This is the beginning of an amazing journey. I want to give you the most valuable gift. I want to give you freedom from your old reality and from the self. I help you to become a Nezman. Nezman is the king of his or her universe. Nezman has no fear, regret, or shame. He or she is full of love for self and others.
This blog belongs to those who want to question everything and rebuild their belief systems brick by brick on the most reliable foundations. Those who want to understand how their personal reality (their personal universe) is constructed. Nez was my teacher. I share with you his ideas through a blog format. My attitude toward you is pure love the same way that Nez' attitude was toward me. This is a zero-sum game though. Only those who make it to the peak of this mountain will benefit from the blog's teachings. If you do not have time, focus, and hunger for it, do not step in this path. You will need open-mindedness, perseverance, focus, and intelligence to reach there and become the master of your own reality. It is not a part-time job, and not many would be able to reach there. To benefit the most, readers need to familiarize themselves with the definitions of certain words that are used in this blog (in definition section).


Will to Preference and Its Different Manifestations

There is no contradiction between will to power, will to meaning, and will to pleasure, and so on. All are manifestations of will to preference. Will to power is required to make will to pleasure and will to meaning possible. Feeler wants to get pleasure (through W1 body) or get meaning (through W2 body); therefore, it needs W1 power to provide W1 pleasure, rearrange W2 bodies, or control W1 events toward its desired W1 and W2 compositions.

The feeler has preferences. The feeler wants higher qualitative experiences depending on the composition of W1 and W2 bodies. It prefers certain W1 and W2 compositions over others. It wants power if regards power as a means to fulfill its preferences. It wants carnal pleasure because it is a preferable experience. It wants artistic beauty because by looking at it feels good. It creates certain meanings because by being associated with those meanings, it feels better. It wants survival as long as it has hopes for future preferable experiences (according to W1 and W2 bodies that at that moment give rise to his preferences).

Metaphor of Floating Foundations

Ocean beneath:
W1 reality is like a raging sea, a chaotic and unknown reality.
Foundation L2:
L2 is where our sensations and direct observations with the help of common sense gives birth to science. It creates an incomplete, evolving, and ever-changing model of W1 reality. Even L2 is floating on the ocean of unknown.
First And Second Floor L1 and L3:
L1 is where we fill out the incomplete W1 model with our hypotheses and guessworks (metaphysical beliefs). L3 is where our W1 hardware, memory of past emotions, and ... construct over L2 (instincts, and preferences).
In a healthy construction (that serves the feeler the best), L2 is the most robust, and then L1 and L3 are built on top of the foundation of L2.
Any construction is an interpretation of the ocean of unknown. Understanding this is frightening for any sane person. When even L2 is an approximate and incomplete description of W1, it's obvious that how much of L1 and L3 are made of illusions. Nezman understands the gravity of unknown. He constructs a well-balanced castle of thoughts on firm L2 foundations and well-proportionate L1 and L3 layers.


L2 Lenses Compared to L1 and L3 Lenses

  • Greed is a L3 lens (or sometimes L1). L3 can create desires that seem infinite and overpowering; however, the W1 body does not have such a capacity to satiate infinite desires. For instance, sexual desires mostly affect L3 lenses. Sexual desires in L3 are insatiable, while L2 suggests that body’s ability and libido is limited.
  • L2 builds a rather accurate model of W1, but L1 and L3 could be completely detached from W1 reality (and time and space). L1 and L3 have no sense of time. When it wants, it wants now and wants all. Infinite wanting in a world that W1 external world and W1 personal body have limitations is just an illusion.
  • L2 laws, as well as W1 events, seem inexplicable. For instance, luck is inexplicable concept. However, L1 and L3 have many laws, values, ethics, super-ego, and so on that are justified based on one’s preferences.
  • L2 measures, analyzes, interprets, hypothesizes, records state of affairs in W1 through the use of common sense. For instance, L2 can have a scientific methodology.  However, L3 is tinted with emotions rooted in the past experiences or W1 body instinctual input. L3 is so personal that can be construed as an illusion. There is no place for emotions in L2, but both negative and positive emotions belong to L3. Death is irrelevant and unknown (and not frightening) in L2, but the concept of death can be frightening in L3 (or sought after in L1, such as martyrdom for a religious cause).
  • In most people, L1 and L3 lenses are much more powerful than L2. That’s why superstition, illusions,  selfishness, greed, and lust are so commonplace. Man is much more animal than he thinks.
  • There is no judgement in L2 (because morality is L1 and L3 lenses). For instance, many L1 and L3 lenses (such as super-ego) may judge you and create the feelings of shame and guilt. The feeler’s tastes (and preferences) and prior W3 experiences have the highest influence on L3, and the least on L2.


