This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


The Feeler’s Algorithm

When considering an individual, there are three interacting realms:
W1: Hardware level
W2: Software level
W3: Qualia level, the feeler’s algorithm (a mathematical algorithm that turn mathematical relationships without considering the value of contributing components into feelings)
W1 body (which is part of W1 as a whole) gives rise to W2 body (individual's thoughts, memories, and so on). Then individual W1 and W2 bodies give rise to W3 (which is the individual's qualitative experiences). All W1, W2, W3 compositions are interconnected with some mysterious and deterministic laws and mathematics. Sciences like physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and so on try to address the laws and mathematics of W1. Psychology tries to discover W2 and W3 laws and mathematics.
The most mysterious and magical phenomenon happens when W1 and W2 compositions give rise to creation of certain qualitative experiences in W3.
This means that W1 and W2 compositions give rise to different tastes and consequently different experiences (because of those tastes). The feeler's algorithm is the standard of evaluation that creates those tastes and complex preferences. The feeler's algorithm transforms quantitative W1 and W2 bodies to qualitative W3 experiences.
It is hard to exactly define feeler's algorithm.
A unique set of mathematics originates from your W1 body, as well as your W2 body, and evaluates every composition that it looks upon.
It is impossible to separate the content of W1 and W2 bodies from the feeler's algorithm. In other words, the standards of evaluations is formed partly of the composition is judges. The content of W1 and W2 bodies gives rise to the feeler's algorithm, and when the feeler's algorithm judges W2 content, both the feeler's algorithm and W2 content changes.
For instance, all fundamental memories of experiences of pleasure and pain in W2 through some unknown mathematics contribute to creation of the feeler's algorithm (its tastes and standards of aesthetics) and at the same time the same W2 compositions are judged by the feeler's algorithm. Again a creature judges the creator. This is a dynamic two-way interaction. When a new component is introduced to W2, the composition of W2 changes, and then the feeler's algorithm changes, and consequently the feeler judges the same W2 composition and try to change it toward a more preferable composition. This is dynamic interaction continues until it reaches an equilibrium. However, the feeler's algorithm cannot remain unchanged for long since the castle of thoughts (as a part of W2 body) is a ever-changing composition that every brick is interacting with other bricks. The castle of thoughts usually incorporate many contradictory ideas that can end its stability (they can make it chaotic like a boiling pot). The concept of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis applies to castle of thoughts. W2 as a whole is a composition of contradictory components, and as W2 body changes, the feeler's algorithm changes.
Eventually every preference that a conscious being has is an outcome of the feeler's algorithm (no matter he wants pleasure, pain, W1 control, or certain meanings). The magic of aesthetics lies in a mathematical evaluation of every composition with feeler's algorithm.
The feeler's algorithm and the feeler itself are the most mysterious.
Understanding X and the feeler's algorithm imply that even when a person pursues an external goal and want to make certain changes in W1 realm (such as building a beautiful mansion), it is still an internal goal. Success in achieving that external goal (in this example building that mansion) creates certain preferable feelings for the feeler. The content of W1 and W2 bodies of that person has made such an external goal a symbol of pleasure or meaning. That person attaches scenarios of pleasure and meaning to that external goal.
The feeler's algorithm is deterministic. It is an unknown mathematical algorithm that turns mathematical relationships into preferences and experiences without considering the value of contributing components. When this mathematical evaluator of composition wants to compute the feelings, it takes into account the basic blocks of negative and positive feelings (pleasure and pain). This means, for instance, a vulture may use the same computational mathematics, but its deļ¬nition of pain and pleasure (that root in its W1 hardware) are different than a human. For a vulture, a rotten flesh is beautiful because its W1 hardware find the smell and taste of rotten flesh preferable.

Most People Cannot Tolerate Themselves

Nezman has the most beautiful self-image. When you become beautiful. When you like your self-image, you can enjoy solitude.
For most people, loneliness is intolerable. It is the ugliness of their own self-image that makes loneliness so horrible for them.
Human is a social animal. Their self-image constructed organically through interaction with others. Every member of your society is a mirror that reflects a small portion of your image. Your self-image partly shaped by others. Solitary confinement gradually robs a prisoner from his or her self-image. Moreover, some people escape their own self-image by gazing at a beautiful character (idolizing and lionizing another person). They get lost in another person because they cannot tolerate themselves.
Nezman knows that self-image is a W2 construct, and it is an important part of W2 composition. Nezman knows that self-image affects the outcome of X. That's why the first step toward becoming a Nezman is to control your own self-image. External feedbacks will not define you anymore, only you decide who you are.

