

In a world that death is inevitable and inscapable, fear is meaningless.
Death or fear of death (or the mystery of afterlife) is the main source of fear. Afterlife is a concept that defines many Le5 scenarios of pain and suffering. However, in W1 realm nothing is eternal. In a changing world, only Le4 scenarios exist. This means W1 can only provide limited pleasure and pain. Nevertheless, W2 can create the illusion of eternal pleasure and pain in your mind. Knowing these facts will make fear meaningless. The fear of Le5 scenarios of pain, as well as fear of loss of Le5 scenarios of pleasure, is nothing more than an illusion. When scenarios of future pain and suffering occupy your hologram lens, you feel fear. Understanding X can help people realize that the hell they are living in is a self-made construction. For Nezman, fear is an alarm that shows him or her that the scenarios of future pain or loss are creeping into hologram lens.
Those who were fearful of future and acted to alter the future had a better chance of survival through the course of evolution, yet modern humans (compared to their ancestors) spend much more time on thinking about improbable scenarios of future pain and pleasure. No wonder that every thinker needs to learn Nez’s thinking discipline in order to break free from illusions.


Irrationality of Suicide

A person commits suicide to end an intolerable reality. Such an intolerable reality usually roots in some present and future scenarios of pain, suffering, and meaninglessness. The fear of such future seems more daunting than death itself.
Death results in having no constructed reality and no future. In fact, the person is so afraid of future scenarios of pain (and lives in a hellish constructed reality) that he prefers death and wants to have no reality at all. Ironically, it is the existence of death that makes many of scenarios of future ugly or meaningless (and constructed realities intolerable), yet the person runs toward death to end his hellish reality.
Life gives you an opportunity to construct any reality, and death turns off the machine that constructs realities. It is more like TV channels. One, instead of changing an intolerable channel, destroys the TV. In fact, such a person is so much afraid of what is shown in one channel that he or she decides to destroy the TV itself.
Nezman Knows that hellish reality is just one self-constructed reality among many possible ones. Nezman easily switches channel by changing his or her W1 and W2 bodies.


As We Move from W1 Toward W3, the Level of Mystery Increases

W1 is unknown (or perhaps unknowable in essence), yet we can form impressions and build a W2 model of W1. W1 can be described in W2 according to some assumptions and theories. W2 itself is also described in W2. How odd is this? The observer and the observed are both W2 entities. W2 is more indescribable than W1. W3 is the most mysterious, yet the most real. It is experienced and nothing can really describe it other than the experience itself.


Personal Religion Versus Mass Religion

A personal religion is an attitude toward the unknown universe. It determines your feelings, actions, and expectations about the future. It is a series of arbitrary L1 lenses that shape the meaning of life, death, and afterlife for you. Whereas, an organized religion is a technology to control masses' ways of thinking, feelings, and actions. It is a technology that has brought harmony or violence depending on the interpretations of the masters of this technology (clergies and mullas) throughout history.



X is an automatic process, in which W1 and W2 bodies give rise to your stream of realities. There are times that the window of attention (which is the part of W2 contributing most to hologram lens) is filled with scenarios of pain, meaninglessness, or ugliness. Meditation is a tool to empty the window of attention, in order to clean W2 body of such scenarios. In the metaphor of bubble, meditation acts as if it washes the inner surface of bubble and erases ugly future scenarios.
To temporarily get rid of their intolerable reality, some people use drugs, drink alcohol, or have sex. However, such alternatives cause damage to W1 body.


Man’s Deep Internal Conflicts

Having preference is the essence of existence. Having preference causes movement and change. Having preference is also the essence of life. A person’s preferences may root in W1 compositions or W2 compositions. There was a time that mankind would mainly follow his own instincts, and these instincts ruled his preferences. In Darwinian sense, those preferences that randomly led to survival passed through the genetic make-up of survivors to their offsprings. However, when thinking flourished by the invention of language, W2 realm created its own preferences. The instincts pushed into the subconscious level, and the W2 preference begin to contradict W1 preferences through elaborate W2 justifications. This is the point that man becomes a confused creature with serious internal crises. His instincts (W1 preferences) clashed with his W2 preferences.

The Greater the God, the Greater the Spiritual Experiences

The concept of God challenges the limits of your imagination. You can imagine the greatest, the most complex, the most contradicting, and the most impossible concepts. Since every W2 composition has its own associated W3 feelings, imagining a great concepts of God also creates great spiritual experiences. These experiences are what many religions consider as proofs of their legitimacy. However, such experiences are what X creates out of one's own W2 compositions. The concept of god is a W2 composition that is evaluated by the feeler and gives rise to relative spiritual experience. The more imaginative and creative you are, the greater your God is, and consequently, the greater your spiritual experience will be. It is sad that people no longer imagine a beautiful God. They miss the opportunity to feel transcendental and spiritual experiences.