Metaphor of Bubble: The Window of Attention

The inner surface of the bubble is a vast screen to entertain the feeler. The window of attention is a limited area that feeler is watching in every moment. Different W2 lenses (input from inside bubble) and different W1 events (input from outside bubble) are registered in different areas of bubble’s surface.
The overarching complex feeling of feeler in any moment comes from the window of attention of the feeler and the composition that it evaluates. Every composition is composed of smaller compositions.
The feeler may evaluate the components of a composition differently from the whole. Amazingly, the value of the whole composition is not absolute, and it greatly depends on how pleasure and pain are assigned to elementary experiences and what W2 mathematics is used to create larger compositions out of those elementary experiences (data and mathematics).
Since every conscious being has unique W1 body composition and W2 body composition, whose data and mathematics are unique (perspectivism exists in defining good and bad, as well as beauty and ugliness).

Metaphor of Bubble: The Movie Directed Inside the Bubble

Your bubble is your personal universe. Inside the bubble, knowingly or unknowingly,  you are the director, the screen play writer, leading actor, the sidekick, and extras. A movie is being directed on the inner surface of your bubble, and the feeler is experiencing it.
What you project on the inner surface of your semi-transparent bubble is combined with the reflections that are penetrating from outside W1 events. In other words, the final product is a mixture of the input from outside bubble and magical projections of lenses inside the bubble. For instance, you are standing on a layer of ice in a frozen lake. You register W1 input of where you are. If you think the ice is thin and no one is around to help you (in case you ice broke and you fell in freezing water) then you will experience fear. However, if you think the ice is thick and soon you will exhibit your mastery of figure skating in front an audience, you will experience joy. In both cases, W1 input is the same, but different W2 lenses project different scenarios about future on the inner surface of the bubble.
As one may notice, what comes from outside bubble (W1 input) is rather unchangeable, but what comes from lenses inside bubble (from W2 lenses) is malleable. If one has accurate L2, his screen plays and his actor roles conforms more to W1 events. Such a person will be more successful in using W1 laws or events in his own favor.
The input of W2 lenses (especially L1 and L3 lenses) can create meaningful and beautiful scenarios of future in the movie (even without having any support from W1 input). Watching the movie of fulfilling desires in future can create as much pleasure as fulfilling them at the present moment. In other words, even image of pleasure creates pleasure. Many religions promise future scenarios of meaning and pleasure by creating L1 lenses that transform W1 input. They may interpret suffering at the present moment as a path to future pleasure and beauty. Discovering such a power is frightening for many. The fact that a person can be the creator of his or her movie despite W1 events in outside world is the most frightening for many and most promising for some. Understanding X will help you to gain control over your screen play, actors’ characterization, and many other aspects of your own movie on the inner surface of the bubble.


Nezman’s Unique Pragmatism Is Riding on the Back of Science

Overwhelming levels of uncertainty and the gravity of unknown lead Nezman to a kind of pragmatism. While, for Nezman, L2 (including science) is non-negotiable,  he or she adopts L1 and L3 beliefs that serves the feeler the highest extent. On top of an accurate and updated L2 foundations, Nezman constructs a castle of thoughts that creates the most pleasurable, meaningful, and beautiful qualitative experiences.