Why Do so Many Gods and Religious Experiences Exist?

Student: Why do so many gods and religious experiences exist?
Nez: What do you mean by god? The word god can refer to two things. First an unknown or even unknowable entity out there. You cannot say anything about unknowable entity. Second the image of that unknown entity formed inside your minds. This image and definition is a personal W2 construct. That's why, no two individuals have the same image of that unknown entity, and we have a variety of gods in different religions. Interpretation of the state of affairs in the world provides clues to god's attributes. Since there are a lot of ways to interpret the world, there are many contradicting attribute for gods. Such interpretations make you the creator of the image of God in your own mind. Those who construct a benevolent God in their W2 usually have higher hopes for a promising future than those who create a revengeful God.
Your beliefs (as part of your W2 composition) shape your reality. The religious experience is a constructed reality, and it can be comforting, pleasurable, and meaningful. There are myriad of ways to create religious and spiritual experiences. People practicing different religions experience different spiritual experiences. Some see their relationship to their god so real (and heaven so accessible) that allow themselves to kill other people in the name of their own god.
The major problem with such experiences is that when someone gets used to see the reality from just one narrow viewpoint, the person neglects the perspective of others. Such a person fails to understand the magical machine that creates such experiences (namely X). Such a person is blind to creative power of X in creating a spectrum of realities and experiences.
X is an ongoing miracle. X is the closest thing to unknowable god (if such a thing exists). Understanding X is the most import thing to know the essence of universe. After Nezman understands X, he or she will create his own version of the most beautiful god.

X Is an Astrolabe That Helps Nezman to Navigate Through the Vast Ocean of Mysteries

There was a time when religions could successfully burry the fundamental contradictions of life by the use of myths, faith (comfortable beliefs), and dreams of eternal pleasure and meaning. Later science debunked the myths of religions and weakened the religions’ grip on reality. The efficiency and success of science in answering how questions in W1 created the illusion that science can find answers for the fundamental questions of life. In fact, science may never be able to provide such answers. Science is most successful in helping us to understand the mathematical relationship in W1. Other Realms remain more unknown and mysterious, and they have different mathematics. Parts of these other realms cannot be said or thought; they should be felt. And this makes them even inaccessible to any scientific investigation for a foreseeable future.
Uncertainty and ambiguity in the 3 realms are overwhelming. X is an astrolabe that helps Nezman to navigate through the ocean of mysteries and uncertainties. X is Nez’ discovery through years of meditation. X is beyond science. When one talks about such a mysterious concepts, one cannot use anything other than metaphors to convey the gist of it. Even those metaphors can be dangerous if they are taken as their surface value. One should discard them when the meanings are conveyed. For instance, one understands a mathematical formula through the set of numbers. The numbers are examples that try to illustrate how the formula works. The numbers are not as important as the relationship between those numbers.

How Questions, Shallow Why Questions, and Deep Why Questions

Nez: Science deals mostly with the answer to how questions and shallow why questions. The answer to a shallow why questions creates the illusion of certainty. However, the real mystery lies in deep why questions. The answer to many deep whys remains irrelevant to science. Every how Question eventually leads to a why question, and every shallow what question leads to a deep why question. And the answer to deep why questions remain unknown. Therefore, we live an ocean of unknown and mystery. We prefer the illusions of certainty because the illusions give us comfort. We are surrounded with mysteries and miracles, but we are oblivious to them (like a fish that doesn’t know it is in water).
Only after one discovers the magnitude of those whys, he or she understands that how arbitrary the constructed reality is. W1 is unknown in core and full of mysteries. W2 is unknown (maybe unknowable) with inaccurate copy of W1. The gravity of unknown gives you a huge blank canvas to paint your own version of reality. You are standing in front of a white wall of unknown. No painter has ever had such a humongous white wall to paint his or her mural on. It is the time to break the limits of your imagination and creativity.