L1, L2, and L3 Lenses: An Example

Imagine a group of spectators are looking at a team of women volleyball players. Volleyball players are from different races and different religions. These women are standing in a row according to their heights from shortest (on the left) to tallest (on the right). If one asked any of the spectators which woman is the tallest, all would say the one on the right is the tallest. Such an analysis takes place in L2 layer of a spectator. Since L2 registers the mathematics of W1 (which is rather known and universal), the answers of the spectators are the same.
Now imagine, one asks the spectators which volleyball player is the most beautiful. To find the answer to this question, every spectator should go through L3 lenses, and most often each spectator chooses a different woman. Many L3 lenses with different mathematics are in play. These lenses with their unique mathematics mix together, and a vague feeling of attraction is the outcome. In fact the computation on L3 is not as simple as L2 because many factors are involved.
Again, spectators may feel affiliation and affinity with those who have the same creed or religious beliefs. L1 lenses affect how any spectator judges volleyball players. For instance, a Jew spectator may find the Jew woman volleyball player more attractive for marriage. The same way, a catholic spectator may feel more affinity with a catholic volleyball player.
How a spectator feels about a subject is the outcome of many L1, L2, and L3 lenses. These lenses compete to win the outcome of the hologram lens and create preferences.

A Limiting Self-Image

Your self-image should evolve. Become unpredictable, even for yourself. Do not let your past define your future. Your past, even the most successful one, is a heavy ball and chain that does not let you fly, does not let you enjoy the W3 rollercoaster. A rigid and unchanging self-image is the most limiting obstacle toward your future beautiful qualitative experiences and W3 rollercoaster ride.

Will to Power or Will to Preference?

The only war exists between conscious beings’ algorithm of feelers. The unique W1 and W2 bodies of each person gives rise to different preferences. Every person’s algorithm of feeler defines certain mathematics for beauty (as well as certain mathematics defining relationship between entities in three realms). Every one wants to impose his own mathematics of beauty on his own W1 body, his own W2 (castle of thoughts), W1 external (nature), W1 body of others, and W2 (castle of thoughts) of others. If someone is indifferent, still his algorithm of feeler has given rise to such preferences.


We Swim in an Ocean of Our Interpretations

To fully understand something we need to understand everything about it (including everything related to that thing and all of its past and future). However, the three realms are unknown and full of uncertainty. Entities in three realms might be described by science, but they are unknown in core. Moreover, induction and deduction are weak tools (upheld by principle of uniformity of nature). In a world that we cannot be sure of anything, only interpretations and beliefs that lead to our more preferential results are valuable. The goal of X is to explore and find L1, L2, and L3 lenses that create the long-lasting pleasurable experiences and beautiful meanings.


Emotions Are Alarms

Emotions are alarms that indicate changes in one’s castle of thought. Negative emotions reveal something is wrong in W2, and positive emotions imply expectations of future scenarios of pleasure and beautiful meanings. For instance, the image of someone who is relaxing in a beautiful beach in a luxury residence implies scenarios of pleasure and preferred meanings. However, the image of someone in an emergency room (or waiting anxiously behind the doors of a surgery room) suggests future pain or expectation of future suffering. Negative emotions (if they are not caused by W1 body pain) are always imply W2 future scenarios of suffering or ugly meanings. Such future scenarios are also the main culprit in depression, which is the prolonged (ever-present) negative emotions. Constant present physical pain or perceived threat of future pain can cause depression. In many cases, the constant threat is the world itself. For the depressed, the world, as well as the future, does not have enough pleasure and beautiful meanings to unfold. The depressed’s imagination fills the big gap of uncertainty with the future scenarios of pain and ugliness.
Sometimes depression roots in that desires grow much faster than the possibilities of fulfillment. The depressed feels exhausted, incapable, and hopeless to satisfy their endless desires.


Wise Madness

The three realms contradict each other, and madness is inevitable. If one thinks enough, he or she will discover the fundamental contradictions between the three realms. Most people ignor or suppress such contradictions because those contradictions can shatter their castles of thoughts and lead to meaninglessness. Many develop strong L1 or L3 lenses and distort L2 lenses in order to maintain a comfortable reality; however, the intelligent’ active conscious or unconscious mind will eventually unearth those contradictions. Many intelligent individuals fell into depression or choose escapism of addiction in order to numb themselves to evident contradictions of three realms.
Nezman discovers and faces the contradictions knowing that common sense cannot explain the incoherence between the laws and mathematics of three realms. When rationality fails, madness is necessary. Only a mad man can experience real happiness. However, such madness is the wisest kind of existence.
The more contradictions one can tolerate and the more creative one is in embracing contradictions, the more happy and successful one will be. I will highlight many instances of fundamental contradictions in the future.