Hierarchy of Three Realms

The meaning of life changes, as one’s interpretations about the priority of three realms changes.
If W1 realm is considered as primary, then W2 and W3 realms are just some secondary accidents and attributes of W1. If W3 considered is the ultimate goal, W1 ad W2 realms are just a bridge to W3 realm and it’s qualitative experiences. The interpretations of the three realms greatly affect how one assigns value to everything.
For Nezman W3 experiences are the most important. Nezman believes that W2 thinking is a tool for maximum W3 experiences. In other words, one thinks because thinking is a tool that allows the person to fulfill one’s preferences and desires. Survival is not the goal, but maximum fulfillment of one’s preferences is the ultimate goal.

Living Beings Are Crystallized Desires

Life is a amalgamation W1, W2, and W3 compositions emerging from W1 ocean. Life is manifestation of a desire that emerges from the heart of the stormy W1 ocean and dissolves back into it again. Living beings are crystallized desires.

Machiavellian Characteristics of Life

Life’s Machiavellian characteristics pay off when it comes to achieving preferences and survival. Living beings have evolved to possess vices such as deception, mimicry, camouflage, and so on. Conscience, empathy, and morality emerged very recently after development of strong human W2 lenses (when L1 or L3 lenses of beautiful meanings won against L3 lenses that root in W1 body such as instincts).

Lucky Homo Sapiens

Life is the outcome of evolution plus many random events. Many meaningless and random environmental and geological events have shaped life in the course of evolution. The history of the Earth reveals how natural events affected climate and, in turn, the path of evolution. Some random events, which can be called luck in this context, have shaped life forms including Homo Sapiens.

Preference Precedes Survival

Nez: Preference precedes survival.
Survival is not the ultimate goal. Maximum fulfillment of our preferences in the given time is the ultimate goal. Only those lucky species that rewarded survival with pleasure survived (and passed their genes). Pleasure is a means for achieving preferences.
Nezman controls and budgets pleasure toward achieving his or her preferences.


Metaphor of Bubble: Adjustment of Transparency of the Bubble

The real problem of the world today is that the ruling class are so focused on their pleasure that they fail to see the possibility of creating beautiful and meaningful W1 and W2 compositions inside and outside their bubbles. They do not bring into account the feelings of other sentient beings and judgement centers because they cannot see them. Their bubbles have become opaque from the explosion of light. Usually, the inner surface of the bubble should be semi-transparent (to the extent that other judgement centers outside can be partly seen) and semi-reflective (in a way that self-image can be seen). In a bubble that is exploding with light nothing can be seen on the inner surface. It temporarily erases all scenarios of past, present, and future from the inner surface of bubble.
The blindness of pleasure can be extremely costly. It will reduce their focus on L2 on the inner surface; it also reduces their focus on other judgement centers. Addictive pleasures blinds people to suffering of others (because they get drown in themselves). Not being able to see other judgement centers whose sizes are defined by W2 mathematics, they can inflict pain to others.

However, when this blindness goes away even for a moment, they see the abyss inside others' bubbles and become self-destructive. Perceiving the ugliness of pain they have inflicted on others will haunt them.

That’s why adjustment of transparency of the bubble is very important for having empathy. Opposingly, If the bubble is filled with beautiful meaning instead of excessive addictive pleasure, the blindness will not occur, and the opacity of the bubble will not reduce. Other judgement centers can be brought into account because they are seen. However, the root cause of the problem of empathy is in the mathematics of evaluation of other judgement centers.
Nezman believes that this a historical destiny that the feeling of all sentient beings will be taken into account with a right mathematics.