The God Construct

The concept of God is a challenge for the limits of your imagination. The idea of god is a W2 construction, and like any W2 construction, it gives rise to an experience and feeling. Religions introduce a great, complex, and beautiful god. However, because of the need for control and expediency, they create a god with contradictory characteristics.
Believing in such an infinite concept and thinking about it create a spiritual experience. Many religions count such an experience as a proof of their legitimacy.
But any sublime, magnificent, and infinite W2 concept can create an impressive W3 experience. That's why followers of different religions have the same adherence to their own God.
In fact, it is the magic of X in action. A beautiful and grand W2 composition gives rise to an awe-inspiring reality and experience.
The concept of god is your construct. You create your own God. You imagine a god with certain attributes, and then you feel this W2 composition. The more imaginative and creative you are, the greatest your God would be, and consequently, the greater your spiritual experience would be. The concept of god evolves throughout history. In the past centuries, many other constructs have become more powerful than the concept of god. For instance, having money and being extremely wealthy has stolen the limelight from the concept of god wherever capitalism rules. However, the concept of money dwarfed the concept of god without providing such transcendental spiritual experiences.


The Degree of Consciousness and Having Preference Determines the Value of a Living Organism

Nezman distinguishes two categories of phenomena. Fist, things that have preference without conscious experience. Second, things that have preference within conscious experience (such as animals). This is the most important dividing characteristic in the universe, and the degree and quality of this conscious preference creates the essential and intrinsic value of things and entities.

No Everyone can Tolerate Pitch-Darkness Before Reaching Light at the End of the Tunnel

How much darkness can you tolerate before reaching the light at the end of tunnel? Becoming a Nezman is not easy. You have to unlearn many of your fundamental beliefs first. You have to demolish your castle of thoughts and build a new one (brick by brick).
The process of deconstruction takes you deep into darkness, confusion, and depression. When have no beliefs, everything becomes meaningless. Erasing W2 composition from X equation creates a blank reality. When you suspend all your beliefs, W2 composition does not contribute much to create your reality. This path makes things worse for you in the short-term. It makes your reality unbearable for a while, but the minute you understand X, the heavy weight of this dark and ugly reality vanishes into thin air. As you build your castle of thoughts and gain control over your W2 composition, you come out from the other end of the tunnel, and you see things clearly. You become the creator of your own reality. You gain control over your own constructed reality.
As I mentioned before, becoming a Nezman is not a path for everyone. Your reality will become the darkest. Not everyone can tolerate that much darkness. Though the rewards (of joy and beauty) at the end of the tunnel are indescribable, it is not a path for everyone. Only few emerge as Nezman from the end of this tunnel. They are unstoppable. They are free and in control of their own reality. They have survived the pitch-black and fear nothing. They enjoy the magic and beauty of X. They know they are droplets of creativity in the magical ocean of X.

A Child Begins with W2 Mathematics but End Up with W1 Mathematics in Adulthood

Nez: As a child, you begin with the flexible W2 mathematics. You evaluate and measure the world inside-out. A child thinks that he or she has endless power, energy, and time. For a child 1=1000. As the child gets older and experience W1, he or she begins to understand the limitations that W1 imposes. Adult learns that one W1 mathematics exists. For a realistic adult 1=1.


Understanding X

Nez: You live in a unique reality at this moment. Only you have access to your experience of that reality at this moment. No one, other than you, can tell you what you are experiencing now because it is a unique experience created by your W1 and W2 compositions. I teach you X, and you gradually learn how your W1 and W2 compositions construct your reality. You gain control over your own reality. For those who are living in a concrete hell, I provide an ejection seat and parachute that help you turn off their reality. Understanding X melts down your solid reality. Your reality becomes malleable and flexible. You may even enjoy what you considered a nightmare. Why do people pay to go to a horror house in Disneyland? Because they know it is not real and they like excitement. Understanding X makes every experience exciting for you. You define the meaning of every event, and you alter your reality whenever it becomes intolerable. Understanding X is a lasting solution. It is not a temporary escapism provided by alcohol or drug use. Nezman gains control over his own reality. Nezman melts the reality and pour it into a new mold.

Nezman’s Religion

Who eats fast food? Those who are too poor or too busy to cook a delicious and nutrient homemade food. Organized religions are like fast food for masses. They have served their purpose for majority of population so far. They have brought harmony and comfort to many. They made masses homogeneous and controllable. However, Nezman creates his or her own personal religion and personal god.

