Will to preference manifests itself in different forms.
Will to preference:
Will to power:
Will to power manifests itself as a will to control external W1 events, people, own W1 body, and own W2 body. All in all, having power is a must because 3 out of 5 areas of control greatly depend on power. In the pursuit of power, W2 lenses are arranged in a way that gaining and exerting power seems preferable either as a value in itself or as a means that facilitates other preferred W1 or W2 compositions. The ultimate goal of will to power mostly resides in W1 realm.Will to preference:
Will to power, will to meaning, and will to pleasure, will to aggression, and so on all are different facets of will to preference. Preference is the deterministic inclination of the feeler. The preference of the feeler is an outcome of W1 and W2 bodies. Preferences change as W1 and W2 bodies change. This deterministic mechanism, depending on whether the focus is on W1 body or W2 body, takes different forms. Even those after pleasure or meaning still need power.
Will to power:
Nez explains that without power desires cannot be satisfied, whims and dreams cannot be realized, and a great II cannot be produced. Power is a means for entertaining the feeler. Some need much more power to control W1 events (and people’s W1 or W2 bodies), and some need less power because they can entertain themselves by controlling their W2 body.
Will to meaning:
Certain meanings are aesthetically more preferable than others for the feeler. A meaning is created by certain W1 and W2 compositions, and certain proportions are involved in creation of meaning. For instance, that a hungry child shares his donut with a friend may seem much more meaningful than that a billionaire donates millions to a charity.
The alignment of W1 or W2 compositions with the preferences of the feeler creates a long-lasting pleasure. Although creation of meanings may need to impose certain orders to W1 and W2 compositions, yet the meaning ultimately resides in the castle of thoughts in W2. Although will to meaning’s goal resides in W2, the ultimate goal of everything knowingly or unknowingly resides in W3.
Will to pleasure:
Will to pleasure may seem to differ from will to meaning (preferred W2 compositions), yet experiencing pleasure is a preferable state.
Will to pleasure is one pathway to preferred compositions, and every individual based on his or her W1 and W2 bodies chooses a pathway of his own preferences. For instance, a person may choose selfish animalistic pleasure over altruism and philanthropy. However, the animalistic approach rely heavily on W1 body (which has limited capacity) and fails to create a long-lasting entertainment for the feeler (and blind pursuit of own pleasure may create ugly meanings). For instance, sexual pleasure is one powerful source of this will, and addiction, obsession, and narrow-mindedness may follow. The ultimate goal of ill to pleasure resides in W3 realm.