Metaphor of the Self-Aware Robot

 This metaphor compares the complex evolutionary and biological machineries of body, mind, and consciousness with the hardware, software, and hypothetically qualitative inner experiences of a robot.
This robot begins to wonder who he is and why he feels the way he feels. He asks many questions.
Who or what am I? Why am I the way I am? Why do my body, my thoughts, my beliefs, and my emotions change? Why do I want the things that I want? What do I  have certain desires and preferences? What should I do? What is moral? What is good? Where am I? Who is my creator? And many other questions...
This hypothetical robot asks questions about 3 main topics of his own hardware, his own software, and his own feelings and qualitative experiences. To answer these questions he needs to understand all that exists out there in W1 (including his own W1 body), the working of W2, and the way W3 experience is created. This robot also faces other difficult questions.
How do fundamental laws of physics determine what I am now?
How did random events throughout evolution shape my ancestors to make me what I am today?
How do the thoughts of people who lived before me (and my culture) affect my software?
How much do indoctrination of parents and friends make me what I am today?
How much did I contribute to what I am today?
In the path of answering these questions the robot discovers how little control he has over how he feels today. He discovers that some deterministic processes have governed his hardware and software so far. In fact, he learns that he has inherited a unique hardware and software that inevitably give rise to the reality he lives in. However, the robot also realizes that if he gain control over his own software (and partly over his own hardware), he can control his own feelings and constructs.
Such an awareness leads him to recreate itself. He become a creature who wants to become the creator of the self and his own personal universe. He wants to break away from being a slave of his hardware and software and become the master and creator of his own personal constructs. Instead of being the slave of its original or acquired software, it rewrites its own codes. However, this self-discovery requires a lot of education, introspection, meditation, and imagination.


Contradictions Are Inevitable

Contradictions and Value dualism are inevitable:
Even robots with perfect hardwares and softwares crash. An organic conscious living being with complex W1 and W2 bodies is doomed to experience contradictions. Contradictions seem inevitable and even natural; therefore, one should find ways to minimize the damage caused by them.
Desires and preferences are sacred and perfect. They bloom like flowers from the W1 and W2 bodies. As W1 and W2 bodies change, desires change. For instance, a boy wishes to have a bicycle similar to his neighbor, but when he become an adult, he wishes to have a luxurious car.
One major contradiction is created  when W1 and W2 compositions change but the memory of past desires and preferences still exists in one’s memory. In fact, a stream of desires is recorded and constantly contradictions are emerging. Some people have inappropriate, ridiculous, or meaningless desires at old age. They are still under influence of desires created by outdated W2 lenses.
There are many instances of contradictions that will be addressed in detail.

Distribution of Luck

Luck exists no matter how incomprehensible and unpredictable is for us. Luck is everything in this world.
Luck has determined who we are in many different instances throughout our evolution. For instance, the extinction of dinosaurs by a meteorite (or volcanos) was bad luck for dinosaurs and sheer good luck for mammals. Certain complex physical, biological, and environmental factors have shaped us the way we are (and still do).
We try to control adverse effects of luck by insurance, but our civilization still suffers from disparity in distribution of luck among members of community. We prefer that everyone get a minimum share of luck, but our socioeconomic is system far from providing a more fair distribution of luck.
Any attempt toward a more homogenous distribution of luck would fail as long as some groups regard themselves as the superior race, some families regard themselves as blue bloods, and the smart consider themselves a different species.
Nezman believes in W1 Luck, yet he tries to change W1 toward the most beautiful and meaningful qualitative experiences for everyone.


Shaky Ground of Principle of Uniformity of Nature

We should understand that one day we opened our eyes and realized that certain physical laws and principles rule the universe; however, there is no guarantee that the universe will continue to conform our discoveries in the future. The same way we discovered that such laws exist, we can find out that those laws are not working anymore, or they are applicable to more limited domains or spans of time. We have shaped our pictures of the universe based on the shaky ground of the principle of uniformity of nature (which is just an assumption).

W1, W2, and W3 in a Nutshell

Three kinds of things exist. W1 is what is out there (from which our W1 body also made up). W1 includes physical and natural world with its laws.  W2 is the images, impressions, models, ideas, memories, and imaginations of W1 world. W2 is divided to 3 layers of L1, L2, and L3. W3 is the qualitative inner experiences, feelings, and moods. W1 and W2 bodies give rise to W3. The whole W1, W2, and W3 can be called W0.