Becoming Temporarily Depressed Is an Inevitable Part of the Journey

Depression is more prevalent among those who try to understand the whole picture of reality. Those who question their own realities inevitably will discover the contradictions of the three realms. These contradictions destroy their castle of thoughts. Becoming depressed is an inevitable part of the journey for those want to become the master of their own reality. The stream of reality like a rollercoaster provides you with the most euphoric and nightmarish experiences. Only when you experience the ups and downs of this rollercoaster, you may understand that all realities are constructions. Juxtaposition the experiences of your hell and your heaven reveals how flexible your stream of reality is. I call the mechanism of construction X. Understanding X frees you from any concrete reality.
Depression is a state of having no possible dream. For a depressed person, scenarios of future seem painful and meaningless. For the depressed, the hope for pleasure and meaning is dead. Imagination of a depressed person gets stock on limited scenarios. Lack of imagination also leads to depression.
Depression is caused by a solid reality created by wrong interpretive W2 lenses. New W2 composition (for instance, new W2 lenses) will create a new reality that incorporate hope of future pleasure and meaning. Causes that root in W1 internal composition such as chronic pain can make a person depressed. Understanding X and altering your W2 and W2 bodies will create new realities and depression will loosen its grip on you.

The Metaphor of Bubble

Nez: Are you familiar with the metaphor of bubble? You look at the outside world from your unique angel. Your body is part of W1 (which I call it W1 internal composition). Your W1 gives rise to your W2 composition (W2 body). You make a model of W1 inside your W2 composition. I call it your bubble. I do not want to call this bubble a familiar name such as soul, spirit, or psyche because it has its own meaning. When you meditate enough on the metaphor of bubble, you will have a rather clear understanding of it. Inside your bubble your universe is constructed. You can control your own constructions inside of the bubble.
All the input from W1 is registered on the inner surface of this semi-transparent bubble. Our common sense (which is the product of accumulated experiences) helps us to construct a seemingly accurate model of universe. We paint a model of the W1 on the inner surface of this bubble. If what one paints on the inner surface of the bubble is a good model of W1, one is a realistic person who can predict W1 events accurately. But many have painted a distorted image of W1 on the inner surface of their bubble. Some have painted something totally detached from the state of affair in W1 (we call them delusional or mad). What you paint on the inner surface of your bubble creates your own reality. By painting the inner surface of the bubble, you become the painter and the creator of your own version of reality. Every one of us is a creator knowingly or unknowingly. All the interpretation, all the associations, and all the attributions related to a topic create a lens on the surface of the bubble that alters your perception of that object. This interpretations apply to every object or event in the past, present, and future. For a Hindi, a cow has religious significance, but for an American it is just a source of food. Death had a different meaning for an ancient Egyptian compared to an atheist in 21 century. Everything inside the bubble is a construction. The concept of God also is a construct that evolves by different religions through eons. The bubble is the home to historical interpretations about variety of concepts that accumulated layer by layer on back of each other. Bubble is full of inaccurate paintings drawn many generation before. Paintings that distort the immediate perception of W1. Nevertheless the bubble is a second-hand painting of W1, but some bubbles are strangely distorted.
One major problem is that everyone starts painting the inner surface of the bubble from early childhood. Indoctrination in one’s childhood leaves permanent marks on the inner surface of the bubble and limits the creation of a flexible reality by a creative mind in adulthood. Dogmatism formed in childhood is a great obstacle to overcome. Only a person who is willing to interpret the world in new ways can reach the highest levels of freedom. Only one's childlike imagination can help one to replace the old painting with new paintings.


The Goal of Life Is Creation of Beauty

Nez: My god told me, "You are a part of me. I feel everything you feel; I see whatever you see; I feel all your joys and suffering. Can I be more fair? And you more free? Just entertain me and yourself. Just create beauty in W3. Create beauty for yourself and others. This is our goal."
You are free to find your own beauty. A beautiful composition has pain and suffering in it. You need the contrast between black and white in order to create a masterpiece. Could Mona Lisa be drawn by white ink on a white board? Without suffering the zeniths of beauty cannot be achieved. The meaning of a negative pole depends on the existence of positive pole.
As your W1 and W2 compositions change, your taste in beauty also changes. Imagine you grew up in a culture that dog meat was considered a delicious food, and you enjoyed eating ate it there. Years later you move to a country that dog is their favorite pet, and you adopt a puppy and love it for years. Would you feel the same if someone offers you a dog cuisine? As the definition of dogs changes in your mind, you feel differently toward dogs and dog cuisines.