The Magic of Compositions: The Feeler

The working of consciousness is still a mystery. The inner experience of consciousness is out of the reach of science. It is something that cannot be reduced to anything else. X is a metaphor that tries to provide you with control by introducing components of the machinery that creates your reality. X is an astrolabe that helps you navigate into uncharted territories of consciousness. Metaphors should be understood through abstraction (and not taken as their on the surface meanings). The feeler is the most unexplainable and mysterious component of the machinery of X. The algorithm of the feeler constantly assesses the W1 and W2 bodies in order to create the experience of the stream of realities.
Depending on the hardware (W1 body) and software (W2 body), it gives rise to the feeler's feelings in every moment. Any change in hardware composition creates corresponding change in the feelings, and every change in software brings about new realities and new feelings. This is the magic of compositions. The feeler is just a name for a miraculous entity that baffles common sense. W1 and W2 bodies give rise to the feeler, yet through some algorithms, the feeler feels and evaluate W1 and W2 bodies. The preferences of the feeler root in accumulated W1 and W2 bodies, and preferences evolve as new experiences incorporated. Hologram lens projects the output of the feeler as the reality that one experiences. Why does a vulture enjoy the smell and taste of a rotten carcass, while you find it revolting? Because vulture’s W1 body gives rise to a feeler that has such preferences. In humans, the feeler has a much more complex making. For instance, imagine a person who grew up eating dog meat as delicacies, then he moves to a new country, and keep a dog as a pet. If his preference about eating dog meat has changed (after having dogs as pet), it is because his W2 body has changed and gives rise to new feeler preferences (or mixed feelings about the topic).
The feeler is the soul of X machinery. The feeler is your essence. It is the outcome of your W1 and W2 bodies. The working of the feeler algorithm (and whether it is computational or mathematical) remains a mystery for Nezman. Nezman has a pragmatic approach toward the concept of the feeler. X and it’s components are concepts that Nezman uses in order to master reality.


Control Is Needed Inside and Outside of the Bubble

How you feel depends on both your W1 and W2 bodies. Your W1 body depends on W1 for survival. W1 events (internal and external) affect your W1 body. Your W2 body is partly dependent on the arrangement of W1 external compositions, yet W1 body is the most controllable. However, It is best that reality control to begin with W2 body control. Having a well-balanced W2 body requires accurate L2 (and knowledge about keeping your W1 body healthy is part of that). The second step is gaining W1 external control.
Nezman learns to control W2 body, take care of W1 body, and gain control over W1 external compositions in order to create the most beautiful W3 experiences for the self and others.

How to Control Your Reality Today Is the Most Important Piece of Knowledge for You.

No one knows the answers to the mysteries of life. No one knows whether god or gods exist (or who they are). No one knows what happens in the afterlife (and whether heaven or hell exists or not). We live an ocean of mysteries and uncertainties. The only solace is that we can control our reality in the midst of such an unknown territory. How to control your reality today is the most important piece of knowledge for you. No matter where you have been before birth or what happens in the afterlife, one can create one’s own heaven today.

Revenge Is for the Weak, for Nezman Only Damage Control Exists

What is revenge?
Revenge is the easiest way to repair your self-image. Through revenge, you impose some W1 compositions that seem fair. You rely on some W1 compositions to correct your W2 compositions, but in fact W2 compositions are detached from W1 compositions. You could  have corrected your W2 compositions without revenge (if you had control over your W2 compositions). You should stretch the bubble to create new lenses in order to weaken the old powerful and distorting lenses of past memories and indoctrination, instead of trying to correct old lenses. Revenge is caused by your inability to forget.
However, damage control is necessary. If your lack of action (and forgoing revenge) causes more future W1 damage, then you should act to eliminate the cause or threat, but revenge has no place in Nezman’s soul. Creating new beautiful experiences are much more than important that lingering in the past by trying to repair old W2 compositions. Nezam knows that time is much more valuable to be spent on revenge (while many projects of future beauty are waiting).


Contradiction: The Existence of Law and Order Roots in Desire for Lawlessness

The existence of law and order roots in the ruling class’s desire for lawlessness. The only way a group can systematically break the law is to create, maintain, and control the law. Throughout history, law and order was the invention of the strong (and the ruling class) in order to maintain their rule. Aggression and selfishness of the ruling class become organized and legitimate through bodies of laws. Every upheaval, turmoil, or chaos that threaten the status quo (the dominance of the ruling class) is considered illegal. This means that the ultimate goal of the rule of law is to guarantee that the ruling class can break those laws. Sometimes wealth frees the minority from the rule of law, and sometimes political power does such. In other words, the existence of law and order in society for majority (for general public) is a side benefit of ruling class’s desire for lawlessness (and exerting aggression).
Nezman is an optimist that one day the preferences of ruling class will be aligned with the majority, and law serves the majority and not the minority of rich or powerful.


Depression Is a Crisis in Imagination

Depression is the lack of imagination for future, or it is imagination of scenarios that have no hope of fulfillment. Depression is synonymous with hopelessness.
The depressed hates what future will unfold. The depressed is unable to create Le 4 or Le5 scenarios of future pleasure and beautiful meanings, or has created future scenarios that have no hope of fulfillment. The depressed’s potential for achieving the desired future (self-image) falls short of expectations.
Often the strongest wills are motivated by the hope of infinite pleasure and beauty. The depressed can only imagine infinite suffering. The possibility and hope of qualitative experiences of pleasure and beautiful meanings can destroy depression.