W1 Revisited

W1 is a realm that is unknown (perhaps unknowable in core). W1 is the thing in itself. We can only register, observe, measure the impressions of the thing in itself to the extent that our evolutionary hardware and software allows us to. This means we only can know about W1 as much as our senses and faculty allows us to register. W1 is the beginning point, and W2 and W3 emerge out of it. With the help of our senses and intellect, we observe and register what and how things exist. Through a fundamental reductionism, we record the W1 state of affairs in our W2 (mostly in L2).
W1 realm comprises W1 external (including physical world) and W1 body (a biological body). For the highest qualitative W3 experience, one needs a controlled preferable external W1 plus a healthy W1 body.
W1 (including physical world) is mysterious and unknown (perhaps unknowable in core). When we dig deep into matter and energy, we reach to 4 fundamental forces of physics. We reach to a point that we understand the relationship and mathematics of those fundamental forces that seemingly deterministically give rise to matter as we know it. Matter and energy are familiar names and approximately describable by mathematics, yet unknown in core.
Everything is moving and changing in W1. Parts of every composition are constantly moving and changing in time and space. No event exactly repeats in W1. There are no two identical compositions in W1. Even one composition is not the same one nano second later (it has moved in time and space in relation to other beings).


A Revolt Against Tradition, Against Nature, and Against God

The nature, laws, and mathematics of W1 lead to scarcity. Concrete laws of W1 impose serious limitations. Not every one can be a W1 king (most people are servants and slaves, and not kings). Historically, scarcity makes kings the most greedy, and W1 games mostly become winner-takes-it-all. In reality, W1-based socioeconomic systems are far from perfect. Relying on W1 compositions as the source of our pleasure and meaning leads to limitations, scarcities, and conflict of interests in W1. Scarcity in W1 creates kings and servants. We need a socioeconomic formula that focuses on W3 and serves the feeler. Such a lofty dream requires a cultural overhaul that changes W2 of masses and values their W3 experiences much more than W1 control. Fighting scarcity requires a revolt against tradition, against nature, and against god.
W3 is outcome of W1and W2 bodies. Less of W1 and more of W2 can create the optimum W3 that makes up for scarcities in W1. More equality in W1 and more elaboration in W2 can create much greater W3 experiences for masses. For instance, a socioeconomic system may let members experience a roller coaster of social rank (even a role-play) to provide them with novelty and excitement.


Metaphors That Cure Depression

We are surrounded by mysteries. First we are thrown inside our existence, and then we begin to understand ourselves. We live in an unknown and mysterious universe while experiencing our mysterious consciousness. Our experiences, our feelings, our thoughts, our desires, and many other thing about us are of unknown origins. We don’t know how and why we think and feel as such. Even our concept of self is created through our childhood and adulthood life experiences (or indoctrination by society or family). The problem is that in order to really understand ourselves, we need to know everything about the universe.
Depression is a complex spectrum of experiences, and we cannot deal with it unless we have a vague understanding of what we are, and what the world is. It seems that W1 (including physical world) is interconnected with human psyche (W2 and W3).
Nez tries to shed light on mysteries by introducing the concept of machinery of X through some metaphors. The use of metaphors is the only way to describe such an indescribable thing.
Nez’ metaphors works like an astrolabe in such darkness. Nez lays such a timeless practical foundations to master your realities that would remain relevant no matter how much our L2 model of universe and human psyche improves by progress of science.

3 Layers: Understanding the Concept of a Malleable Reality Seems so Difficult and Even Frightening.

The concept of a personal malleable reality seems frightening to most novice learners to the extent that some would deny it at first. This concept destroys the reliability and solidity of the realities they lived in. It questions their previous experiences. When a learner understands that the reality he is experiencing (or has experienced before) is just one version of reality, he would ask which one is more real?
But understanding the machinery of X would make such a question irrelevant. Perhaps, all constructs are illusions because they are just a model approximating the state of affairs in W1. Use of the word “illusions” is also misleading because all constructs are the same in nature because all constructs are the product of a unique W1 body and a unique W2 body (with  different L1, L2, and L3 contents), and their differences are in how accurate they describe W1 state of affairs and how much they fulfill the preferences of the feeler (how much preferable qualitative experiences provide for the feeler). Nezman calls these realities personal constructs, instead of illusions, because they are as real as they could be for the person who is experiencing them.
Understanding the fact that reality is a construct would force a person to know everything anew, and everything begins with an accurate L2. He needs to re-evaluate content of his W2 and to distinguish between facts and values (positive and normative content). He needs to become aware of his own desires (and tastes in beauty and ugliness), as well as his own emotions (love and hatred, fears, and so on). He should become aware of his own mechanisms of escapism, addictions, and his own L1 and L3 lenses that make his reality more comfortable, preferable, or less desirable.
All in all, accepting the malleability of the reality would destroy a person’s castle of thoughts. He should deconstruct and then reconstruct his own castle of thought which is the most difficult task in the universe.