The Hell Is Inside You, and Not Outside You

Individuals commit suicide to get rid of the unbearable nightmarish and rigid reality that they are living in. However, they fail to see that the ugly world is inside them. External world and external events are not ugly (they are indifferent and objective at best). They fail to see that the reality they are experiencing is just one version of reality created by interpretation of those unfavorable external events.
In fact, the reality that they are experiencing is a constructed malleable reality that be replaced with other realities. If they change their W2 bodies (through new beliefs system or new interpretative lenses), they will live in a different reality. The same is true about their W1 body compositions. You change W1 external or internal compositions and everything will change. For instance, you eliminate the source of W1 bodily pain, and life becomes much more tolerable.
Another example is that people use drugs and alcohol in order to temporarily escape an unbearable reality, but such remedies fail to provide a long-term solution. Nezman understands how the reality is constructed and controls it. Nezman identifies the sources pain whether it is in W1 external and internal compositions or it is the interpretative W2 lenses (and scenarios of pain and suffering in W2).


Stream of Consciousness, Stream of Reality

Nez: I have gazed long enough into my stream of consciousness.
Have you ever thought why people have coined the word stream of consciousness? It is because consciousness is not one thing in every moment. The quantities and qualities of the experiences change through time. The reality of one moment creates the experience and feelings of that moment. In other words, you experience every moment through the reality of the moment, and as the reality changes, your conscious experience changes. In a sense, the reality of every moment is inseparable from the experience of every moment, but the question is what creates the reality of every moment? This is the important area that I will explain in depth in the future. Two major compositions are magically fused to create your realty. First one is your W1 composition, W1 external and W1 internal (your biology). Second is your W2 composition (your belief system, your memories of past experiences, all interpretative W2 lenses, and your window of attention, and so on).
Why do people drink alcohol or use drugs? It is because alcohol and drugs alter their W1 internal compositions (biologic bodies). An altered W1 internal composition is fused with W2 composition and gives rise to a new reality. Many times people want to move to a more preferable reality or escape an intolerable one. A new reality means new conscious experiences. Any change in W2 body also can change your reality and your stream of consciousness. For instance, a false lab result indicating a diagnosis of cancer immediately brings scenarios of pain and suffering into a person's mind. The person's W2 composition (W2 body) is altered, and similarly the person's reality and conscious experience are altered. A he or she learns about falsity of the lab result, again the stream returns to normal.
In a way, reality is also a stream.

Uncertainty Is a Gift to Nezman

Student: Looking at thousands of religions and ideologies, I feel tired of uncertainty and confusion.
Nez: Uncertainty in this world is a gift. If uncertainty didn’t exist, Nezman could not have become the creator of his or her own version of reality. Uncertainty frees your imagination. It provides you with a blank slate for your painting. You inherit a world of unknown and make it your own. A large “white wall” is ready to be painted on with your unique interpretations of unknown. Without uncertainty, true freedom was not possible. If there is a god, uncertainty is the most valuable gift it could give us. Uncertainty empowers you to become the creator of your version of reality and your version of beauty. On the opposite, certainty makes you a slave. Why do religions and mass media create a certain version of reality? Why do they kill creativity or channel it? It is because they want to make you predictable and controllable. Looking at the gravity of unknown, suggesting any universal and certain interpretation of the world is ridiculous. Reality is a personal construction. Just look at morality in different cultures and different eons. How arbitrary does it seem?

Sharing Is an Expression of Love

Student: Why did you accept to teach me all these?
Nez: I share with you all these because I love you. My attitude toward the universe is love. My goals lie in W3. Having the most preferable qualitative experiences in W3 (whether you name it happiness, experience of beautiful meanings, or...) is the goal. Wanting such experiences for someone is called love. Love is an attitude. The definition of those experiences varies person to person, and no one has access to another person’s experience. Loving others often is in conflict with self-love. Self-love is that you want the most preferable qualitative experiences only for yourself. Eventually, one should find one’s balance between pursuit of one’s preference and others’ preferences.
Sharing is manifestation of love, while greed is the opposite of it. Greed is expression of hate toward others. Sharing is beautiful from any perspective. If death didn’t exist, sharing may not be as beautiful as it is now. Mortality makes greed meaningless. Sharing is a mathematical balance between your preferences and the preferences of others. Sharing roots in the belief in similarity and affinity. Our socioeconomic system is designed to perpetuate the priority of preferences of the wealthy over the preferences of the poor. The kings want to make sure their progeny remain kings. It is an expression of self-love that undermines the preferences of many. Even kings can share. Even kings can be generous.

A God Looking Back at Itself

Student: I feel alienated and worthless. The world seems like a strange place to me. Why do I exist? Why do I feel sad?
Nez: Miraculous laws of 3 realms have given rise to your conscious experience. You are the soul of matter looking back at itself (matter gives rise to consciousness. A conscious being looks at matter. In fact, matter looks back at itself). If there is a god, you are the god looking back at itself. You are made of the building blocks of the universe. Why do you feel alienated? You are one with everything. You are a child of the universe. Your raw material was built in a factory in a center of a star billions of years ago in some faraway galaxy. Those who think diamonds are valuable are idiots. They are ignorant to the fact that diamonds are abundant in universe, even on Earth, but life with your qualities is unique. You are unique in every sense of the word. Your life and your conscious experience is the most valuable and most complex thing the universe. Laws of nature treat you and a dog the same (because you have the same building blocks), but it is your unique arrangement of matter that makes you valuable, even irreplaceable. Your unique W1 composition gives rise to your W2 composition, and your W1 and W2 compositions create your conscious experience. The meanings and the feelings that you experience are the most valuable. They are the goal of existence. Finally, you are sad because you have no control over your W1 and W2 compositions. Your W2 compositions is full of interpretative lenses created by you parents, your society, and anyone who taught you anything. You are brainwashed beyond description. You have no control over the meanings and the feelings that are created in your W3.


Universe Has 3 Realms and 3 sets of Laws

- Every realm has its own set of universal laws and different sets of mathematics.
- W1 laws (the same unknown laws that we have been trying to discover for millions of years) seem to be deterministic and universal. Science is a rather new and successful method of inquiry.
- Science has had much more success in W1 than in W2 and W3.
- The entity that conducts the inquiry about these laws itself is a product of these laws. In other words, you are a product of the laws of 3 realms, and you are looking into your own making.
- Eventually science is trying to control W1 and W2 in order to fulfill the preferences of W3.
- Obviously the three realms are interacting.
- Your consciousness is a W3 experience, but it correlates with W1 and W2. W1 laws of matter and energy give rise to your conscious experience, but conscious experience is ontologically different. I suggest that realm of consciousness is corresponds to mater. This assertion does not degrade consciousness; it transcends matter and energy.
- Matter is mysterious, and a historical reductionism has devalued matter through millennia. E=mc2 reveals the tip of the iceberg in terms if matter’s mysteries.
- Matter is not of a lowly origin. Matter gives rise to the most magical entity in the universe, namely conscious experience. The unique arrangement of matter creates consciousness. That’s why anything that alters the arrangement of matter in body (specially brain) affects your consciousness. Your consciousness is just a manifestation of the potential of one aspect of matter. Never devalue matter because no one knows its inner qualities and its real potentials.

Conscious Experiences Precedes Existence

Things (including us) exist. Nobody knows why does he or she exist? Existence precedes experience, but, for a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. As conscious beings, we are thrown into existence and our conscious experience. We do our best to understand existence in order to move toward more preferable conscious experiences (some call that preferable preference happiness).
Existence seems like an insurmountable mystery. Is God a solution to explain existence? The concept of God only transfers mystery from existence to God. The concept of God is a W2 interpretation in order to explain existence. But still existence remains the ultimate mystery. For sure, the introduction of the gods of mass religions could not solve the mystery of existence. Is existence itself is God? Are the fundamental laws of nature are God?
We cannot discover everything about existence because we are part of it. We are inside the sphere of existence, and we have limited tools to discover what exists and what it means to not exist.
Existence seems like a chaotic ocean of mysteries, and, perhaps, it is unknowable.
For a conscious being, conscious experience precedes existence. Therefore, instead of focusing on existence, one should focus on what one wants the most (and why one wants them). Nez' teachings hypothesize about existence, but its focus is on how one feels inside the sphere of existence. It wants to control the controllable elements that contribute to construction of personal universe in order to achieve the highest qualitative experiences. The ultimate goals of Nez' teachings lie in W3, and W1 and W2 are two tools to that end.