5 Steps of Becoming a Nezman

On the path of becoming a Nezman, one walks through different phases.
1- Anxiety (experiencing contradictions):
Discovering the fundamental contradictions in 3 realms creates anxiety. Not everyone can see these contradictions because the person needs to have an active unconscious mind to see the cracks in reality. For instance, as a person ages, a person experiences new things and his desires grow, but the biological capacity to enjoy diminishes. One realizes that nothing is enough. Another example is death. For many, the concept of death and mortality can make many efforts meaningless.

2- Sickness (meaninglessness): 
As these contradictions add up, they leads to meaninglessness, nihilism, and depression. The person feels the urge to look for a solution.

3- Search (opening the Pandora Box of why questions): 
As inquiry begins, the situation worsens. The castle of thoughts is destroyed, and the person enters into the darkest tunnel. The person question everything, and a period of confusion begins.

4- Plunge (walking into fire):
While many do not dare to step to this pitch black tunnel, some diligently take Herculean steps into this tunnel in hope of discovering the light of X at the end of the tunnel. Here the person educated himself or herself. L2 layer is updated, and eventually X is discovered.

5- Emergence (freedom): 
The person discovers X, and learns to become the master of own reality. Nezman Emerges from the end of the tunnel much wiser, happier, and freer.

W1, W2, W3 Mathematics

Dictionary defines Mathematics as "the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. Mathematics can be considered a language that expresses relationships".
Mathematics is a W2 tool to construct a model (or blueprint) of relationships in W1 reality. By the use of mathematics we construct a model of reality that is approximation and needs to be updated as new observations provide more accurate models.
This W2 map of relationships is not perfect, and mathematics describes W1 with approximation.
Mathematics makes a model that describes the relations between quantities; however, there are no known mathematics to describe relations between the quality of W2 and W3 compositions. How can one measure subjective experiences of pleasure and pain? How can one value the experience of seeing a beautiful painting or listening to a beautiful piece of music? Our society has invented money as a tool for exchange and measurement, yet our socioeconomic system ignores people’s subjective experiences. The real problem is that the mathematics in W2 seems arbitrary, but based on what W2 and W3 mathematics that we choose, different experiences are created for individuals and masses.

What is Real?

What is real? What criteria determines that something is real? Does permanency determine degrees of being real?
Understanding X provides you with important criteria to define being real, as well as reality itself. X doctrine will teach you that reality is malleable and constructed by a unique machinery. You will learn that every duo of W1 and W2 bodies is unique and gives rise to a unique reality which itself evolves as the W1 and W2 bodies change. Nez teaches you that the differences in such constructed realities are in how much they are in line with W1 state of affairs and how much they fulfill the preferences of the feeler. On the one hand, W1 has its laws (that seem concrete and universal); on the other hand, the feeler has its preference. The machinery of X creates constructs that try to reconcile the two ends.

War of Preferences in 5 Fields

The war of preferences and wills in 5 fields:
Where entities with strong preferences exist, the war of wills is inevitable. Knowing it or not, you are a gladiator in the Colosseum of life struggling for your preferences. This war is the most real thing in the universe. This war of preference is everywhere, it starts at the level of the elementary particles of physics (that have different and opposing preferences) and continues to all higher levels of atom, molecule, macro molecules, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, and biosphere.
In the midst of this war there is no place for fear, hesitation, and escapism.
1- War to control events in W1 (such as scientific and technological wars)
2- War to control others' W1 behavior
3- War to control others' W2 mind in order to control others' behavior. The more intelligent and imaginative constructs and imposes a reality to the masses and engineers their consent (cheat them out of their real preferences or only satisfy their preferences in a way that serves his own preferences).
4- War to maintain safe and healthy W1 body
5- War to control own's W2 mind (fighting the self)
The purpose of these fields of war is gaining control to achieve feeler’s ends (later when I explain the importance of control, I explore these fields once more).