The Man and His Inner Conflicts

Having preference is a part of existence. Having preference is one source of movement and change. Having preference is also the essence of life. I mentioned that preferences root in W1 compositions or W2compositions. However, there is a competition between W1 preferences and W2 preferences. The real question is what preferences should precede. There was a time when mankind was solely controlled by his own instincts, and those instincts ruled his preferences. In Darwinian sense, those random preferences that led to survival were passed to the offspring of the survivors through their genetic make-up. However, after thinking processes flourished by the invention of language, the preferences of W2 realm began to expand. The instincts pushed into the subconscious level, and the W2 preferences began to contradict W1 preferences through elaborate W2 justifications. This is the point that human beings become confused creatures with serious internal crisis. Their W1 preferences (including their instincts) clash with his W2 preferences (including their thoughts, beliefs, and meanings).


The Most Beautiful Thing in the Universe Is the Existence of Beauty Itself

The Big Bang gave rise to W1. W2 emerges from W1. W3 emerges from W1 and W2. The qualitative experience of beauty and pleasure is the most miraculous thing in the universe. W3 desires and preferences rule the world. Beauty is synonymous with extreme preferability. Beauty is also mysterious and magical. Why? Because beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Individuals have different tastes in recognition of beauty. A person's W3 desire emerges from one's W1 body composition (biological body) and one's W2 composition (one's thoughts, memories, interpretations, and so on). Even the taste of a person changes throughout his life as his W1 and W2 compositions change. However, the algorithm and mechanism that creates W3 tastes from W1 and W2 compositions is universal. This paragraph has unbelievable implications. If you change your W1 and W2 compositions, you can change your taste in beauty and you can change your own feelings. Nezman has the mastery over his own W1 and W2 compositions, and in turn, on his taste in beauty.

What Exists? The Three Realms.

Nez believes that three realms exist. He names the three realms W1, W2, and W3.
W1 is the external physical world (including the biological bodies). W1 is the most observed scientifically, yet it is mysterious and unknown in core.

W2 is the representations of the W1 inside our mind. It is the world of thoughts, memories, and any impression of the outside world. W2 is the realm that registers an inaccurate internal copy of W1. It is more like an image of an object. An image is not the object itself, yet it reflects some qualities of the object in certain light, certain time, and certain space. These images are constructed by the laws of W2. Although these images are inaccurate reductions of W1 entities, they seem eternal, unchanging, and perfect (because they are in another realm). For instance, mathematics exists in W2 realm.

W3 is the realm that qualitative experiences exist in it. W3 is the most mysterious. W3 is the soul of the soul. It is where all our desires, preferences, and feelings manifest themselves. W3 experiences are the most ephemeral and transient, yet they seem so deep and infinite as if they are eternal. Some individuals may exchange seconds or minutes of certain experiences for years or a lifetime.

Perhaps preferences are intrinsic to all three realms. W1 compositions have their own preferences. We know matter, energy, and any particle in the universe have certain external preferences (though the inner W3 qualitative experience of these preferences may or may not exist).  W2 compositions also give rise to their own preferences. Every composition has its own preferences, and life is a materialization of deeper and more complex W1, W2, and W3 preferences. It is the most amazing that as W1 and W2 compositions change, preferences change.

It is worth mentioning that although W1 gives rise to W2, and W1 and W2 gives rise to W3, this cannot mean that the three realms are ontologically identical. However, the more complex W1 is, the more complex W2 can be. Moreover, the more complex W1 and W2 are, the more complex W3 can be.

W1 is the material realm including your body. W2 is the realm of thoughts and imagination. W3 is the realm of emotions, feelings and inner experiences. Your biological body gives rise to your ideas and thoughts. Your biological body and your mind (together) create your feelings and inner experiences.

Becoming The Master of Your Own Universe

This is not an ordinary blog. This is a path to enlightenment. My attitude toward you is love and respect. Be patient with me. Learn and think with me. Criticize me. What I am sharing with you is invaluable. It is the manual of human soul. It gives you mastery over your own personal universe. To gain control over your own universe, you may need to deconstruct and then reconstruct your belief systems. Not many can tolerate the darkness of meaninglessness when they deconstruct their belief systems. Not many have the strength to emerge from the other end of this dark tunnel. It is more like a robot that becomes self-aware of its own software and hardware. Nevertheless, rewriting the software and controlling hardware in order to master own emotions and own universe is comparable, in terms of difficulty, to brain surgery on the self. Man is the most complex and mysterious phenomenon in the known universe. Not everyone has the needed time, willingness, and intelligence to perform such thorough self-examination and achieve such lofty self-awareness. Becoming a Nezman is the most difficult path. Nez was my teacher, and I do my best to introduce the concept of Nezman to you.